Thursday, February 28, 2019

Instagram - Guess I ain't that smart

If I was smart enough to it ,, I would add this to Instagram,,,,  but I ain't  !

So ,,, now discovering a whole new aspect of insomnia....   obviously the 1st is that you just can't fall asleep,,,  Been there  - done that !  Now I  have moved on to the more sophisticated form of insomnia,  I am able to fall asleep - with some help from Melatonin. However - I awake to my usual bathroom break between   1 & 2 AM and of course ,, I cannot go back to sleep...... evidence that it is 2:15 Am as I am writing this....

- Can't get comfortable  ,,, and I seem to be cold. fo let's talk about that....  for someone who was ready to  move to a colder climate - Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine ,,, I have been colder this year than at any time I can remember.  Sleeping in a sweatshirt, and sweat pants, 2 pairs of socks. Going outside in a hooded fleece or sweat - with gloves and wool hats and hell I'm still cold.  not real sure What I should do about it. 

Spring training under way - the 2 big free agents are now signed - Machado to the Padres  for 10 years - 300 million dollars, with a player  opt out clause after 5 years,,, and Bryce Harper - 13 years 330 million - no Opt out , but a full no Trade Clause...  so he can't leave and the Phillies can't trade him away...  not sure if either deal will make the Padres  or the Phillies a World Series contender just yet......

Bosox former  closer Craig Kimbrel,  still not signed,  His agent denied reports that he will sit out 2019 of he does not get a deal he likes.  I know the sox offered him a qualifying offer at 17.5 million for the one year,,,  I believe that is more to ensure they get a minor league pick from the  team that does eventually sign him..  I'm sure Resox nation is ready to either welcome him back with open arms or vilify him for signing with another club.

Political Rant ON :

with the Cohen testimony and the POTUS failing to reach a deal with the brutal dictator - Kim Jung In in Vietnam...   Our pals at FOX news are all over those lead stories - NOT !

this their headline !

How House Republicans are making life difficult for Democrats, Pelosi.

you really have to wonder how far up tRumps ass they will crawl ....

that's all I can take for right now,,,,

Upcoming events :

Friday - work - 6am - 1 or 2 ,,,, Reassemble boat.   then back to customers house to put the Bathroom hardware back together after painting.

Saturday - humm not sure, I do need to finish the Cat shelters , and get them out of my Shed ! and play with my New toys, roto- Zip tool and buffer  that we bartered to paint a bathroom..

Sunday - maybe see grandsons - While keeping an eye on the Predicted storm, I don't like driving the Taconic in the snow,,,  possible breakfast  with the boys ....

Monday - back to work - 

Tuesday - revisit a  bathroom / kitchen rebuild.  Plus take another shot at getting the heat working better in that house....  

Wednesday - work ...  

Today I'm going with two Jim Croce songs you might not know - you should listen,,

,,, Have I posted these before ??

Hey Tomorrow...

Walking Back to Georgia

Ok - I'll post up Jorma Kaukonen -  Genesis

Thursday, February 21, 2019

What ?!?!?! What ???? What !!! Several small observations to begin the day ,,,,,

When you type , do you constantly misspell the same  word in the same way ???  Obviously I am asking because I do.....  the word  "have" .... yup  I always or nearly always type - ahve      No idea why..... 

I am sleeping better than I have in years..... I get 5-7 hours a night,,, this from a  person who 4 hours sleep was like a Rumpelstiltskin deal not that long ago.  I do however ; still have that errant night that I DO NOT get minute of sleep . and I mean ZERO - not like you might say  - "Oh - I did not sleep very well , kept tossing and Turning" I mean ZERO sleep,,,,  but that only happens every two weeks or so.... It does seem  that on the mornings thatI can sleep a bit later - I still awake and get up 4:30 - 5am, and the day I have toge tup at that time, I wish I could sleep longer.

Thought of the day :
If you don't know where you are going - any road will take you there..

I certainly swear way tooo much -  I can control it - I don't do it in social situations. But other than that ,,,, and I don't use "that" language when arguing  or discussing when some one..  otherwise  - seems to roll outta my F-ing mouth all the time..  You ??

If you have cats or a cat - do they drink out of the Faucet ??  Out of all the cats we have had  I  think that 2 have done that..  Now how do they come to know that water is what come out of the Faucet ..??

We ,,, Well I listen to music all the time ,, all the time s that I can,..    Radio - one station -  Radio Woodstock - WDST that I can get in my truck, or in the car,, and now for the past year or 2 on I heart Radio APP - so you can stream  them anywhere...   and I have. I also use Spotify. Although its slow sometimes, and makes me crazy with that ,,, it is - IMHO - WAY better than I tunes - even after the improvements to Itunes...   I can stream Spotify to my Apple TV - and play that thru the house Stereo system..  My wife probably does not like all that I play as she is more of a Classic rock person, and I more Alternative. I wonder what others stream.  I know I have gotten comments when I show up to work - Stereo blasting  - about me listening to rock and at that volume ......  I think that if you are listening to what your Mom and Dad listened to - you are missing a whole lot of great songs...

