Sunday, January 28, 2024

Stupid shit

 The Governor of South Dakota - Kristi Noem - said that Texas and the Original  13 colonies would have never signed the Constitution of they thought that the right to protect themselves would not be protected....Let that one sink in a minute.....   A) the Gov of South Dakota travels to the Texas Border to talk about this ....  on the dime of the State of SD - clearly  a stunt to try to get favor with the Loser President  and try to get to be his VP choice . B) The US Constitution was ratified by 2/3's of the then Colonies ,,,,in 1788 - June 21.... C) Fucking Texas did not become a state until December 29, 1845 - 57 years LATER !!!!  - We need to stop electing STUPID PEOPLE !!

The Senate - has been and is working on a deal to address the Southern Border.  YES _ long overdue. It is being negotiated by  3 people - a Republican, a Democrat and an Independent.  The deal - sets up some limits on daily inclusions, and gives the POTUS to authority to shutdown the Border when the Limits are hit. Biden has indicated not only will he sing it , he will use it to shutdown the Border if/When those limits are reached - exactly what the GOP wants BTW....   But the traitor and mouth puppet of Dump - Mike Johnson- says that the Deal is dead on arrival in the House.  WHY ?? One reason  ....  Orange Jesus Loser - says he does not want a deal on the Border because he wants to use it to campaign  against Biden (does not want to give the POTUS a WIN)   The GOP could not care less about the US , the Constitution, the Border , the Economy, the Military and any thing else - they have not solutions to anything, they Continually vote against things that will help the People fo the US - they vote against them cause they are inept in coming up with solutions to any problems. 

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