Sunday, October 29, 2023

Project 2025

In November of 2024 we will have a choice - a vote in the Presidential election.

a Vote for a Republican - a Far right conservative - a Vote for Trump ....  and you wont need to vote in another election in your life time - the constitution will be dismantled, and the power of the Government will be consolidated under the Executive branch. Good bye - to the United States of America - over and OUT ! 

 Don't know what that is . ???  Better wake the F up....  IF - and I don't think it happen - IF Humpty Trumpy is reelected POTUS this is the agenda - the far right Conservatives will put forth.

2025 does  few things,,,,

Project 2025 seeks to place the entire Executive Branch of the U.S. federal government under direct presidential control, eliminating the independence of the Department of Justice, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Trade Commission and other agencies.

It will install heads to Federal agencies based on poliitcal affiliation and have no regard for personal qualifications. 

Say "so long" to religious freedom - it seeks to establish one religion - Christianity - as the Religion of the USA.  The words directly from Project 2025 reads “When the Founders spoke of “pursuit of Happiness,” what they meant might be understood today as in essence “pursuit of Blessedness.” That is, an individual must be free to live as his Creator ordained…”  Forget about the 1st Amendment that says - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.’ 

the Project labels LGBTQ community as pornographic in it's existence - so that memebrs of that community can be jailed for being alive. And that any art - can be described as Porn - aka - Michaelangelos's David ....  and the displayer charged under that "new" law... 

It plans to revamp the veterans administration - changing disability ratings for future claimants to save money, transitioning essential healthcare for veterans to private, for-profit corporations, and removing the VA’s leadership, replacing them with political appointees to serve an agenda. 

Another point of it's agenda is to have the   government to stop regulating nuclear power, toxic waste, workplace safety, food safety, pharmaceuticals, air pollution, child labor laws, or any essential activities keeping people safe. And dismantle clean water, air, and energy safeguards. Chapter 18 seeks to limit workplace protections enforced by the Department of Labor. 

another is to vastly limit immigration from what they determine as "objectionable" countries - and you can read that as a BAN on immigration - like wha the Dump administration tried to do to Muslim countries and was declared unconstitutional . 

Don't believe this ???  GO Google it for your self. Read their agenda - they make no secret of what they will do.....  I will restate - we have a Presidential election in approx one year.  You will have a vote in that election that will mean something ... if we - as the citizens of this country make the WRONG choice and reelect Donald Trump , You won't need to vote in another election in your lifetime ... You may not like the Democratic choice.  But for 2024 - there is only one choice and that is to NOT Re- elect TRUMP. 

Liz Cheney warns us.....

“He cannot be the next president because if he is, all of the things he attempted to do but was stopped from doing by responsible people around him — at the Department of Justiceat the White House counsel’s office — all of those things he will do. There will be no guardrails,” 

So we are facing a moment in American politics where we have to set aside partisanship, and we have to make sure that people who believe in the constitution are willing to come together to prevent him from ever again setting foot anywhere near the Oval Office

Trump is the single most dangerous threat to our democracy and our country since the CIVIL War and maybe in our history. 

Friday, October 27, 2023

and now this....

 3 weeks with no speaker of the house ..  and then the election of a nice looking man  , Mike Johnson. 

A wolf in sheep's clothing.  Mike Johnson.

This is an Ultra Maga - Election denier.  that voted against certifying the 2020 election.  He will be leading the charge to get a National ban on Abortion = and a dramatic reduction in Women's rights and health options. He is anti LGBTQ rights,  wants to outlaw any same sex marriage.  Wants to end our aid to Ukraine.  Voted against establishing the Jan 6th committee, against the infrastructure bill , against the reup of the violence against woment act, against a modest gun law, and against the Science act, and the Chips act

Cares more about serving his cult leader and master than working to help any person or help our country. 

And if you was wondering how to answer the question - how do you milk a sheep..

Answer : tell them the election was stolen and ask for donations.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

And the beat goes on and on,, and on..

So this is the 118th Congress of the USA.

Anyone can nominate a person to serve as Speaker of the house. and no the speaker does not have to be a member of the House of Representatives 
The Republicans are in the Majority - I believe that they have a 4 vote margin. 
In this case the Majority party can and usually does elect the Speaker from their party,, 
Once - way back in the 34th Congress the speaker was not from the Majority party. 

Took Kevin McCarthy 15 votes to get to the 217 votes needed to win,, in that process he 
made lots of deals to get votes from his own party. One of the concessions is that any one member could call for the Chair (Speaker) to be vacated (removed) and a floor vote would follow - the so called Freedom caucus wanted this so IF McCarthy worked with the Democrats on something they the freedom caucus did not like they could vote to remove him . That is exactly what happened when Matt Gates made the motion to remove him on September 12th - a floor vote followed - where all the Democrats voted for removal ( what the hell did the GOP think they were going to do  ?? vote for a Republican ?? )  and 9 Republicans voted for removal also - so that the Seat was Vacated - McCarthy Fired. and now we are in the midst of electing a new Speaker ... there have been 2 votes so far - with no one getting the required 217 - Hakem Jefferies the Democrat has received 212 - Jim Jordan in vote one had 20 Republicans vote against him  and that grew by 2 on the 2nd ballot . 

Jim Jordan- man accused of not taking actions when he knew athletes were being Sexually assaulted at Ohio State University, Jim Jordan who is an election denier, Jordan who openly disregarded a Subpoena from the House Committee on January 6th investigation, in 16 years he has never had a bill voted into law - he has never even been a sponsor of a Bill voted into law - 16 years of Nothing. 

