Sunday, October 29, 2017

So ,, let's see where this goes

First,, I have been so busy ,, I have forgotten to ride my bike,,,,  and it doesn't look too good ...

Sunday - Monsoon season
Monday  -
Tuesday - Work
Wednesday - let me try to get out there about 9:30 - 10 am ish -   walkway should not be too busy,,,
and maybe I can meet up with you guys around Moriarty / Pages 9:30 - 10 am o'clock ish,,,, 
Thursday - work - and everyone working day to get the marina winter ready,,, 
Friday - see Thursday.... ugh...

We are working on several projects.... there is a house siding that needs to be started and completed by winter.....  good work - Outdoors. New Siding - but that needs to get painted - so it needs to be above 35 degrees  for many hours to do that....    A Deck project that I can't seem to get the switchback stairs drawn up correctly - but thats a Fishkill project - and we may need to form an LLC to get the right insurance to do that work.  We have a indoor painting project in the Back pocket for when it gets really cold.  I started the work on the framing for the "Crooked Playhouse"

Yea - so the framing looks like this and I can't find any plans - so this will be a bout of an adventure of angles and bracing...   Then there is a play room to finish the toy boxes for ,,, and a loft bed that needs to be built to look like that.... he already  has the car bed,,, just need the Texaco gas station part....
so  - as you can see - I have a few things on the plate....

I have yet to secure winter employment...  but I gotta believe that HD or the Local lumber store will be looking for Seasonal help and if not - there is always unemployment,,,,, as I might be too busy to get a job !!

No onto more serious items.....  
Lets talk about the Astros player - Yuli Gurriel  - who mimic'd Hu Darvish by pulling his eyes back to simulate Darvish as he is oriental - this after this Low life hit a homer off Darvish. Now MLB does not want to suspend him because it would hurt the whole Team (forget what it did to Darvish and any other oriental person or player) and I guess the Astros don't have the balls to suspend him either .  And the Astros manager called the Dodger manager to say how sorry he was that his player did that and Ok the player himself is remorseful - most these assholes are AFTER they do shit like this cause they don;t wanna get suspended, and Big Fucking deal that they suspended his 5 games at the start of next year ! who gives a shit bout that......  but the manager  don't have the balls to keep him put of the line up - as it might hurt the team.  SO - Lesson learned here KIDS -  you can taunt and make fun of  others ethnicity IF you are an important part of a line up or a team playing in an important series or Game. This to say nothing of the Despicable fans that gave him a standing ovation when he came to bat for the 1st time in last nights game - WTF is wrong with you people !!   I think Mr Darvish might be scheduled to pitch game 7 if it gets that far  - I will be very interested to see if he does not run a fast ball into Mr Gurriel's ribs just to say howdy !  

and If you did not read anything in my posting before the POTUS is complete and Utter ASSHOLE - LIAR - JerkWAD, Dick Head ...   I'm just saying,,,,  and I am glad to see that members or GOP - have come out and said as much. The way this comes apart is from the inside out,,, so hopefully we are starting to see that happening.   I will reiterate that I am concerned if the country will survive this Presidency.  That the fabric of the country will be so torn - we may not recognize it after this Incompetent asshole gets finished.  And I have to laugh that he is still fighting the fight against the Obama administration, and that he and he Shitheel supports can;t make an argument on their own that does not mention the Clinton's or the Obama's. Truth stands on its own and does not need to be propped up with mention of others.... 

I'll end with this one by John Hiatt..


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