Monday, October 19, 2020

'Bout two to go

 - Do not get a false sense of security = GO VOTE !!  I think the positive polls hurt Hillary last time - like there was no way she could lose.... well - there is a way for Biden to lose- IF YOU DON'T VOTE !!

- Even though I expect some crap from the GOP and for Rump to get more vicious in his attacks,, do not let that distract us.

- Prepare  to hear about fake illegal voting tactics,  

- The US has not turned the corner on the pandemic and you can not just say you are tired of it. A National plan is the way to defeat this ,,, not hopes and wishes.. We are the third worse country in the world,, only Iran and Russia are worse then us ... Russia has more cases and Iran More deaths..  we are approaching 225,000 Dead.  Only light at the end of the Tunnel is a train headed right at us !

- Forget the comparisons to 2016 . 

- Do not sweat the early voting data,,,,,  and no real reason to stay up election night,,, I doubt we will have a winner declared on that night,, and DO NOT expect Rump to EVER concede the election. 

Ok = 

Did I post this one ???

John Hiatt - My old friend

Randy and Lyle


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