Sunday, October 18, 2020

JUST .... as an excuse for damn near everything....

 Ok listen up....

When a person says the word  "JUST" - and I do not mean "Just" as in fair, and equitable... 

No - I mean the "I'm Just.........." Fillin the blank... cause after the word JUST - you are about to hear what someone thinks passes for an excuse to do whatever they please.......

SO ....  "I'm Just ............"

...Taking a photo

.....Looking for a Boat

.....Getting closer to the water

.....Thought it was OK - I used to have a boat here

......looking around - my friend/family member has a boat here

.....Need to get a picture of the Sunset..

.....Lookin at the River 

Any 50 other excuses ..........

These days - If I hear the word JUST - I am ready with a reply of... NOPE !  

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