So the Mueller report may not be made public ??  We waited 2 years to understand If the President is a CROOK and If he and his Presidential campagain were tied into the Russians ?? 
The special counsel has spent almost two years investigating how the Russians sought to interfere in our presidential election. 
199 charges made in connection to the probe. 
39 people and entities have been charged. 
7  people have pleaded guilty. 
4 have been sentenced to jail time
Trump's  Campaign chairman, Deputy campaign chairman, personal lawyer, longtime political svengali and his National security adviser have all been implicated or pleaded guilty. 
Given that level of wrongdoing, the idea that Mueller's findings might not ever see the light of day is ridiculous. And if was a Witch hunt - THEY FOUND WITCHES !!
A few ANGEL songs ..
Misguided Angel 
Angel from Montgomery

Angel of Harlem

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Exactly where the hell have you been ??

Greetings !!!

Ok this week is shaping up to be more work than even I like and why are we getting all these painting jobs ?!?!?

I painted 2 days over the weekend - after redoing the boat on Friday,,, with the same epoxy paint that we used on the Cellar floor,,, and yup same blue colored flakes much to the  chagrin my boss....

SO Friday, Saturday , Sunday,,,,   Monday moved all the stuff and believe you me there was a ton of stuff to put back !  The Floor - that came out excellent - if I do say so my self

Today - working on Cat Houses !!  no not that kind,,, Feline , Feral cats,,

Wednesday - back at Norrie - at the shop in the morning,  painting 2nd coat on all the wood boat parts. Afternoon at the Marina,,, checking the Ice eaters and working on 2019 Contracts ...

Thursday - back to Cat houses. gotta get some down to help the kitties pout of the freezing cold and rain... Not all feral cats win the lottery like 3 of those ones we have (4 cats total and I guess Wile-E was a feral )  - getting canned every day and a full supply of dry food,,,, 100 toys, and play balls and furry mice,,, plus what has to be 20 places for the boys to sleep !!!  including the Favored BED on the real cold days ......

Friday - humm - not really sure  - oh wait I gotta work at Norrie ,,, hope not all day,,, but  a good day to start reassemble of the boat ,,, still have to PAINT the DOG house (thats where the steering wheel , Battery etc is ) then put all  hat wood back in place...

Saturday - dare I say it - PAINTING !!!  one foyer - all white - walls and trim - really nice home.. need to take great care not to drip on the Stone floor in the foyer.,.. 

Sunday - IS that not a day of rest  ???  but If Customer #1 gets paint  - we need to go back and WHAT ?? - Paint the bath room.  IF no paint, then we need to finish the "Wide"  thresholds we cut the the other day - 3 angles to bridge the kitchen floor to the  living space.

3 - 1 x 8's  (2 10 footers and one 6 footer) with two  15 degree angles and then a notch into the under side to let the piece lay flat on both floors ,,,, we did a nice job  designing and cutting them...Kinda looks like this 1 inch thick and 7 inches wide - didn't lose any fingers cuttin it neither !

Hey if you did not know, there is some new music out there,,,

DID I mention Linda Ronstadt has a new release of a live show from 1980 -  do you know Linda sold 150 million records, woof ...

And the Tedeschi Trucks band has a new CD - SIGNS ..... 

If you are of the mind Sean Rowe is returning Darrl's house in March,,

Here is an interview with Susan and Derek

and Sean Rowe  " MADMAN"

See ya Around !!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

State of our Union

I think the State of our union is a mess.....

Investigation on top of investigation...   Prejudice up on Prejudice...  Yes,, many of the economic factors are positive ,,, but is that a reason to follow a lunatic down the path - I think not.

I have to listen to that Jerk talk about things that are just plain NOT the way he and man yin this administration act...

He talks about Abortions, protecting Babies - and he separates families ,, Parents separated from Children...

He talks restricting Women's  rights and fakely applauds them for voting, and for having more women in the Congress than ever before - he pretends as if that he has had a positive effect on this when - yea he has had an affect --- its that we can't stand anymore of him ,,, and we elect the most qualified candidate -

He and his Party bow down to Putin and Russia and then Chant USA USA...

He Coddles and praises Neo Nazism and then talks about the Holocaust and the Jews

He regularly attacks his own FBI, CIA and intelligence Organizations then talks Patriotism

He speaks about cooperation and unity and then gives the most outlandish speeches that attack the Democrats and the Free Press and uses bullying tactics and name calling that we would not allow in our Grade schools let alone our government...

He talks about limiting immigration,,, stopping people from entering the country , and then he hires them as workers at his resorts and hotels because it's cheap labor.

Talks America First - bringing jobs back to the US while his family businesses and his Own Daughter manufacture things abroad.

Talks about Global warming as a hoax  bout can't tell the difference between Weather and Climate.

I can go on and on,,,,, however , I think you get the Idea,   while I truly believe that we cannot stand another 4 years  / a 2nd term of tRump presidency,,,  I don't see a strong enough Democrat that I think can Beat him in an election,,,,and this Independent  Howard Schultz - although
 some say would appeal to both sides,, I think would just get the Bully womanizer bigot Apprentice star reelected .... God Help us.

