Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Hello Sheep!!!

 If you missed out on the Sneakers ,,, the Bible, the Cologne, the Diapers.....  You have still been played.

After he ranted and raved about not being able to attend his son's Barons graduation- you know the son that his wife was caring for when he was off screwing Stormy Daniels  .... yea - that son...

They asked the Judge about attending the Graduation on May 17th.... and the judge granted that request. and now- OF COURSE - Fat Nixon, Orange Jesus, Pervert Hoover - is he attending the graduation- 

Well the plan now is that is headlining an event in Minnesota - 

Judge Merchan canceled court proceedings on May 17 so Donald Trump could attend his son Barron's graduation, but Trump is attending a GOP fundraiser that day.... 
Line up Sheep and prepare to be fleeced - again and again... The Grifter in Chief is headed toward the money again,,,and he could not give a shit about his son,...

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