Friday, August 31, 2018

Is this Living ?

Is this living ???

Going to barbecues ,, Trips across country,, weekends away, dinners out,.. none of this seems in  my grasp right now.  Now before this sounds like I should be sending out invitations to a Pity Party, thats not what it is and its not about someone else has,, its a contrast of how I'm living my life and .vs whats seems to be happening around me,....

Should I be saying - F this -  this is what I want to do,,, now how do I go about it??  what are the priorities?

If you asked me ,,, I'd say a move to Vermont or maybe Upstate New York to more of a "Country house" or a Log Cabin ..   what the 1st step ??  I doubt if I can sell a house I  am living in,, so I'd say it's find and buy the new place First... then sell the OLDE place...   

Nice Dinner Cruise last night courtesy of WDST Radio Woodstock - started the day with a  LIVE Lunch Lounge - with Low Cut Connie and ended with the Dinner Cruise !...  nice

here is Low Cut Connie...

and Beverly

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


I must be a dope,,,,, can't read and interpret into what others do...

Michael Cohen said in court that he made one payment "in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office" and the other "under direction of the same candidate." The amounts and dates all line up with the payments made to Daniels and McDougal.  

I don't know what that means to you but to me it means that Donald trump - at the Time Candidate Trump violated the LAW and then lied to us about it.....

If you listen to FOX news ,,,, no no no ,,,,,   The Economy is going exceedingly well and Trumpo is the Reason, and Americans do not care about this Manafort or Cohen issue. We will get back to the Bull Market that this A-Hole takes so Much credit for and you will see its been over 3000 days of steady incline - not the "Whoosh" economics that A-Hole thinks is all his doing !

Back to the News ,,, Alan Dershowitz  on CNN claims that the "coordination and Direction of the Candidate "could" mean that yea ...tRumpo told Cohen to do what ever he needed to in these matter and did not tell him (Trumpo) the specifics, and that would be only like a Technical violation of Election laws,,,,  and then - OF course - Wait for for - cause you won't have to wait long.... as it took Dershowitz less than 30 seconds to say "Do you know how many Technical Violations Obama had" !!
(Hey - So my client killed 3 people - do you know how many people Charlie Manson killed !?!?!?)

Manafort is a "GOOD MAN" - so says tRumpo - a Good man that is now a convicted Felon.   yea  Right,,,, I guess we just say that - hey - HE'S A  GOOD MAN.....  and the next sound is the Cell door closing behind him for the next 80 years or what ever Sentence he gets !!

and let's see what is the latest in the most disgusting piece of news today  - That our immigration policies ae to blame for Molly Tibbetts death - several of the Stories miss the fact that the Tragedy of the day is that this young lady has lost her  life - that's the tragedy.... And Anyone that is playing Politics - Like the POTUS - with this is a piece of SHIT...

Ok - let's look at the Bull Market. The Fact that the Economy is doing well.....When it started.... and all the FACTS...  so here is your Bull Market Chart - starts way back in 2009.... and goes till today,,,, nearly had that 20% drop off that would have ended it in 2011 when our - the US - credit rating was dropped,,,,, but is been over 3000 days , going on 10 years of Bull Market - the slow steady climb that economists  like to see to say the Economy is doing very well... and it's not the Flash in the pan BS that tRumpo thinks he is solely responsible for !

Money, it's a crime
Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today

Sunday, August 19, 2018

All related and a burst of Honesty.

It's all fucking Related,,, the Obesity , the Insomnia, the ugh,, I cant even think of what else,,,, the Poor eating habit,, the ,--------------------

I don;t sleep - at least not right away at night,,, I'm awake till at least midnight,  so what is there to do , but Eat something, Cereal, Captain Crunch, have a hunk of cheese , a packet or Oreos,  a Klondike bar... or FUCK that - all of 'em.

,,, I can feel that its taking my life... I know someone is finding me on the floor of the Shed or in the Driveway or laid out on the lawn after heart attack that is surely in the future  - I don't have the strength I used to have,, I don't have the Stamina I used to have,, and this is not jsut the nearing 63 years,,,, , If shit falls on the Floor - I leave it there - or  till several things need to be picked up.  Sad ain't it.  the lease little job has me soaked in Sweat, and I am embarrassed about the way I look... Ok, so you are thinking - hey instead of sending  invitations to this pity party - DO something  about it !! I wish it were that simple a solution.

