Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Resignations , PG-13 - and who knows what else

Painting - DAY #1 - 1/2 the ceiling complete in one room,,,,, I hope to get the walls and trim done in that same side of the room before we move the Furniture back.....  I find myself a bachelor for dinner tonight - wonder what Semi  Delicious meal I will have ?!?!??  Onto Painting Day #2.....

SO - I don't blame justice Kennedy  or maybe I DO ....   Knowing who this ASSHOLE of a POTUS would nominate for a Supreme court justice , knowing it would be someone with exactly the opposite views that he has ,,  - how could he resign ??  And now We have a nominee - who is exactly that - Pro-Life to the point he wrote a long article praising Justice Renquist (I think) who wrote the opposition view on the Roe .vs Wade ruling . A Ruling that now  is sure to be overturned . He will vote the other way on LGBT issues, on same sex marriage, etc etc,,,,  so last night - even if if you did not know it your life and this country just changes  forever - or at least for decades - certainly for the remainder of my lifetime....

There is new movie out - a sort documentary about Fred Rogers ,, MR ROGERS !  It's called Won't you be my neighbor - and its rated PG 13 - Parents Strongly cautioned ..  Wait What  ??  PG 13 - what part of Mr Rogers was PG 13 ??

I see a new Disney offering - Christopher Robin..... I am a bog Pooh fan - well actually Tigger...... but we will see about this one...

4 kids and the coach still in that cave, hope they all get out Safely - no further loss of life is needed.

There was a Lunch Lounge yesterday that was to be all LIVE music ..... and unbelievably - either NO one Requested or they did not PLAY any Rolling Stones, WHO , Grateful Dead, J Geils band, Queen, Zepplin, Pink Floyd,

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