SO - Once again - "Thoughts and Prayers" - "Thoughts and Prayers" - "Thoughts and Prayers" ..
Yea - yea ,, yea..... There will be no action for one reason and one reason only.
THE NRA (supporting the Gun Lobby) before you jump to conclusions - I am a member of the NRA , I have a Concealed Carry Permit, I Own a handgun.....
But here we are - another person - in this case a student - bringing a gun to school,, Killing 3 people and wounding 6 others... and while they look for a specific motive..... Look at the over all issue.... That this country - of all the Nations on the has this issue,... Not one other industrialized Country has this killing go on and on and on,..... the Law makers refuse to act to employ the simplest of controls... because they - Mostly Republicans - take money from the NRA. The Congress and Legislature take no action,,, After the Murders- they say "now is not the time to discuss this issue" and wait for it to go away - which it will with next weeks news.... and Will only go on and on for those families that had a child - Their CHILD - Killed at school or Wounded in one of these attacks.
Remember those lawmakers that are so concerned with HUMAN LIFE that they enacted strict abortion laws in Texas,,, and other states are looking to follow.. Well - I suppose they are only concerned with the life of the Unborn - as George Carlin mused - ONCE you are born FUCK you ! They don't wanna hear from you ! No concern of education, Of food, shelter, a Working wage , Health Care - Nothing FUCK YOU ! Only concern is to limit a womans' right to Do with her body as SHE wishes ! OH and don't get me started with ALL you my Body , My Choice Assholes ! That only extends to what YOU stinking decide it extends to,...... ASSHOLE !
SO - Go watch the heartbreaking videos of Kids running for their Lives from that school... The Video of the Kids,,,, NOT being fooled by the Shooter saying he was a Sheriff - and to let him into the Class Room,,,, The one child having the clarity of thought - that hearing the word "BRO" - he knew immediately that it was Red FLAG - that a Sheriff would not use that word... and the Bravery of the two students/children that opened the window and held the Window blinds back and their friends escaped the KILLER that was just on the other side of a door ! WOW .
Imagine yourself driving to the School your child is at - Knowing that there is/was an active shooter situation,, that some are killed,, some are wounded,,,, and is it your Child,,, your Childs friends ??? think about that...
Look at this chart as you listen once again to all the reasons - except for lack of Gun Control - that this happens in THIS COUNTRY.
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