All right - what else is happening ??  IT's as Crazy that  at 50 and 60 degrees as it was 12 degrees  below zero ,,,

I watched an Interview with Linda Ronstadt this week,, she has Parkinson's Disease.  she looks quite well for 72 years old.... Linda had the most amazing voice back in the day. she sold 150Million records across several genres of Music, from Rock to Country, to Spansih, ..  Let me give you 2 by Ms. Ronstadt....  and BTW - they have released a Live Concert of hers from the 1980's that Is on both Spotify and I tunes...

and with a Band that includes, Brock Walsh (from Pleasant Valley) , Andrew Gold, Waddy Wachtel, Kenny Edwards, Dan Dugmore,,,,, IT's Heat Wave

OK - one more from the MIDNIGHT SPECIAL

Saturday, February 2, 2019

I call BULL SHIT !

When you hear people embellish story ,, ok,, its all in the story telling that gives you pause to correct them about the facts ...

If you hear people say shit that you know is not true,,, you wonder - is this what they this is True ? Do they misremember - or maybe you do.. But NO - should you call them out - on "hey I do not remember that happening" and BTW - "you were either NOT there"  or You was Way Way Way too young to even remember that ...   Ahh - I am never sure,,,  Calling them out in public will cause an all out war, and some very hard feelings...  But how much am I  expected to take  before I call BULLSHIT on that !   we might see later today...

Let me give ya 2 new songs,,,

1st up - the New Pornographers  - don' t be put off by the name..  Here is WHITEOUT Conditions..

2 versions,,,

A bit older song - it's the Avett Brothers and 
Roses and Sacrifice

Friday, February 1, 2019

Colder than a Witch's .................. um Broom stick

- 10 below zero , a  10 -12 mph wind blows out of  the North West,  It's still mostly dark,, sun just starting to brighten the Sky in the East ,,, the Crescent Moon remains very visible in the Southeastern sky,, just  a bit lower and to the right  is  Venus ,, very bright in the still dark sky.
A man wearing near every sweatshirt, and Hoodie he has. His "Bleacher Creature" Knit wool hat pulled over his ears,  and that hood  tight around his face,,, plus the best pair of gloves I - he -  owns.

Where is he headed ???  Out the Door and down the boat ramp to the Dock that runs parallel to the Fixed  Pier.  A 6 foot long - 1 inch in diameter steel bar with a knob on one end a a 4 inch flat plate on the other is in my right hand, and a yellow handle 16 pound sledge hammer is in the other.  Head down to end, 100 Plus feet , to where the Pier no longer acts a as a wind shield.  Pylons  - one  foot round pylons are there (these have been sunk 20-30 feet into the mud at the bottom of the marine)  they,  along with what looks like a 2 x2 foot horseshoe collar that is bolted back in the base of the dock hold that part of the Floating docks in place. There are 30 some of these in the Marina, ,,, ALL  need to be Struck a dozen times or so  with that 16 lb sledge to try to break the Ice that has formed on them , so that the collar does not get hung on the Pylon as the Tide moves the docks up / down on the Pylons,,, then the Steel bar comes into play chipping ice away from the dock and the collar....... 

There are 75 - what we call ICE EATERS - see photo -  scattered along the docks and attached to the Pylons to circulate the Water so it does not freeze; however, in temperatures below 15 degrees (and Certainly below zero temps ) they can only do so much to keep the ice at bay..  these Ice Eaters look like a five gallon pail - but open on both ends. With a 1.5 hp motor on mounts in the Pail with a small  6 inch propeller  on the motor  - there is a power cord (obviously) and then 2 lines attached to the top. The Ice Eaters goes into the water approx 4 feet down and is held to the dock using the same cleats that are used to hold boats in warmer weather... These SO break down.  Electrical problems, something - a  piece of a branch,  fishing line, rope, a plastic bottle , snaps off the wings of the propeller  - so that they need to be pulled from the water and either repaired or replaced - and NO that work can't wait for a warmer day.....

A really neat job is having to maneuver the Snow blower down the ramp onto the docks to clear the snow to make it safer to do the Ice Chipping or work on the Ice Eaters ,, you can see the path left by  the blower in the top photo.... 

I think I will remind myself of these Absolutely freezing day - when I get a few of those days in August when its  so hot you cannot breathe ,,, and  on the docks you can't  kneel down too long or it feels as if you are being burned !

Oh -  I missed some of the Real fun ..... there are 6 Pylons that are out in the middle of the Marina - AKA - NO dock near them, Just the post sticking out of the water., that floating dock is either moved or removed for the winter,,, so the  Ice eaters  are  hung from a board that forms a cross near the top of the pylon. Wires are strung from the FIXED  dock thru the air over to those Pylons.....   One of the those Ice eaters stopped working .. so the guys donned those Orange rescue suits - yup the ones you see on DEADLIEST CATCH - and they walked out across the ice to the Pylon and replaced the Ice Eater !!  

Is this Job worth $11 and hour !?- I think I should go to Stewarts or Mickey D's - they pay more !