I think I plan I see myself making the changes necessary,, but then Something else takes over and I make bad choices,,, I - I don't  even know what -  I don't seem like me doing it. Shit - let's move on to other things.......

Baseball- same same,,, well unless you are the Oakland A's and the Houston Astros = the 'Stros have lost so many games that their 9 game lead of just a few weeks ago has gone KA - Put ! the A's are now tied with them for the AL West Lead.....  this is not good news for the Yankees,,,If the Astros take back 1st place , then Yankees will get the A's  who are really playing Well !!  but that Wild Card Game may be on the Road ! OR they may get the Astros in Houston or NY... which means Verlander or Keuchel or BOTH !  Yea yea the Yanks have a winning record against Houston,,, but that last game was on May 30th.....  so these last 29 games are important,,,

Quick Hits:
- WDST Cruise on the Rip- Vanwinkle out of Kingston on Aug 31 - music and Dinner.
- Aug 27 - Yankee Game
- Woking  Today - Sunday  , Thursday, Fri, Sat, Sunday...maybe Monday, tomorrow Monday
- Started work on the Home made craft thingy for everyone for Christmas
- Near put a nail thru 2 fingers with my Pneumatic Nailer ! Whew close.
- Priced and was accepted for a new sheetrock job.
- Awaiting work on a Vinyl siding job that would pay for the next 3 vacations,  IF we get it.
- Still looking for a used Pick 'em UP Truck that I can afford
- Son FINALLY asks his SO to marry him ,, 'Bout Time !

In honor of the 49th Anniversary of theWoodstock festival ;
While we are visiting this subject - do you realized that WoodStock NY and Bethel Woods (where the concert Actually was held) are 55 miles apart - and given the roads between them would take you an hour and a half to drive from one to the other....

Here are a couple of Videos from that Concert..

Sunday, August 12, 2018

As you like it....

Someone mentioned the other day that they saw this type of analysis on the Pennant race hererya go...

the Redsox ( Redsox Suck & Boston Sucks - just to be clear where I Stand - the best way for me to have free time in the Fall is too have the Bosucks  in  the A: series or the World series , cause why the F would I ever watch them...... that Mooky (give me a break) and MBJ,,,, maybe he could give someone a ............  well you get the Idea and apologies fro the Rant)

Ok on to the Analysis - and this is using today's Data, after last nights results.....

You see they have a 9.5 game lead,,,   so the Yankees would need to win 10 more games before the end of the year than boston in order to get the AL east Lead,,,,,  What does that mean,,,  Boston has played 119 games - 42 games to go....  IF Boston was to go 21 and 21 essentially .500 badeball - and they are playing WAY better then that.... but lets say they do - NY would need to be 10 games better or 31 and 11 or .738 winning percentage - and BTW - NO team in the Majors is playing near that - although Boston is about .700 ball..

Going with the Felice Brothers and Run Chicken Run...

And the Black Keys  - Weight of Love  ---- If you are not familiar with this one,,,give it a listen....

And IF you have never seen Cheap Trick - what have you lived under a ROCK ?!?!?  Tell you what you do - click on the Full Screen option and Put the Volume at MAX on both YouTube and what ever you are watching this on..

This is Cheap Trick !  Robin Zander (vocal) , Rick Nielsen (Guitar and then some !) , Tom Peter (bass) and Bunny Carlos (Drummer extrodinaire )

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

just a few of the Lies from way back in 2017


“The overall audience was, I think, the biggest ever to watch an inauguration address, which was a great thing,” the president said on Jan. 26, six days after he was sworn in.
Ample evidence refutes this claim. From the crowds to the television ratings, Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration attracted a bigger audience than Trump’s.
The White House said 720,000 people attended the Jan. 20 inauguration in person, while Trump estimated 1.5 million. Both figures were disputed by fact checkers. But even if you take the White House at face value, that's still fewer than the 1.8 million who attended Obama’s first inauguration — the District of Columbia's estimate.  These Assholes cant even Lie correctly


