Sunday, October 15, 2023

No straight forward solution

 The Terror Group that resides in the GAZA Strip is known as Hamas. These terrorists attacked Israel about a week ago - Killing over 1000 people, women, Children, etc,,, bombing the country in the Mean time,,, they took hostages - some of which have been executed on live internet feeds,,, or the Hostages cell phone shave been used to contact their families to watch those killings...  

Make no mistake - Hamas exists to kill Jews (and Christians) they don't care if it is women and children. 

Israel has responded with a bombing  assault into Gaza that has killed thousands of Palestinians.. and some of the Hamas Terrorists.  and they are preparing what seems to be a Full out Ground assault into the Gaza Strip - that will only escalate the killing and things will get much worse with more loss of life. 

A bit of history -- Israel pushed the Palestinians into the GAZA strip  and out of Israel  - and while you or I  (even though we have no connection to that country) could say we want to be Israel citizens and could immigrate there with out issue- The Palestinians cannot go to Israel. Israel controls 100% of the lives of the Palestinians, and they live in one of the most crowed places on earth - about 2 million people live in 88 sq miles - 21,00 per sq mile....

The Palestinians are not without a history of Terror and violence- from Yasser Arafat - leader of the PLO - Palestine liberation organization carried out Hijackings and violent acts. to Black September that Took Israel Athletes  hostage at the 1972 Munich Olympic games - where most the Black September group was killed along with the 11 Athletes.......   and today Hamas itself hides with in the Urban areas in Gaza using the Palestinians as human shields.. 

There is no simple solution here - Israel cannot have Hamas living right at their doorstep with the ability to attack and kill Jews inside Israel. So Israel must be able to defend itself.  The Palestinians - most of the them - are not Hamas are not terrorists- but they are suffering under this attack by Israel - and will continue to be killed and a huge humanitarian crisis will occur if and when the Israels start a ground was with Hamas. Iran has - at least that  has been reported - they will get involved IF the Israels invade Gaza - it is highly likely that Iran was partly behind the planning of the attack last week and supplied Hamas with intelligence and weapons to carry out that attack. The US - along with Germany, France and others - have sent and continue to send support to Israel in the form of war ships into the   Mediterranean sea. 

This escalation is not without concern for Americans, and all the world - with many factions coming in too close proximity that we need to use care to not ignite a near World War...

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