Sunday, August 19, 2018

All related and a burst of Honesty.

It's all fucking Related,,, the Obesity , the Insomnia, the ugh,, I cant even think of what else,,,, the Poor eating habit,, the ,--------------------

I don;t sleep - at least not right away at night,,, I'm awake till at least midnight,  so what is there to do , but Eat something, Cereal, Captain Crunch, have a hunk of cheese , a packet or Oreos,  a Klondike bar... or FUCK that - all of 'em.

,,, I can feel that its taking my life... I know someone is finding me on the floor of the Shed or in the Driveway or laid out on the lawn after heart attack that is surely in the future  - I don't have the strength I used to have,, I don't have the Stamina I used to have,, and this is not jsut the nearing 63 years,,,, , If shit falls on the Floor - I leave it there - or  till several things need to be picked up.  Sad ain't it.  the lease little job has me soaked in Sweat, and I am embarrassed about the way I look... Ok, so you are thinking - hey instead of sending  invitations to this pity party - DO something  about it !! I wish it were that simple a solution.

I think I plan I see myself making the changes necessary,, but then Something else takes over and I make bad choices,,, I - I don't  even know what -  I don't seem like me doing it. Shit - let's move on to other things.......

Baseball- same same,,, well unless you are the Oakland A's and the Houston Astros = the 'Stros have lost so many games that their 9 game lead of just a few weeks ago has gone KA - Put ! the A's are now tied with them for the AL West Lead.....  this is not good news for the Yankees,,,If the Astros take back 1st place , then Yankees will get the A's  who are really playing Well !!  but that Wild Card Game may be on the Road ! OR they may get the Astros in Houston or NY... which means Verlander or Keuchel or BOTH !  Yea yea the Yanks have a winning record against Houston,,, but that last game was on May 30th.....  so these last 29 games are important,,,

Quick Hits:
- WDST Cruise on the Rip- Vanwinkle out of Kingston on Aug 31 - music and Dinner.
- Aug 27 - Yankee Game
- Woking  Today - Sunday  , Thursday, Fri, Sat, Sunday...maybe Monday, tomorrow Monday
- Started work on the Home made craft thingy for everyone for Christmas
- Near put a nail thru 2 fingers with my Pneumatic Nailer ! Whew close.
- Priced and was accepted for a new sheetrock job.
- Awaiting work on a Vinyl siding job that would pay for the next 3 vacations,  IF we get it.
- Still looking for a used Pick 'em UP Truck that I can afford
- Son FINALLY asks his SO to marry him ,, 'Bout Time !

In honor of the 49th Anniversary of theWoodstock festival ;
While we are visiting this subject - do you realized that WoodStock NY and Bethel Woods (where the concert Actually was held) are 55 miles apart - and given the roads between them would take you an hour and a half to drive from one to the other....

Here are a couple of Videos from that Concert..

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