so this story in today's paper pissed me off,,,,,, here is the Start of the Story,,, you can go to the PoJo news to read the rest,,,
Drunken-driving programs try to scare teens straight
As dusk fell over Pawling on July 27, 19-year-old Shane Smith was cruising down Route 55 on his motorcycle after a long day of work at a local landscaping company.
Without warning, a car driven by a young man who had been drinking alcohol and using heroin drifted across the double yellow line of the highway, slamming head-on into Smith and his bike. About an hour later, Smith was pronounced dead at Saint Francis Hospital in Poughkeepsie, and the driver of the car, 21-year-old Keith Johnson, was in police custody.Last month, a judge sentenced Johnson to prison for up to 10 years as more than 60 friends and relatives of the victim and the defendant watched from the gallery of the fourth-floor courtroom of the Dutchess County Courthouse.Members of Smith's family said they were gratified to see Johnson go to prison, but they said the pain of losing a loved one had not subsided.
So this is just one story of how a family was destroyed by a Drunk killing someone in their family,,, and the story continues to discuss "According to statistics compiled by the Dutchess County District Attorney's Office, about 6 percent of all drivers in Dutchess County are 21 or younger, but they accounted for more than 11 percent of 5,781 motorists arrested in Dutchess County in connection with such offenses between Jan. 1, 2007, and March 31, 2010. "Between 2004 and 2008, 280 people in the mid- and lower Hudson Valley died in alcohol-related traffic crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Of those, 45 were killed in Dutchess County. Only Westchester and Orange counties had more fatalities.
Here is where I start to have an issue,,,, so 280 deaths in the Hudson Valley from this ,,, 45 in Dutchess County,,,, in 4 years,,, IF this was a Serial Killer (and I won;t argue that its not) there would be OUTrage !
11 People a year ! ONE a month is killed ! and what is being done,,, let's look at the data that was posted right next to the Story, and I will not need to draw you a conclusion,, you will see it ,,,
The following defendants have been sent to prison for fatal, alcohol or drug-related auto accidents in Dutchess County in the past five years:
May 24, 2005: David , 38, 2 1/3 to seven years, criminally negligent homicide and driving while ability impaired by drugs.
Sept. 20, 2005: Derek , 21, one to three years in prison, vehicular manslaughter.
Jan. 5, 2006: Timothy , 21, violated probationary sentence, re-sentenced to 1 1/3 to four years, criminally negligent homicide.
Jan. 5, 2006: Ryan , 25, one to three years in prison, vehicular manslaughter.
Dec. 21, 2006: Angel , 24, 1 1/3 to four years in prison, criminally negligent homicide.
April 17, 2007: Brian , 22, 1 1/3 to four years in prison, vehicular manslaughter.
Dec. 17, 2008: Anthony , 18, 1 1/3 to four years in prison, vehicular manslaughter.
June 16, 2009: William , 32, one to three years in prison, vehicular manslaughter.
April 22, 2010, Keith , 21, three to 10 years in prison, vehicular manslaughter.
Now,,,let me understand that These people went out ,,,got drunk, chose to Drive, Killed someone,,, and that equals ONE year ! , 1 and a Third year, Three Years ! in prison. ARE YOU F'ing kidding me !
Here is the MarK H. solution,,, Drink and Drive ,,, Get a YEAR in prison, A full 12 months, 365 days ,,, Sit in that Cell for a year of your life. Get in an accident, 10 years .... Kill or injure someone , get treated as if you used a GUN, or a knife, Sentence a few of these folks to 25 years to life, and make it stick, Drunk driving will drop like a stone!
Ok,, so lets check it out, I looked up the people mentioned in the article, on the Inmate data base for NY state, and of the 6 people on the list that Killed 6 other people,, they served a TOTAL of less then 13 years,,, Nuff Said,,,
38 yr old David - Served less then 4 years
21 yr old Derek - Served less then 2 years
21 yr old Timothy - served less then 3 years
25 yr old Ryan - served 18 months
24 yr old Angel - Served 18 months
24 yr old Brian - served 15 months
18 yr old Anthony - No data,,, guess he is a Youthful offender,
32 yr old William - still serving - 10 months currently
21 yr old Keith - NO data
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
ok,, so it's worse,,,, guess it was me,,,, I need a new Brain to keep all this straight !
