Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Say What

This is how things "normally" go -   I spent about 6 hours - give or take building 2 wooden loungers for a friend of mine , a paying customer,,, 
They look like this - I use a darker stain but none the less - Same thing.....  After the wood and Stain - I make a bit more than a $100 for the work,,, not bad for a 1/2 day ....  Now - Nature intervenes...

My car has been acting funny when it rains,,, miss firing and the Check engine light keeps popping on,..  check out the Video - those little sparks you see jumpin around in there are not suppose to be happening.  That is the Coil block - used to be a distributor cap back in the day ,, but now no moving parts,.... this Coil Block is Cracked ! so the spark that should be going to the Spark plug is not ! Hench the mis fire and the Check engine light ..  I get that replaced - sort of - while it was sparking in there it managed to weld the Spark plug wire into the socket - so I needed a set of Wires also,,, and that took 2 trips as they gave me the WRONG ones the 1st time.... any way getting back to nature invention..   You know that the Coil block - $86 Plus the Wires $40 = $126 nearly exactly what I made on the those two benches - Damn the Hundred dollars was not even in my bank account one day  and WHOOSH ! Gone !  the Glass half full side is that I made the $100 therefore had it to pay for the Repair and was able to diagnose and repair the Car without going to a shop where that I am sure was a $250 - $350 repair bill..... SO here you are the glass is 1/2 full

Let's talk politics -- I pay attention to what the tRump apologists are saying,,, and the theme lately is that the Economy is stronger than it has been and that our 401 K accounts are doing great .......  of course they mention Obama and Hillary in every other sentence,,,, but their general approach is that it is OK for us to have a Lying, cheating, Putin Loving, Bigot , womanizer , Ass- wipe for President IF the Economy is doing well..... let me restate that I think the Dems are waiting to see what the mid term elections hold and IF they gain a majority Hold on the House - they will start Impeachment proceedings against the POTUS.....

YO - I am workin an extra day this week - Wed, Thurs, Fri and Saturday -  Noonish to 8:30 PM,,,,so there is that - and and I found out something the other day that has to be a million to one odds of happening,,, has happened  !   Ahhh a Teaser - you will have to wait till next time to see what it is, ,,,,

Don't forget - SOLO - a Star Wars Story starts tomorrow - the 24th in theaters,,,

Saturday, May 19, 2018


Yea,, Maybe I am just feeling shitty about myself  - not quite to the point of sending invites to the Pity Party just yet -   but just seems to   me that sometimes folks ought to treat me better ..  I ain't gonna turn this into a rant - only to say that there are certainly times that I am slighted and I shouldn't be... of F- that - Nuff said...

My wife gets good duty tonight - she is with the 3 grandsons  !! I gotta work till 8pm - and then its me and the Cats !!

Hey - let me describe to you human kind....and the way thing work in the REAL WORLD .

SO - the place I work shuts down at 8pm.... and you can't put your boat in or take it out after that .... I get a phone call from a guy that says his boat broke down and he was towed into the Marina  - he exited and drove home to get his boat trailer and he is about 20 miles South of me with 40 minutes to go before closing,,  he says he is driving toward me and hopes to make it on time - by 8pm - I say you have 40 minutes but that should be plenty of time...... (actually I am there till 830 pm - shhhh)  He says "you will wait for me??" I say - The Marina Closes at 8PM - please arrive by then.....

Fast Forward to about 7:55 - here he comes with 5 minutes to spare before closing and Dunkin Donuts coffees in the hands of himself and the 2 other guys and women he brought with him along with some other baked goodies !!!   Now this was a guy that 30 minutes before was so worried that I would lock his boat in ,,, so worried that he took the time to stop and get Fuckin coffee for him self !!   Imagine what  - they would have stopped for Dinner if I told him that I was there till 8:30 !!  Welcome to setting up your Priorities !! and heck I need that Mocha Latte Grande more than my goddamn boat !

This week has seen some big fish come out of the river - mid 40 inch variety and 38 pound Striped Bass.....   last night a young lady (10 -12 year old girl with her Dad) had to come show me the 27 inch bass she caught- took her 6 minutes to reel it in according to her !!  I bet ti did that is darn big fish for a little girl !!!  She was very proud of the Catch !!!

