Monday, August 12, 2024

What the hell are we watching ???

I thiink we are watching a person devolve in REAL TIME- You might - unfortunately - get to see a Parent or Grandparent do this while you are watching....   it very sad to see that there grip on reality slips away ... and is replaced with paranoia, forgetfulness and outright confusion on day to day things....

When you look at nad hear the GOP candidate I cant help but see the same things ...

Paranoid that Kamala Harris is going to whip his ass in the election on November -   dont care about nor do I belive polls - I don't know anyone who has been polled,,, and I don;t think people tell the truth when they are asked....

Total dillusional - Let's do it Jeopard style : Here is the answer - 

Sure, you can do things that will supplement. Absolutely. And those things are pretty open, and humane, but you have to be able to have a vote, and all I want to do is give everybody a vote, and the votes are taking place right now as we speak. There are many things on a humane basis that you can do — outside of that, but you also have to give a vote, and the people are going to have to decide.

WTF was the Question ??     Would you direct your FDA [Food and Drug Administration] to revoke access to mifepristone?

(If you don;t know  - I'll save you the Google search- this drug is used to terminate a pregnancy - early on - in the first 60 days- the Supreme court is leaning toward revoking the FDA approval of the drug for women's health care )   

He has been and continues to regularly mix up names and thinks he was running against Obama against Obama - not Biden or Harris ... he claism a helicopter incident that did not happen with the people he claims were there...  it was another African American Gentlemen  - He has continued to mispronunce Kamala Harris's name - and now spells it "KamBla" ?? 

He says that people don't know her last name.    “Kamala Harris. You know it’s interesting nobody really knows her last name,” he said.

“If you ask people, do you know what her last name is, nobody has any idea what it is,” continued the former president.
“Harris. It’s like Harris. I don't know - how the hell did that happen "
and he continues to rant and rave about Crowd size - as if that is the measure of anything !!!  and bring Martin Luther King into it claiming - falsely of course the He - trump had a bigger cowrd in D.C. than King ....   

we are watching a slipping from reality - into mental chaos and confusion- 

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