Now the narrative from the GOP is that this is the Democrats fault ! What Jerks - they (the GOP) hold the Majority in the HOUSE.  If Gates asked for removal and GOP all voted to keep Mc Carthy - then today would NOT be happening. IF they could get 4 more to vote for ANY member of their own party - Today would not be happening. This is typical rhetoric for the GOP - EVERYTHING , everything - is someone else's fault. This started with the BIG LIE from the Urine Soaked Cheeto man and continues today.  

yesterday - Jim Jordan's name was removed from contention to be the Speaker - and IMHO - could not have happened to a nicer guy.....  maybe we have pulled back from the edge of the abyss....  So,  now - what ?? As we sit here on Friday - there is nothing that is happening over the weekend - even though we do not have a functioning Legislative part of the Government. They - the Republicans -  are scheduled to hold a Speaker Forum Monday evening.... 3 days from now !!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

No straight forward solution

 The Terror Group that resides in the GAZA Strip is known as Hamas. These terrorists attacked Israel about a week ago - Killing over 1000 people, women, Children, etc,,, bombing the country in the Mean time,,, they took hostages - some of which have been executed on live internet feeds,,, or the Hostages cell phone shave been used to contact their families to watch those killings...  

Make no mistake - Hamas exists to kill Jews (and Christians) they don't care if it is women and children. 

Israel has responded with a bombing  assault into Gaza that has killed thousands of Palestinians.. and some of the Hamas Terrorists.  and they are preparing what seems to be a Full out Ground assault into the Gaza Strip - that will only escalate the killing and things will get much worse with more loss of life. 

A bit of history -- Israel pushed the Palestinians into the GAZA strip  and out of Israel  - and while you or I  (even though we have no connection to that country) could say we want to be Israel citizens and could immigrate there with out issue- The Palestinians cannot go to Israel. Israel controls 100% of the lives of the Palestinians, and they live in one of the most crowed places on earth - about 2 million people live in 88 sq miles - 21,00 per sq mile....

The Palestinians are not without a history of Terror and violence- from Yasser Arafat - leader of the PLO - Palestine liberation organization carried out Hijackings and violent acts. to Black September that Took Israel Athletes  hostage at the 1972 Munich Olympic games - where most the Black September group was killed along with the 11 Athletes.......   and today Hamas itself hides with in the Urban areas in Gaza using the Palestinians as human shields.. 

There is no simple solution here - Israel cannot have Hamas living right at their doorstep with the ability to attack and kill Jews inside Israel. So Israel must be able to defend itself.  The Palestinians - most of the them - are not Hamas are not terrorists- but they are suffering under this attack by Israel - and will continue to be killed and a huge humanitarian crisis will occur if and when the Israels start a ground was with Hamas. Iran has - at least that  has been reported - they will get involved IF the Israels invade Gaza - it is highly likely that Iran was partly behind the planning of the attack last week and supplied Hamas with intelligence and weapons to carry out that attack. The US - along with Germany, France and others - have sent and continue to send support to Israel in the form of war ships into the   Mediterranean sea. 

This escalation is not without concern for Americans, and all the world - with many factions coming in too close proximity that we need to use care to not ignite a near World War...

What a F$%&*#$ING Mess

 The House of Representatives ousted Kevin McCarthy - that happened about 10 days ago. It was brought about because he - McCarthy - when he was elected speaker that any ONE member of the House  could call for his removal. He had to agree to this provision  to secure the votes of the far Right wing of "nut jobs " in the GOP like Bobo, Marge Traitor Green, Gosar,Gates, etc... they wanted that ONE member deal so that IF McCarthy did not uphold the promises he made to them - mainly about compromising with Democrats to get bills and budgets passed - they , the GOP could call for his removal - via a "Motion to Vacate" ,, Which Matt Gates called for th Motion , ALL the Democrats voted for the removal along with members of that so called FREEDOM CAUCUS to have him Removed... Since then the GOP has been in chaos.  They have put forth Steve Scalise to succeed  McCarthy, but he realized he could not get the 217 votes needed to win the Speakers seat - let me remind you that there have beed reports - that hopefully are not 100 % true that  “Scalise describes himself as ‘David Duke without the baggage.’ He’s associated with Duke & attended a white-supremacist conference.”  David Duke - former Grand Wizard of the KKK.... 

Some of the House GOP members are blaming the DMEOCRATS ! Give me a break - is it the responsibility of the Democrats to save the GOP from themselves - I think NOT !

Now they have nominated Jim Jordan - a man that has been accused by many of the Wrestling team Athletes at Ohio state of doing nothing to investigate the allegations of Sexual abuse by a coach and that Jordan was fully aware of this coach and did nothing.  Jordan - an election denier, a Trump supporter, an insurrectionist,  a man that was involved in the January ^th Coup attempt and has openly refused to answer a subpoena by the House committee to testify before them -   yea that Jim Jordan.  And it appears that he does not have the votes either.

SO  while the Majority leader  - Patrick McHenry - can conduct some business of the House while they elect a new speaker  - He cannot do much ,,,  While we as the National are hurtling towards a Government shut down sometime in Mid November - which is about 30 days away,,, and I guarantee that there will be a great fight to pass a budget before then - we are stuck with a GOP that has now proven beyond a shadow that it cannot govern ...  that it is very dysfunctional - and who the hell knows where we are headed next...