I need to spend a least a minute talking about the Liar that we have for a President because I think its important to keep reminding myself that this IS NOT NORMAL -now hear me out  - and the Trump apologists are doing us no favor and doing them selves such an injustice by pretending that it is OK for the POTUS to be a liar that we might forget - because of the economy or the jobs report that makes it OK- No it Fucking does not.. Let take the 3 Freed Americans from Korea - that he POTUs just had to get in a photo op with at 3am instead of having their families there to greet them , but we will set that aside and say its excellent they were released BUT - Dickhead Tweeted this
Now - If I am reading correctly tRump says that the Obama administration failed to get the three hostages released from North Korea -  hummm  could that be because 2 of the 3 were taken Hostage by North Korea AFTER TRUMP TOOK OFFICE!!!!  And KelliAnn Conway said when asked about that LIE -  she said hey the POTUS says lots of things like th Job market was improving  and went on to bash Hillary about some other Shit !  

I read a Quinnipac pole that showed 70 % of  Americans thought this Jerk - trUMP was good role model for Children and that same pole  only 20% of Americans that thought he told the truth - I guess that we just don give a shit that the Man is a LIAR !!

Onto a video that I saw this week for the 1st time in a long time ,,, a Music video thatI wrote a long story about in an Eng 101 class like 20 years ago - about a guy who's girl leaves him and he kinda goes insane thinking that the TV remote control he has actually works - AKA he can Rewind, FastForward, Pause and Stop the REAL WORLD -  and he does so by looking at a Photograph of her and him,,,,,  I got a C minus if I recall correctly - even thought I thought it was an A paper - anyway..... it was not a great song by SKIDROW - nor is was SKIDROW much of a band...but any way here is the Video

and Joan Armatrading came out with a new CD this week -
Here is the Title track 

Thursday, May 10, 2018

And then ,,,,,,,,,,, This happened

HEY  !!!   Lookie here !! 

The Yankees are in FIRST place in the American League East
and they have the Best Record in all of Baseball !! 

Let me do a Quick Review of Sean Rowe, We just saw him at Darryl's House in Pawling.

Had a nice dinner,,, My wife had a Philly Cheese Steak and Sweet potato fries,,,and I went with a Salad  and Calamari,  both were excellent,,,  The Beer was soso  it was an IPA and I guess I just like dark beer,,,

Sean simply walked out on the small stage at about 7:05,,,, and introduced himself ,,, started playing,,,,  a Set that lasted  1 1/2 hours,,,   he was funny ,, witty ,,,and told some really good stories about each of his songs,,, he has an amazing Baritone voice and really makes some great sounds with just that one guitar.  The highlights of the evening for me were Madman,  To Leave Something Behind, Luckenbach Texas, Desiree and he closed with a Cover of ACDC's 1976  It's a long way to the TOP if you wanna rock and roll...    I'd give it an 8 out of 10,,, and Sean stuck around afterwards to meet and greet the 100 or so people that were at the show...  

If you watch the  Live from Darryl's House shows,  you will see in the background of those shows the inside of the big room at Darryl's home and ion the walls are many music posters and one odd one of Eddie Feigner a softball legend that played with what was Called "the KING and his Court" a 4 person team that had Eddie pitching, and 3 other players and they routinely   beat up on local Softball teams around the country with Eddie pitching from Second base, and Blindfolded  anyway there is the same poster on the wall at Darryl's house - I asked as to why but - of course - had no idea...

