Saturday, September 14, 2019

the Life you chose....

Who is actually happy ??  People with Money - heck I can show you folks with lots of Moola that are miserable - how can it be ???  I always think that if I had that kinda money - I'd Burn mine - and man would I be pleased with myself !  you know that part is not true - you can't buy yourself into happiness.  You can always find someone that you think is happy ,, and you find that they are really not ,,, when you see - fakey fake smiles and videos on the FB pages - that behind that are struggles. 

I know for me - I try to take things in short Terms - a Work shift .... and then getting home - showering, and sitting on the couch with a big ole cup of cold water or Juice - probably closely followed by MY cat - the only one in 40 years that has ever like me best !
Or finishing a project - thru things I don;t really want to do - but if I put it off,,, or just procrastinate - it's worse - So I try not to think about too much to do at once ... Small victories. 

There is a song Lyric that says " Are you livin the Life you chose ...? or are you livin the Life that chose you ?" I really think its the latter,,, cause the life we would have chosen is simply not real - so we live with the  life that Chose US ... and make the best of it that we can - celebrate small even short times, and minimize the Bad stuff,,, even of the bad stuff ain't so Bad,..  but as you are going thru it you think HELL NO - I ain't gonna survive this - or I can not handle that ! Bullshit - we can take what we would not believe possible.  We survive what others think we cannot - and we would not think others can withstand. 

So it's a Cold World out there and tomorrow we are going out there Again ! 

Chin up - Fuck them - and let's keep pushing thru the storm - the Eye and the Calm are in the middle of the Hurricane !!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Who cares

Really - does it make that much difference if its a normal cycle that the earth is warming or of its an affect of Humans not doing any thing to reduce their impact on the Planet ??

IF you are on the "Normal Cycle" side of this debate , you need to tell me about how we can have billions  and billions of people on the Earth and have no impact on what is going on. Seriously.... how do not impact anything ??

Ok - so no matter what - we need to do something about the Warming of the Planet - the Category 5  Storms that are more normal now than ever - it is absolutely undebatable that Warm water feeds these storms - NO ??  Why don't hurricanes start in the Northern Hemisphere ?? Yea - thats right - cause the  water is not warm enough,,, Warm water feeds these huge storm... Did you see the photos of Bahamas  near total devastation ! If the Death toll is not in the hundreds it will be a miracle.

Yanks Magic number is down to 13 - that's a combination of NY wins and Tampa losses that will clinch the AL east for the Bombers..   There will be a race for Overall AL record and Overall MLB record - down to the last game probably ... why is that important ?? I'm glad you asked,,,,   That will determine A. Who gets to play the Wild Card team in the Division series.... B. Who will have home field advantage in the ALCS...  C. Who will have home field advantage in the World Series.
 On paper - the yankees do not match up with the Astros pitching or theDodgers pitching,,,  However - IF - and that's a BIG ole IF - a Guy like Paxton or Happ can step up and win  a maybe that they are overmatched in OR the Offense has a great night against an Opposing pitcher - like scoring 8, 10 , 12 runs,,,,  then the pitcher has a lot of wiggle room for a so - so outing....   22 Games to go -

BTW - theYankees set a record lake night with 13 players having hit 10 or More home-runs.
in no particular order : Voit, Torres, DD, Urshela , Gardener, Hicks, Judge, Sanchez, Ford, Frazier, Encarnacion , LeMahieu, Tauchman.   Kind of amazing production from guys like Ford, Frazier, Ford, Urshela, - but I think it's a product of Pitchers not wanting to walk guys on base in front of the Real Home run hitters ....

Don't know if they showed it on the Yes Broadcast - I was at last nights game - but did you see CC with the Stuffed Parrot in the dugout  after Encarnicion hit that home run ??  Pretty funny -  Encarnacion  go the Rep for the Parrot walk way back - if you watch his Homerun Trot - he holds his right arm horizontal to the Ground and bent forward at the elbow - as if Holding a Parrot on it ,, go ahead try it ..

''Hey - couple from Amy 

Monday, September 2, 2019

TWO Firsts

Yea - 2 Firsts,,,   after all these years,, I attended my 1st Baby Shower a few weeks ago - my niece is now - was then about 9 months Pregnant..    and now I have attended my 1st Bridal Shower for my - soon to be - although I already think of her as my Daughter in law - marrying my younger son next year - they have been together for a while so I look at them as already married - as I  would anyone who's lives are  intertwined with children, homes, pets, schedules, Lives ! One is  married in every sense of that word.... 

Yankees magic number is 15 ..... so any combination of wins by NY added to losses by Tampa bay equaling 15.  Gives NY the Win for the AL EAST in 2019,....  still gotta play for Best Record in the AL over Houston and best record overall MLB .vs the Dodgers mostly...  I would still question of they have enough starting pitching to beat Houston and/ or LA in a series... We have one more regular season game to attend, hoping we can get a playoff game or two -as some of the guys in the ticket group only want to attend World Series games, not any playoff contests,,, so perhaps some will fall to us...

Short post today -

Let's go for some songs - this one Written by Jason Isbell and you can find this by Drive By Truckers -  on a CD called Dirty South...

  and a Drive by Truckers song ..  Written by Patterson Hood