Sunday, December 19, 2021


 Simply tired of Hearing Lies... Do you get tired of it ?

One side says that the Covid Cases are surging around the World,,, States reporting the highest levels of Covid Cases since the pandemic started,, Hospital nurses and Doctors say they are exhausted,, that they are over Whelmed in some cases,, that treatment of regular emergencies is being hampered by the number of Covid cases in their ER's and Hospitals...   To the point that they need to triage those that need emergent care, strokes, heart-attacks, Immediate surgeries, away from the Covid cases. 

Then others say - AHHH  - It's just a virus - let's get on with our lives,,, they are unmoved by the Sickness and Deaths around them because they don't / Won't see them.  They say that getting Covid and recovering from it is better then the Vaccines,... they laugh at those of us that got vaccinated,,, got the Booster.. Still unbelieving that there is even an issue .. 

Frankly - I  do not think at this point anyones mind is being changed.   Those that are not Vaccinated will not get it,,, OH - if a Loved one DIES of the Disease - Maybe then,,, but aside from that,,,, NO..  So let's set some rules out for them... as I think some hospitals and care givers already have...  Triage those that are FREE - That have natural Immunity away from others .... No resources wasted on them... You are free - go home and be free.  You did not trust the medical community before - why are you trusting it now?

Shine a UV light down your Throat, Drink disinfectant,  take Horse Dewormer -  Do nothing - hey this is what you believed in and lived by before - why not now ? Cause you are sick ??

Keep Lying ...  


A CNN news person - Chris Cuomo - was recently fired for among other things Texting and communicating with his Brother , the then Governor of New York. We do not know the exact nature of these texts,, but it is fair to say that CNN did not agree with what ever he was doing and saying. That this communication breached the trust of the Network and the Public . Now texts from the FOX Personalities - NOT NEWS PEOPLE - at  have been revealed, that they  communicated with the White House Chief of staff about the January 6th Coup attempt, that they saw what was happening , knew who was responsible and tried to get Dump to stop it. Then in the hours and days after - KNEW that this would not "Play" with their audience, so they made up lies,, told stories about the COUP attempt as it was a Tourist visit, and they continue that to this day - WHY has FOX not taken any action against them ? Fire them, Censure them??? I'll tell you why MONEY ! They bring in revenue from the millions of people that were told & Sold a LIE and continue to believe it ! 

And let me say that IF - or more likely WHEN - it is revealed that the Racist and Fascists in the Congress abetted the Insurrectionists , texted them, Called them, Gave them tours of the Capital. They should be Expelled from the Congress , jailed and tried for Treason. I hope they are trembling in their boots that the texts have been  turned over to their peers investigating the Attempted COUP and they will be exposed as the Traitors they are. 

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