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Kept,, and then Not so much

IT's the days of Appointments kept, and appointment missed,,, Places that I went to to I guess I did not have to be at,,, and ones that perhaps,, were wrong to begin with. Early by 1 year ?? how could that be, and then late or maybe early ...who knows why ???
Past life encroaching on present day,... Dogs, & Cats living together ,Mass Hysteria !
Time with my son, and Hours on the phone with Tech Support,,, and then no dinner,,, and my usual planning problems. Getting 20 items on the list that I can only accomplish 5 off of !
Meeting should attend,,, and others I know I won't ,,, Allrighty then,,, lets get going !!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Quick Hits !
- Yanks are 3 games Back of the Rays,,, another blown game last night,,, Thames Givith, and Thames Taketh away. A short two game series starts tonight... then the Mets.,..
- No eagles at the Ashokan,, I'll post up some of he Heron, and Deer that I did see,,,,
- Sanded , then Pained the Rail on the porch, and before the paint was dry,, I knocked down the outside rail, and rebuilt it,,, moved the outside posts inside, and strengthen the whole thing,,, What crappy workmanship by the original builders,,,
- Yard sale went well - although I worked here most of the weekend and only helped out the Thursday set-up, and Sunday Take down,,, 2 huge piles of Garbage remained ...
Ok,, that's all ya get for now,,,, I'll do up a Video blog over the weekend ! Lucky you !
What was tht HOUSE all about,,, I want the Nasty HOUSE BACK !!
- No eagles at the Ashokan,, I'll post up some of he Heron, and Deer that I did see,,,,
- Sanded , then Pained the Rail on the porch, and before the paint was dry,, I knocked down the outside rail, and rebuilt it,,, moved the outside posts inside, and strengthen the whole thing,,, What crappy workmanship by the original builders,,,
- Yard sale went well - although I worked here most of the weekend and only helped out the Thursday set-up, and Sunday Take down,,, 2 huge piles of Garbage remained ...
Ok,, that's all ya get for now,,,, I'll do up a Video blog over the weekend ! Lucky you !
What was tht HOUSE all about,,, I want the Nasty HOUSE BACK !!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Monday ,, Really ?? Damn
Ok, so its Monday,,,, good weekend gone by,,, a super Busy Week ahead ,,,, 2 days of work,, which is an adventure in itself these days,,,, Just so many issues, activities, Meetings, etc,,, and then IT's Yard Sale week at the SPCA,,,, the Huge - Really big - Yard Sale that we all have been collecting stuff for nearly a year, its tucked in every nook and cranny of my house, and many others,,, so That will all start Thursday , in preparation for Friday , Saturday and Sunday,,, I will be working most of those days, but will be there on the Thursday work day, of picking up and setting up all the Crap ,,, uhhh stuff for the Sale. Then Saturday is, Take our Families to work day here at the Plant,,, I am heading up tht effort for Our area,,, and will need to get all my displays, photos, and computer enhancements ready by Saturday AM !!
Wednesday is Eagle Day ! headed or planning to head up to the reservoir to see if the Hatchlings are Hatched !! And what activity is there... and Lawn Moaning (as Ryan used to say) House Cleaning,,, Mopping and Glowing , as long as we are not due an Doggie visitors for a while,,, cause last time it did not make it two days till the drool was dripped on it !!
Meeting this week for Team in Training,, I ;ll leet you know how that all goes,,,
Yankees are in Detroit,,, Sergio Mitre tonight (we don;t have anyone in AAA ball to
bring up ??) Memorial day is what,, two plus weeks away,,, Summer Reservations areall made for September trip to NC, and December trip to W.D.W. - and whew,,, I am tired just thinkin about all this,,,
OK,, It's like 8:20 and I am off for the 4th meeting of the Day- the Online at 8:30,,, then a 9AM,,, 10:30,,, Noon,,, 1pm, 3pm- 5pm,,, 6:15.... So,,, No time to say Hello , GOOD BYE,,, I'm Late,,,,I'm Late,,,,I'm Late,,,,I'm Late,,,,
Wednesday is Eagle Day ! headed or planning to head up to the reservoir to see if the Hatchlings are Hatched !! And what activity is there... and Lawn Moaning (as Ryan used to say) House Cleaning,,, Mopping and Glowing , as long as we are not due an Doggie visitors for a while,,, cause last time it did not make it two days till the drool was dripped on it !!
