Tuesday, December 4, 2018

It's about time

I cannot believe that it has been Months since I have been here...  and so much has happened...

Look - the Crap with our current "President" has not changed,,,  Mueller is about set to unveil what he has found out ,,, and Comey and Cohen have both agreed to testify about what they know,,,, Roger Stove says he will never testify against tRump and I guess its just another Lie that the POTUS has said he wants truth to come out,,, but yet praises those who have kept their mouths shut and Vilifies those who have told the truth..  WE know what side of the TRUTH the POTUS is on. I continue to believe that there is someone out there with the GUTS to tell the truth and blow the lid off this thing,.  OR we might see that Mueller - has the truth ,, and then we see what the Republican push back is on his report...   Impeachment or Resignation = we can only hope..

We had a short trip to New Orleans, - very good .... Good food,,, good music,,,as you would expect... Did tour of the St Louis Cemetery #1...  extreemly interesting how they "bury" folks there... Glad we went , don't think I would go back any time soon.,,

We are on the cusp of a 10 day WDW trip....  and for folks that go twice  year - we have not been in TWO years !! So I am really looking forward to this trip. It's a bit longer than we usually go for.. , so I hope it gives us some real time to relax, wander  "The WORLD" and see all the Holiday shows and activities..  Definitely some new stuff to see and do in all the parks...

In 6 months - our Alaska will be underway...  and right before that - we have tickets to see the ROLLING STONES !! I can hope they all live that long !! And we live that long !

I am going to make this one a short post,,,,  with the Promise that you won't have to wait long before the next one...

One Christmas video...  Ceelo Green ,,,,

It's  Johnny Lyon's 70th Birthday...  today....

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