Sunday, October 25, 2020

Gone Fishing

 And with those words the performing career of a great Folk Singer has apparently come to an end. 

We have been fortunate to see Arlo perform on many stages over the past 40 years,, many times with Pete Seeger,, sometimes with his band - Shenandoah,  sometimes with his children Abe, and Sarah Lee and at times as a solo artist..   We were fortunate enough to catch shows where he sang all Songs by Woody ......  and we saw the anniversary show of Alice's Restaurant.  Hopefully he will continue to make music and Comment on political happenings of the day even though he cannot perform.  

Gone Fishing
by adg on Fri Oct 23, 2020 5:38 am

It’s been a great 50+ years of being a working entertainer, but I reached the difficult decision that touring and stage shows are no longer possible. That’s the short version. For the longer version continue reading…

As a folksinger, I never really thought much about getting older. It seemed to me that I could just continue year after year, decade after decade, singing and playing as I had done for most of my life. As the years went by, it got more difficult to keep touring, but I did it, mostly because I’d been doing it my entire life. It was the life I knew and loved.

In 2016 on April 1st, April Fools Day, I got really dizzy in the parking lot of the hotel, and started seeing as though I were looking through a kaleidoscope. That evening the show went on as though nothing had happened. I had no idea I’d just encountered a mini stroke until weeks later, when I was told about it. It didn’t appear to affect my performance, or my state of being. I continued touring for the next 4 years.

Then, on Thanksgiving Day 2019 (of all freaking days) it happened again. This time I was on my way to The Church / The Guthrie Center to help out with our annual Thanksgiving Dinner that we hold every year. I had pulled over to fuel up and realized I couldn’t continue to drive safely, as everything was spinning around, sort of like the old days, but without the help of illegal substances. I was taken to the hospital, and was under evaluation, when I broke out. I had an important gig at Carnegie Hall in New York - The end of an annual series I’d been doing for decades and it was Sold Out. I had to be there. It was imperative.

The next morning I left the hospital, took the family and headed for New York. And what a show it was! We wrapped up 50 years with a terrific evening with the entire family on stage. I really enjoyed it.

The following day I flew to my home in Sebastian, FL just as I had done for years, this time with the history of Carnegie Hall behind me. My girlfriend, Marti picked me up at the airport, and we settled into the routine of being on the river I loved. Two nights after arriving home, I awoke in the morning and was lurching from sIde to side. I knew something was wrong, and went to keep a doctors appointment we’d previously set up. The doc said “You need to go to the hospital - Now.”

So, Marti took me to the hospital nearby in Vero Beach. They kept me there for 3 days, running tests of all kinds, and essentially informed me that I’d suffered a stroke. This time was more serious, as I’d lost some ability to walk, and I wondered if if would be able to play music. I spent about a week in a rehab center to re-learn the basics, like walking. I went home after that, and began a regimen of playing guitar, walking… All the things I would need to continue touring and performing. During the entire time, Marti kept the family and close friends advised as to my progress, and took really great care of me. I needed all the help I could get. And she was there to see it done right.

By the the time our first shows began in 2020, I was at about at 80% and felt like I was improving. Then the pandemic hit. All the shows we had planned for 2020 were at first, postponed, then rescheduled and finally cancelled. My hopes for a gradual recovery onstage came to an abrupt end.

Meanwhile, I’d decided back in 2018 to move from the home in Florida. And just as I’d returned from our last gig in Tennessee, a buyer appeared, and we had a deal on the table to sell The CrabHouse. I wasn’t in any shape to go through the intricacies of selling a guitar pick, let alone a home with 30 years of stuff we’d collected. Marti ended up doing it all. She finalized the deal, and dealt with the stuff that either had to be sold, moved or thrown out. It was quite a lot. But, through garage sales, online markets, movers and friends, she’d pretty much emptied the CrabHouse of everything, and we moved into her place about a mile away.

We were there for a few weeks, before it was safe enough to return to The Farm in Massachusetts. That was in June 2020. Since then we’ve been holed up at The Farm trying to keep out of harms way, and also trying to provide some online entertainment for our friends who were, and continue to be, holed up wherever they are. My band and crew arranged a few short gigs that were filmed at The Church, but when I saw the play-back in the editing room I realized that it was not up to the standards I expected of myself, let alone the expectations that our friends and fans had come to enjoy.

A folksinger’s shelf life may be a lot longer than a dancer or an athlete, but at some point, unless you’re incredibly fortunate or just plain whacko (either one or both) it’s time to hang up the “Gone Fishing” sign. Going from town to town and doing stage shows, remaining on the road is no longer an option.

