This is how things "normally" go - I spent about 6 hours - give or take building 2 wooden loungers for a friend of mine , a paying customer,,,
They look like this - I use a darker stain but none the less - Same thing..... After the wood and Stain - I make a bit more than a $100 for the work,,, not bad for a 1/2 day .... Now - Nature intervenes...
My car has been acting funny when it rains,,, miss firing and the Check engine light keeps popping on,.. check out the Video - those little sparks you see jumpin around in there are not suppose to be happening. That is the Coil block - used to be a distributor cap back in the day ,, but now no moving parts,.... this Coil Block is Cracked ! so the spark that should be going to the Spark plug is not ! Hench the mis fire and the Check engine light .. I get that replaced - sort of - while it was sparking in there it managed to weld the Spark plug wire into the socket - so I needed a set of Wires also,,, and that took 2 trips as they gave me the WRONG ones the 1st time.... any way getting back to nature invention.. You know that the Coil block - $86 Plus the Wires $40 = $126 nearly exactly what I made on the those two benches - Damn the Hundred dollars was not even in my bank account one day and WHOOSH ! Gone ! the Glass half full side is that I made the $100 therefore had it to pay for the Repair and was able to diagnose and repair the Car without going to a shop where that I am sure was a $250 - $350 repair bill..... SO here you are the glass is 1/2 full

Let's talk politics -- I pay attention to what the tRump apologists are saying,,, and the theme lately is that the Economy is stronger than it has been and that our 401 K accounts are doing great ....... of course they mention Obama and Hillary in every other sentence,,,, but their general approach is that it is OK for us to have a Lying, cheating, Putin Loving, Bigot , womanizer , Ass- wipe for President IF the Economy is doing well..... let me restate that I think the Dems are waiting to see what the mid term elections hold and IF they gain a majority Hold on the House - they will start Impeachment proceedings against the POTUS.....
YO - I am workin an extra day this week - Wed, Thurs, Fri and Saturday - Noonish to 8:30 PM,,,,so there is that - and and I found out something the other day that has to be a million to one odds of happening,,, has happened ! Ahhh a Teaser - you will have to wait till next time to see what it is, ,,,,
Don't forget - SOLO - a Star Wars Story starts tomorrow - the 24th in theaters,,,
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