Wednesday, April 19, 2017

This time ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its for REAL

WHOA - when I says WHOA ! I means WHOA !

So now its getting real -  this is whats bringing it up close and personal ...

- Form filed with HR on the April 11th

- Confirmation that my acceptance of the "Package" has been approved - 3pm Email on the 18th

- Telling my Department that I have been approved for the VSP,,, you know 2 applauded !! Funny

- My manager holding a meeting to discuss who is covering for me from April 25th (My last Day - yep - I said that - My Last Day) to May 18th when I actually will be separated from the company.

-  Cleaning out my Desk, throwing all that crap that I kept for 34 years,  that even I dont want.

-  Peers planning a lunch to commemorate the occasion, ok,,, guess I gotta go... 
   Was gonna be 3 - now I hear 20 people - Jesus wept..

I'll keep you updated in the progress as we get  closed to my RETIREMENT DATE !!!

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