Ok - I'm back to work today - alone after noon time and then tomorrow - solo after 4 pm or so and Saturday ,,,, hope it don't rain,,,

Here are 2 by Sean Rowe,,

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Welcome to the Jungle

Well well,,,,
Yankee NEWS 
So I kept hearing that the Bosucks were off to their best start in 100 years !!  Wow - so they must be leading the AL East by - what 20 games ???  10  games at least - well no - 1 game of the Yankees,,,  And Where I thought that Aaron Boone might not get out of May with this NYY managerial job in tack,,, he has the team playing at a very high level,,,  but I think it's more of 1)  Stay the hell outtta the way with the  offense and 2) don't F up the pitching staff,,,,

Then there were folks doubting of the Yanks could survive with Rookies at several starting spots,,, AKA - 3rd base so they went and got Brandon Drury (he has unfortunately been on the DL since April 7 with migraine issues,,, and has started game rehab  with the Rail Riders) Miguel Andujar has been playing 3rd for a while - he is hittin near .300 with 3 HR and 13 RBI's - and plays an Excellent defensive 3rd base,,,,  They called up Glebber Torres and he has been playing very well - hit his 1st Yankee Home run the other day - a 3 run shot to help win a game,,,  this is a Brian Cashman coup - he got Glebber from the  Cubs in the Chapman deal that saw Chapman  go the Cubs and help them win the Series  - and then resigned Chapman, and got Chicago's #1 prospect - Torres in the deal  !! WOW,,   Tyler Austin has been outstanding ,,,, even though he got himself suspended after a fight in Boston,,,  we will take that !!

And let's not forget the rest of the Young guys, - and 2nd year players,,,, like  oh yea - ALL RISE  !! Aaron Judge,,  The Kraken !!  Gary Sanchez,  Luis Severino - he is 5 and 1 with an ERA of 2.11 - tied for most wins with 5 an din the top 10 of every other category !  and Include in this discussion that Stanton has not really even started to hit !!  and WOOF - Just you wait and see,,,,, 

now  let's see who's not here - Ellsbury = Oblique - out like forever,  - DL , Greg Bird - DL since March 27 - 6-8 weeks.. Brandon Drury - head aches -

The Yankees really got screwed with the Schedule lately,    They played a Day Game on April 26th at home . vs the Twins, (completed a 4 game sweep) ,  then Flew to LA for a weekend series against the Angels with no day off ,, played a 3 game series there and swept the Angels,,  went to Houston for a 4 game series - again no day  off -  took 3 of 4 from the 'Stros.... flew home to play the schmINDIANS, no day off,,, won the 1st 2 games and go for the Sweep today ,,,, an then Finally a day off before hosting Boston for 3 starting Tuesday - Severino .vs Pomeranz , Tanaka .vs Price and CC .vs Porcello ,,  Let's see if the Yanks are in 1st place when Boston leaves town....

1st week down at the Marina - getting more comfortable with the Job this year, - and with the Monies and Contracts and Weekly Transient rentals,,,  It's a really great place to work an dI love the Hudson and the Eagles and the whole deal .....   My hours are now basically the same  - I'm the Thursday, Friday , Saturday person,  with Thursday - alone from Noon to 8 , Friday and Saturday alone from 4 pm on ,,,, but its all good,, a bit crazy at times but hey - take it slow,,,  all these folks that are in a hurry - all get their boats in the water and then out of the water  !!!  Like 50 boats yesterday with Transient fisherman,, and overnighters !!  plus a few of our seasonal folks came in also ...

Just News 
Pete Seeger's Birthday last week - so let's go with this one,


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

One More

Can you imagine that you cannot sit down - yup ... after whatever day you had , you sit on the couch and you cannot hold your legs still,,,, MUST - HAVE TO move 'em ! Most of the time ,, laying out flat on the hard floor gives   90 % of the time - but there are those nights - Last night  - that noting works,, 

BUT hey tomorrow it begins again - THE MARINA is OPEN !! - well actually today May 1  - but I don't work today,,   and I guess truth be told - I am filling in tomorrow from 6:30 - 3pm  so I'll be alone from 6 am - 8 am then one other guy,,  from 8am - 4 and another guy from 2:30 - 8:30 ...

But then we are on the Normal Schedule  -  I'm Thursday, Friday , Saturday from ~noon till 8:30... and will be all by my onezy on Thursday from Noon - 8, Friday 3pm - 8 and Saturday 3pm - 8:30.....  and off Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday !!!

Pretty Sweet....get ready for great summer of Boating, Fishing and Safe Fun