There are just fewer times these days that I have any good Ideas at all , let alone flashes of that olde brilliance. NOT that I think I am Brilliant,,, but there were times that I had good idears and we will now take that segway into one of our main topics for today
... tis the Season to be shopping,,, and I - like most Men - if not most people, HATE WAITING IN LINE !!! I came up with what I will call the "Sears Strategy". It is simple and in fact BRILLIANT !.. When I used to Christmas shop at the Mall,,Sears was a big choice , as I could purchase Everything for Everyone at the Sears store,, (they stopped callin it Sears and Roebuck - I dunno why , but that's al whole other topic) anyway,,, the Sears Strategy ................

Sears has - or at least HAD - a policy that you had to buy something from that department IF you wanted to pay for things at that Register,, Example: Toys must be Paid for at the TOY register, where the G.D. Line was 20 people deep, and you needed to wait 1/2 - 1 hour for the privilege of buying those Wonderful Toys ! NOW , employ the SEARS STRATEGY - take ALL your stuff and look for a cashier at the Jewelery , or perfume counter, where there were NO CUSTOMERS , look for the cheapest earring, or perfume,,, FIVE bucks or less is the key ,,, and then VIOLA ! you can pay for everything at the Jewelery or Perfume Register - there-by eliminating the need to wait with everyone else at the TOY register !.. and this strategy was modified just last night at WallyMarts. Had toys, clothes, shoes, and a Basketball, and Soccer Ball. The registers in the front of the store were - no exaggeration - 20 people (ah Cooters) deep !! WE went to the Sporting goods Department , and WHOOSH ................. NO ONE IN LINE !!!! Brilliant !!! Outta there in 10 minutes !!

Blithering IDIOT
As I get older,,, I notice that I have trouble with my "short" term memory.
* Passwords that I use everyday /several times a day/can't remember what they are.
* I find myself in the Garage - went to get something - and have no Idea WHAT !
I have to retrace my steps to figure out what it was I needed.
* I put my lock on a locker at the GYM, & 2 hours later - can't "F%^&*ING" find it!
* I speak to someone,, & need to go followup - but by the time I get to my office - whoosh - I completely forget it,,, only reminded when they call and ask - what the hell??
So , I wonder , is this a function of Age, Heredity, or just so much stuff spinning around up there that not everything sticks , and my mind just plain moves on to whatever else I am thinkin about,,,,
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