Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Truth


The most dangerous Liars are the ones that think they are telling the Truth.

The Truth is like the sun ,, you can block it out,,, but it's still there.

IF you tell the Truth , you don;t need to remember anything.

They are just angry , because the Truth you speak contradicts the LIE that they Live.

AS I have said, & I ain't that smart -  

NOTHING can be accomplished till we tell the TRUTH &  Use FACTS !

Hey - did I say that John Hall has a new Album,,, well then leme say it, or say it again.,.. He Does.

This is Alone too Long.. from RECLAIMING MY TIME

Check him out.... I have been listening to John's Music for ,, hummm,..from around 1975.  45 years

This is an old one,,, Time Passes on ,, that's the Late Larry Hoppen,, Lance Hoppen on Bass, and John.

Wells Kelly - Orleans drummer - had already passed from a Drug overdose...

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Quick HITS !!

 So - the first 20 times it happens you can think that it's accidental - after that you gotta believe that 

IT'S Intentional !!


If you eat Bagels or Muffins ....  Do you eat the top or the bottom first - I'll answer first - the Bottom.


After the Civil War, WWI ,  The Great Depression, The Attack on Pearl Harbor, WWII , The Oklahoma City Bombing,  9/11. Did you ever think that the Greatest Threat to the United States Democracy would be a former President.   And don't give me that Bull SHIT that - that statement is not True ..... 

IT's Fuckin True !


Ok - Hold the Phone- we have Vaccine that is Very Very effective  against the Covid Virus that has crippled our economy, our Freedoms,  the ability to live our lives, and divided our nation essentially along political lines - BUT near half of those eligible and able to receive a Vaccine that would save their Life, their Families Lives - Spouse, Children, Friends etc,, and they REFUSE to get the Vaccine. Plus the Surge in NEW Covid cases / hospitalizations / deaths   are from this Delta Variant and are widely - data suggests that it's 95% - 99% UNVACCINATED PEOPLE !! So now we have a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.  

and oh BTW -  most of those same people give 100% credit to Dump for developing the Vaccine so Quickly - a Vaccine they have no intention of getting - This makes Zero F-ing sense ! 

I am not the 1st to mention this,... however,, there are places that have signs that say 100% Vaccinated do not need to wear masks,,, Now, New York has about 60% fully vaccinated and near 70% have at lest one dose,.. but go into these places and no one is wearing a Mask !  SO- Not only ignorant about getting the Vaccine - Liars about that they have not gotten it... JERKS JERKS JERKS...


The YANKEES Stink - There , I said it.

This team is as bad as any I have seen .... Reminds me of the 1980's...

they find new ways to lose - and not only lose - do it in an embarrassing fashion.  Synergy is the view that something is Greater than a sum of it's parts.. what is the Term for something that is Less than the sum of it's parts ???  the 2021 NY Yankees


Sunday, July 25, 2021

Come in , She said .


"Well, the deputy walks on hard nails and the preacher rides a mount
But nothing really matters much, it's doom alone that counts
And the one-eyed undertaker, he blows a futile horn
Come in, she said
I'll give ya shelter from the storm"

There will be no shelter from the coming storm..

Not that long ago there one person with a hateful message.
they Began by segregating the information that the public received, controlling the media 
and by that means they controlled the message.
They began small , with dedicated followers who repeated the message , the lies,
They preached - really about US and THEM , and they vilified the THEM
They rallied their people, the demonized others,, they said that the THEY were the problem
and Unbelieve-ably  he got his supports to commit crimes, and his message terrorized the normally "good" 
people into silence , while his supporters committed heinous crimes in the name of US and THEM !!

Yea - this was not former President Dump - this was Adolph Hitler,,, ok that might be a stretch,, but look what is happening here,,, and tell me that this is not how it starts... 

The Downfall of our Democracy is happening in front of our eyes 
Things I have to believe that they know are NOT TRUE  - they spout those lies because it
pumps up their base, and gains them points  with the Cheeto Man  - whom they FEAR !

We Cannot start from a position of Lies,  We can only begin to start back for real 
from a Position of Truth ....  Our Democracy is crumbling before our eyes.
We can't even talk to each other about it.. felling are so strong that even discussion 
of the topics bring strong emotions ,,, and in some cases violence.

Until EVERYONE is talking with FACTS,  listening to your favorite "news" programs ,, and ya - make sure it's news - not  an entertainment host that has his/her rating in mind.....See Also - FOX news

I hope I'm wrong,, and that we can turn this around...I do not see that. 


So back in November - after it took over 5 days to declare Joe Biden the Winner in the 2020 NATIONAL Presidential election,,, there were those that said because it took "so long" - 5 days that in it self was reason for suspicion . 
But now there is an Fraudit being conducted in ONE county in Arizona , that Fraudit being conducted by a firm - Cyber Ninjas that is 100% funded by the GOP supporters, and that BTW - has never conducted an audit of anything ever... that Fraudit - of ONE county  - 2,089563 Votes -  This process has taken over 4 Months ! That Process "needs to play out" according to the Same Assholes that said that 5 days for a national election result was questionable ???  Come on Folks !! Wake the Fuck up ! 



Monday, July 12, 2021

Stormy Monday

 there have been about 500 games in Baseball this year - where heading into the Ninth inning one team was ahead by 4 or more runs,,,  495 games  to be exact...  the Team leading by those 4 or more runs has won 493 of the games,,, a Record of 493 wins and 2 Losses ,,, ONE Team owns  BOTH of those losses - I'll give ya three big guesses what team that is.  

And the latest loss is how to turn what would have been a HUGE pickup - a Booster .. for a 5 and 1 Road Trip,,,, a Sweep of the Astors in Houston into a Piece of SHIT,,,,  Chapman's ineffectiveness and the Injury to Zack Britton and Loaisiga have really impacted that Bullpen...   While I am looking forward to attending a few Yankee Games,,, I can foresee  Early Exits from the stadium to Catch whatever MetroNorth Train Back home !!


While I listen to a GOP Republican representative say that "we" don't want any Government handout... Don't NEED them !   OK - so what are top ten states taht receive the MOST back in Federal Aid based on what they pay in .....  9 of the TOP ten are RED states...  there they are  - the $$ numbers are whet the state gets back from the FEDS per every dollar they pay in ....  THEY - the GOP - KNOW you are not smart enough to do your own research - they KNOW you won't ,,,,,     

OH - NY State ?? - we get back $.70 (Seventy Cents)  back in FED $$ for every Dollar we pay in,,,,