I don’t remember answering the question on the other side of that piece of paper when I was asked “Kid! Have you rehabilitated yourself?” But, the short answer is now clearly, “No!” In fact, I hope to be a thorn in the side of a new administration pretty soon. Tom Paine once wrote “To argue with a man who has renounced the use … of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead….” In other words, you cannot and should not argue with people who don’t care, or hold the caring of others in contempt. A healthy suspicion of authority, left, right or center has been the hallmark of my career since the beginning, and I will continue to poke fun at cultural, political, or personal absurdities as I see it. I’m actually looking forward to it.

I’m happy, healthy and good to go, even if I’m not going anywhere. I’ve taken back 6-9 months that I used to spend on the road, and enjoying myself with Marti, my family and friends. In short - Gone Fishing.

Monday, October 19, 2020

'Bout two to go

 - Do not get a false sense of security = GO VOTE !!  I think the positive polls hurt Hillary last time - like there was no way she could lose.... well - there is a way for Biden to lose- IF YOU DON'T VOTE !!

- Even though I expect some crap from the GOP and for Rump to get more vicious in his attacks,, do not let that distract us.

- Prepare  to hear about fake illegal voting tactics,  

- The US has not turned the corner on the pandemic and you can not just say you are tired of it. A National plan is the way to defeat this ,,, not hopes and wishes.. We are the third worse country in the world,, only Iran and Russia are worse then us ... Russia has more cases and Iran More deaths..  we are approaching 225,000 Dead.  Only light at the end of the Tunnel is a train headed right at us !

- Forget the comparisons to 2016 . 

- Do not sweat the early voting data,,,,,  and no real reason to stay up election night,,, I doubt we will have a winner declared on that night,, and DO NOT expect Rump to EVER concede the election. 

Ok = 

Did I post this one ???

John Hiatt - My old friend

Randy and Lyle


Sunday, October 18, 2020

20 to go


With about 16  days to go till November 3rd - Election Day ....  I believe there is - from the Republican side - what what they think is a bomb shell. Something that they believe they will change the narrative,  that will put the Biden / Harris ticket in a very bad light.  Something out of the DOJ or FBI that would alter the election  - Like Comey did in the 2016 election. Remember we are talking about Bill Barr - a Russian Putin like figure in our Government that believes he is the POTUS's Personal Lawyer instead of the AG.  Stand back and Stand by as they say .....

I doubt if Rump does better if there is another debate. I cant' think that he closes over a 10 point in the next 3 weeks,,, the Tweets that say - California Is going to hell - vote for Trump ...  now really - Does he forget who is the president ??  Do you think that will make people vote for him ?? When it's HIS administration that all this is happening ??  I had seen Savannah Guthrie before but I did not know her name... However ,,, we are now to believe that this reporter unhinged to President of the United States ! Really ??  If he is not prepared to give answer to the American people in an understandable , rational way,,.. How the hell is he governing ??  YUP - in the same INSANE manner,,, Just watch the "Town Hall" turn off the sounds and focus on the body language. Jesus.... what a disaster he is...  OH and do not try to tell me that he and his henchmen did not know who was doing the interviewing....   and BTW - the ASSHOLE is already attacking the next Debate moderator..

Saturday night, the President tried to undermine the credentials of the next female debate moderator, NBC News White House Correspondent Kristen Welker, by claiming that he'd known her "for a long time" and that "she is very unfair." 

Ahhh - let's hear some Bobby Weir

JUST .... as an excuse for damn near everything....

 Ok listen up....

When a person says the word  "JUST" - and I do not mean "Just" as in fair, and equitable... 

No - I mean the "I'm Just.........." Fillin the blank... cause after the word JUST - you are about to hear what someone thinks passes for an excuse to do whatever they please.......

SO ....  "I'm Just ............"

...Taking a photo

.....Looking for a Boat

.....Getting closer to the water

.....Thought it was OK - I used to have a boat here

......looking around - my friend/family member has a boat here

.....Need to get a picture of the Sunset..

.....Lookin at the River 

Any 50 other excuses ..........

These days - If I hear the word JUST - I am ready with a reply of... NOPE !  

Monday, October 5, 2020


 Yowza - I will be at the Norrie point for the next 7 nights / afternoons,,,,

Yup = thats like 7 days in a row!   I guess not that much more than the 5 I was already scheduled to work,,, but this is 7 -