Ok, so its Monday,,,, good weekend gone by,,, a super Busy Week ahead ,,,, 2 days of work,, which is an adventure in itself these days,,,, Just so many issues, activities, Meetings, etc,,, and then IT's Yard Sale week at the SPCA,,,, the Huge - Really big - Yard Sale that we all have been collecting stuff for nearly a year, its tucked in every nook and cranny of my house, and many others,,, so That will all start Thursday , in preparation for Friday , Saturday and Sunday,,, I will be working most of those days, but will be there on the Thursday work day, of picking up and setting up all the Crap ,,, uhhh stuff for the Sale. Then Saturday is, Take our Families to work day here at the Plant,,, I am heading up tht effort for Our area,,, and will need to get all my displays, photos, and computer enhancements ready by Saturday AM !!
Wednesday is Eagle Day ! headed or planning to head up to the reservoir to see if the Hatchlings are Hatched !! And what activity is there... and Lawn Moaning (as Ryan used to say) House Cleaning,,, Mopping and Glowing , as long as we are not due an Doggie visitors for a while,,, cause last time it did not make it two days till the drool was dripped on it !!
Meeting this week for Team in Training,, I ;ll leet you know how that all goes,,,
Yankees are in Detroit,,, Sergio Mitre tonight (we don;t have anyone in AAA ball to
bring up ??) Memorial day is what,, two plus weeks away,,, Summer Reservations areall made for September trip to NC, and December trip to W.D.W. - and whew,,, I am tired just thinkin about all this,,,
OK,, It's like 8:20 and I am off for the 4th meeting of the Day- the Online at 8:30,,, then a 9AM,,, 10:30,,, Noon,,, 1pm, 3pm- 5pm,,, 6:15.... So,,, No time to say Hello , GOOD BYE,,, I'm Late,,,,I'm Late,,,,I'm Late,,,,I'm Late,,,,
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