Meeting this week for Team in Training,, I ;ll leet you know how that all goes,,,
Yankees are in Detroit,,, Sergio Mitre tonight (we don;t have anyone in AAA ball to
bring up ??) Memorial day is what,, two plus weeks away,,, Summer Reservations areall made for September trip to NC, and December trip to W.D.W. - and whew,,, I am tired just thinkin about all this,,,
OK,, It's like 8:20 and I am off for the 4th meeting of the Day- the Online at 8:30,,, then a 9AM,,, 10:30,,, Noon,,, 1pm, 3pm- 5pm,,, 6:15.... So,,, No time to say Hello , GOOD BYE,,, I'm Late,,,,I'm Late,,,,I'm Late,,,,I'm Late,,,,
Sunday, May 9, 2010
another day,, another series win - among other things
Really,,,, I mean Fransisco Cervelli - 5 RBI's ?? 3 for 4 with 5 RBI's ! Tex,,, guess he can still hit... 4 for 6 with 3 home runs,,,, CC misses the win by one out because of the rain,,,, the Bombers win another series,, 1/2 game behind Tampa,,, One more in Boston,,,AJ . vs Lester - the ESPN game - so 8pm start,that sucks,,,,on a work night,,,
Ogunquit is very nice this time of year,,,Rockmere still the nicest B&B we have ever been to ,,Sittin here looking out the Window of the room at the Ocean,,, now that is great !!
not crowded,,,, Rained a bit yesterday,,, that's ok,,,, we walked through shops in Kennebunk, and York,,, and Perkins Cove,, strolling the Beach this AM,,, then back to reality,,, and work on Monday,,,, UGH,,,
HEY - Happy Mothers day !!! to all you Mothers !!
Ogunquit is very nice this time of year,,,Rockmere still the nicest B&B we have ever been to ,,Sittin here looking out the Window of the room at the Ocean,,, now that is great !!
not crowded,,,, Rained a bit yesterday,,, that's ok,,,, we walked through shops in Kennebunk, and York,,, and Perkins Cove,, strolling the Beach this AM,,, then back to reality,,, and work on Monday,,,, UGH,,,
HEY - Happy Mothers day !!! to all you Mothers !!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Does it ever Happen??
If they say between 8 and 12,,, is it ever 8 ?? or 9 or 10 or is it always like 12,,,, and then they call and say,,,oh yea,, I am running late,,,
SOMEONE Must be getting their service guy at 8 ??? Any way ,, my morning shot , waiting .... Impatiently - I might add.....
Rain stopped,,, headed to 161st and River Ave .,...... to see Carsten Charles, . vs Guthrie,,, he of the who will be later known as the Loser ! GET IT ?!
SOMEONE Must be getting their service guy at 8 ??? Any way ,, my morning shot , waiting .... Impatiently - I might add.....
Rain stopped,,, headed to 161st and River Ave .,...... to see Carsten Charles, . vs Guthrie,,, he of the who will be later known as the Loser ! GET IT ?!

Back in 1936 this was a very eventful day !!! a guy born Giuseppe Paolo DiMaggio Jr. and who came to be know simply a Joe DiMaggio or Joe D,,, Played his 1st game as a New York Yankee hitting right in front of Lou Gehrig.... In his career - the YANKEE CLIPPER hit .325 with 361 home runs,,, He was World Champion 9 times, 13 times an All-star, , 3 AL MP awards. And remember .. like many players of that time, he took 3 years out of his career and enlisted in the Army,, The Yankees retired his number 5 in 1952, and he was elected to the Baseball HOF in 1955. Joe was the 1st player ever to be make over $100,000 a year ...
And I believe that his 56 game Hit streak will NEVER be broken.
In 1947 - a trade was agreed upon with RedSox for Ted Williams, but they also wanted this guy named Lawrence Peter Berra and The Yanks GM at the time - Larry McPhail - refused ,,, you see that Williams a lefty would have benefited greatly from the Short porch at Yankee stadium and DiMaggio would hae fared far better in Fenway with the Monster than he did at the old Yankee stadium where his right handed power had his long drives to Center and Left center field were just outs,,,as the Wall was 457 and 461 feet !! Joe's stats on the Road for Homers, Average, and RBI's are considerably better than at home.... SO the trade never took place...
DiMaggio became an American Icon - Married Marylin Monroe - DiMaggio was used by artists and referenced in popular culture during his career as well as decades after he retired. - SO .. on the Anniversary of His PINSTRIPE debut ....
Here's to YOU - Joe DiMaggio !!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
I feel terrible...
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