Millions of illegal votes cost the president the popular vote, Trump told lawmakers in a meeting on Jan. 23.
There is no evidence that there were millions of fraudulent ballots cast, let alone enough to make up the nearly 3 million votes separating Clinton and Trump in the popular vote. Voter fraud is extremely rare, and the president appears to have acknowledged the reality of the 2016 election at least once — in legal filings.
“All available evidence suggests that the 2016 general election was not tainted by fraud or mistake,” his own lawyers wrote in a court filing opposing the recount efforts by a third party, as posted by The Washington Post.


"When I looked at the information, I said, I don't think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right,” Trump said in an interview on Feb. 16. “The thing is, he didn’t tell our vice president properly.”
After asking for the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — Trump said he did so for misleading Vice President Mike Pence about his sanctions-related discussions with Russian officials — the president said his adviser had done nothing wrong.
But Flynn had done something "wrong," and Trump knew about at least some part of it 18 days before he fired Flynn. The White House was informed in meetings on Jan. 26 and Jan. 27 that Flynn had exposed himself to blackmail by lying to the vice president about his conversations with Russians, the acting attorney general at the time, Sally Yates, later testified under oath. Trump was briefed by the White House attorney on Jan. 26, NBC News reported.


"We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden! Who would believe this?" Trump said Feb. 18.
The truth? Nothing happened "last night in Sweden."
Trump, criticizing Europe's refugee policy at a rally in defense of his travel ban, appeared to invent a terrorist attack in Sweden to make his point.
According to the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, the Friday night in question was marked by mostly unremarkable news including an alleged drunken driver, an avalanche warning and a famous singer having technical problems in rehearsal.  JERK !!!


On March 4, Trump tweeted that his predecessor had wiretapped him.

This is false.
On March 5, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told NBC News in an exclusive interview that "there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president, the president-elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign."
Later, the Justice Department confirmed this in a lawsuit in September saying that the department and the FBI “have no records related to wiretaps as described."


“You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story. It’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won,” the president told NBC News’ Lester Holt on May 11.
"This Russia thing" is very real.
The U.S. intelligence community confirmed that Russia interfered in the 2016 election in a interagency report released in early January,and the FBI was investigating Russian efforts to aid the president before the outcome of the election was decided, The New York Times reported. A probe is being conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller — in which four former Trump campaign officials have already been charged — while the House and Senate intelligence committees continue to investigate as well.
What's more, Trump was warned by the FBI in the weeks after he secured the Republican nomination that Russians would try and infiltrate his campaign.
And despite the Trump team’s insistence that they had no ties to Russia, The Washington Post reported that at least nine people in his circle had contact with Russians during the campaign and transition.
Did I say 100' s of indictments have been handed down, and 5 Guilty Please entered - Witches be damned !


“There were people in that rally — and I looked the night before — if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I’m sure in that group there were some bad ones. The following day it looked like they had some rough, bad people — neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them. But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest, and very legally protest — because I don’t know if you know, they had a permit. The other group didn’t have a permit,” Trump said Aug. 15.
These comments — an apparent efforts to defend the white nationalists who rallied in Charlottesville, Virginia — set off a political firestorm. They were also false.
And counter to Trump's defense, the white nationalists were also not particularly quiet in the first protest Friday. Men with torches marched while chanting “blood and soil” — a Nazi slogan — and “Jews will not replace us.”


"We pay more tax than anybody in the world. We’re going to reduce taxes," Trump said Aug. 10.
This was one of Trump's most frequent complaints on the campaign trail and one of his most repeated falsehoods.
Tax experts say that no matter how you do the math, Americans do not pay more in taxes than their international peers.
Trump also claimed repeatedly that America is the highest-taxed nation in the world. It’s not, according to the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan think tank.


