It is the end of of a Northern Exposure episode,,,, March 1, 1993 called Northern Lights,,....
Holling comes out of his Hibernation,,, Maurice befriends Cicley's 1st homeless man,, after he finds out he is a fellow Marine,,, Chris , initially cannot get his creative juices going,, eventually comes up with what you see in this video,... it is after alll a Time in Alaska when daylight shines for less than an hour,,,,Darkness reigns over the land,,,,
Notable Quote,.,,,
Bernard on the air: “Continuous unremitting darkness has been known to send some people into an emotional tailspin, so the management here at KBHR radio suggests locking away the firearms. The desire to stick that 45 between the teeth can get pretty strong at times, so why invite temptation.”
So,,, enjoy the Lights,,, and Enya,,,, its "Edubae",,, if you were wondering,,,,
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