Tax reform “is going to cost me a fortune — this thing, believe me, believe me, this is not good for me,” the president told a Missouri crowd on Nov. 29.
This is false. An NBC News analysis of the House tax plan — the only piece of tax-related legislation that had passed in Congress at the time of Trump's statement — found that it would personally save the president $20 million. His family was estimated to save more than $1 billion based on his reported wealth and his 2005 tax return, the only publicly available return.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Born to be Wild

so - time to say that the Redsox are just better than the Yankees this year. They have beaten up on the bad teams, and the Yankees have not...  example : the Sox are 10 and 2 against the Orioles and the Yanks are 6 and 6 ,.....  the Sox are 9 and 4 against Tampa - and again Yanks are just .500 .vs them at 6 and 6.....   So it really matters not that the Sox beat up in the Yankees they will win the Division on the Strength of their record agains other teams...  IF you are really a Die hard New York fan look at this,,,, the Redsox are 8 1/2 games up in the AL east with 50 game to go....If the Sox go 25 and  25 - they play .500 baseball a long drop for the near .700 pace they are playing today,,,, but lets say they do play  25- 25..... the Yankees will need to be 9 games better than that to beat them or 34 and 16 - HA ! fat Chance of that happening....  let's hope NY can at least hold on to the WILD Card lead - that's 3 1/2 this morning,,, and they will get to host the Wild Card game against either Mariners or Oakland...

A positive out of Saturday - Chance Adams pitched well - 5 innings 3 hits, 3 Earned runs,,, 83 pitches - with 53 Strikes ,,,,, a decent outing in a very hostile environment...

The Hitting - Frankly SUCKS !!  Yes they miss Aaron Judge in that line up - and no one has stepped up...  Didi is trying - others are just floundering... the last two games they have 2 runs on 6 hits, ain't winning no games like that   - they are a Collective 14 for 93 in the Series - hitting a Paltry .151 against Redsox pitching....  the Sox - hitting .311 .vs the Yanks,,,  and ok - if you leave Thursday's blow out -  out of the data they are about .225

SO - If you are Really Hopeful - the Yanks win the Wild Card  - NY hosts  and wins  the one game playoff that gets them in to the Division series....  You then get to play the Houston Astros in the 1st Round, and Boston gets Cleveland  - and BTW  NY Is 5 & 2 against the 'stros this year......

Let's do some music ......

Thursday, August 2, 2018

WTF was THAT ?!?!

The biggest difference between Redsox and Yankees this year is that Boston is winning their games against Bad teams,...  yup - Teams they should feast on - they are !

Example - Boston .vs Baltimore    10 and 2 - yes the O's are a terrible team and yet they are 6 and 6 against the Yankees !   Ex #2 - Tampa Bay Rays - Sox are 9 and 4 against them and again the Yanks are just 6 and 6 ,,,,,  Boston .vs the Yankees you ask - Ha they have a losing record ,,,, 4 wins 5 losses,,,, with a 4 game series set for  Fenway this weekend.

WTF was that 
Now lets get to yesterday's game - Awful - Sonny Gray is not the same pitcher in NY as he was in Oakland. he Stunk ....    game up 5 runs in 7 hits - 6 consecutive hits in the 2nd inning,, and that was pretty much the game. Gleyber Torres forgot to cover 2nd base on one play and then did not get over to cover 1st base on another ! ugh - and Shane Robinson  - the Yankees right fielder if you did not know,,,   caught  a laser of a line drive then threw home - god knows why - Romaine had the presence of mind to get the ball to 2nd base to complete the double play.  There is one you don't usually see the olde 9 - 2 - 6 double play,....  oh and Stanton whiffs with the  the Bases loaded and the pitch hitter Neil Walker swings at the 1st pitch and end the 8th with a double play ground out...  and Mr Stanton had not one but 2 Ground outs to the Catcher !!!  TWO !

So the Yankees go to Boston 5 1/2 games out of 1st place....  Lets do some quick math:

Series Result
Bosox Sweep = Yankees  9 1/2 out  - chance of winning Division pretty much over
Boston wins 3 of 4 = Yankees 7 1/2 out yea - about the same ..
They Split - Yankees = 5 1/2 out - yea - still the same
Boston loses 3 of 4  = Yankees 3 1/2 out - ok maybe a shot at the Division
Yankees Sweep = Yanks - 1 1/2 out...  now we are talking - don't hold your breath for a sweep...