Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Model

A model to follow : 

Run on  a platform of Christianity, and Extreme  conservative policies, wanting to Restore Christian purity, using a slogan of Making _________ Great Again,  Holding rallies with his supporters, Campaign on Building a wall to keep "brown Skinned people out and calling those seeking asylum Rapists and murderers,  Plan to alter the Constitution to all for mass Gerrymanderings and control of Voting rights and elections, Packing the Courts to uphold all Serious Legal challenges against you  and find on your behalf, Require "Consevative" sex education, and teaching "Gay is Bad" , abstinence only, Criminalizing any positive potrayal of LGBTQ people on TV , equating Homeosexuality with Pedophilia, and penalizing the  openly gay.....

Think you know who this is  ????  well maybe you do - but it is NOT TRUMP ...

it's Viktor Orban ,....   yes - that  Viktor Orban - the Guy who was Trump BEFORE Trump .  that visited Trump at Mar-o-Logo a few months back - most likely carrying a message from Putin to Trump or Vice Versa - the Same Viktor Orban that Addressed CPAC in Texas,  and gave a major speec h to the GOP in August of 2022,, he hosted a CPAC meeting in Budapest - he is the Only European leader that supports Putin in his invasion of Ukraine - Which may be the reason in a recent debate that  Trump refuse to say that he thought Ukraine should win the war with Russia -  . He has been interviewed on Tucker Carloson and Carlson spent a full week in Hungary,   He regularly is quoted by  and praises FOX Entertainment ( i ain't callin them news) and far right wing Radio Hosts.  Steve Bannon celebrates him by calling him. "Trump brfore Trump" 

  And we can see now that Trumpism is not indistinguishable from Orbanism. 

So if you want to see what Trumps and the GOPs vision is for America - Just check out what Orban has down to Hungary in a few short years after Decades od Democracy in that country...

Controls the Courts 

Destroyed the Media - so that all parrott Orban talking points

Transformed the government from a Democracy to an Autocratic Oligarchy rule of single party Neo - fascist rule - the Rich win the poor are powerless

Remember Charlottesville where Trump applauded neo- Nazis ?? - same thing happen in Hungary when over 500 torch carrying "Patriots" held a rally in front of  the homes of the countries largest minority groups home saying "we will set  your home son fire". = yea - Fine people - on both sides - 

Orban hands Government contracts to Business men on his side , and has driven those who oppose him out of  business and in some cases to prison or having to flee the country...

He has promoted that the government have it own Media and kept other journalists - Especially American media outlets   - (not Fox) from attending or reporting on the Government and the Progressive media is essentially banned .

Orban in his speeches to the CPAC in the US and Hungary has touted that the Republicans need to "take control of the Government"

He dismantles the Science Academy in Hungary - calling climate change a"Left wing trickery - made up by Obama " 

Got himself invited to the White house in 2020  - and became one of 2 sources of info on how Zelensky was trying to sabotoge  Trump.

Marginalized women say that "politics is built on character assasination that women cannot endure - AND has driven the Parliment in the country - with 133 members to having just 11 Women members.  Institied laws virtully banning abortion...

Has Armies and Police forces that report to and take direction directly from Orban.

The movement towrd Fascist and Neo fascists in growing and Orban is front and center in that movement - following Putin, Un, and Xi   - Trump is eager to follow them down that path - and destroy this country...  he holds control of the GOP  party to institute his deranged policies and - and controls  FOX to spread his message- 

Want to see what Trumps vision for America is - check out Viktor Orban and Hungary 

Friday, September 6, 2024

This is Jeopardy !!!

Ok - I will give the answer and YOU try to guess what the Question was - GOT IT ???

Ok -  ready  ??  here goes..................

Answer. ....  “It’s a very important issue,. But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that — because  child cre is child care . It’s something, you have to have it in this country. You have to have it, But when you talk about those numbers, compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to, but they’ll get used to it very quickly, and it’s not going to stop them from doing business with us, but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country,” 

Monday, September 2, 2024

A few things,

 Ok - so there is a video of Trump doing an interview at a moms for liberty event -  where he claims that there are transgender children that go to school and come hone a few days later with an operation, that the School decides to perform on them - and the School (not the parents have decided on) 

SO - " A few days later the child comes home with an oeration- the school decides whats gonna happen with your child".  #1 - the Parents never wonder where the child is "for a few Days"  #2 - What school has the ability to perform operations  " where ? in the nurses office??  and then the he says that #3 - 15 years later the child asks what the hell happened to me ?? ok - 15 years later ?? if it was a1st grader - age 6 they are now 21 ..... so this all happened around the year 2000 ??  and onlt he knows about it ?!?!?  WTF !

- in addition Mr Im so smart - that I don't know anything about it .,,.. and take no responsibility for it .... starting with Project 2025 - that even though he had the writers of that piece of crap on his private plane and met with them - the does not know them - and knows nothing about it... oh yea .... and then he blames the Gold star family that invited him to Arlington Cemetery for the issues of his disgraces the Graves and Sacrifices  of the heros buried there...  1st it was the workers - Trump claims "there are bad people that we're dealing with" they - the Cemetery worker.  And then - nope not my fault - they asked me to go to Arlington and I did and while I was there."   yup not MY fault .... waas he not the POTUS for 4 years. ???  and he does not know this !! 

Lastly today he suggests he was on the Olympic trials swim team ! WTF - and that when one swimmer passed the other they go Wind burns - so that they had to be taken from the pool.. Wind burns ?? in the water ???  is this the WET Water ???

and lastly - he claimed people do not eat bacon anymore because of Wind..

“You take a look at bacon and some of these products. Some people don't eat bacon anymore. And we are going to get the energy prices down. When we get energy down — you know, this was caused by their horrible energy — wind, they want wind all over the place. But when it doesn't blow, we have a little problem.”

But - go ahead - do the Thats not what he said - then you will see the video of him saying exaclty that BS - then it will be - well "that's not what he meant" = then you will hear it so many times and you will understand that is exactly what he meant. then we will get all the WHTABOUTISMS- what about Hunters laptop ?? HIllary's emails ???  Blah Blah Blah - When - when will y'all get tired of defending all the lies that come out of his mouth  ???

I thought that it would be the end

 When he said he could grab women by th Pu$$y - I thought that would be the end

When he said John Mc Cain was not a hero - I thought that would be the end

When he was responsible for the Inserrection at the Capitol - I thought that would be the end

When he was indicted on 91 Felonies - I thought that would be the end

When was for libel for Rape and defamation - I thought that would be the end

When he was found Guilty on 34 Felony counts - I thought that would be the end

When he was found libel the 2nd time of defaming the women he was found responsible for raping - - I thought that would be the end

When he called the Military "Losers and Suckers"  - I thought that would be the end

When  he praised Putin as smart - - I thought that would be the end

When he mixed up Biden and Obama in serveral speeches - - I thought that would be the end

When he said we should inject dieinfectant in our veins to combat Covid - I thought that would be the end

When he suggested dropping NUKE into a hurricane - - I thought that would be the end

When he started to sell Bibles, sneakers, playing cards, etc - I thought that would be the end

When he described a HOT PARTY to the Boy Scouts  - I thought that would be the end

When he continues to whine and whine and whine about how he is treated and could not give a crap about anyone else - - I thought that would be the end

When he met secretly with communist leaders - I thought that would be the end

When he invited the likes of Viktor Orban to Mar a Loser- O - I thought that would be the end

When he called White Supremists "Good people" - - I thought that would be the end\

When he Threatend to pull the US out of NATO - - I thought that would be the end

When he tried to bar journalists from the White House press briefings - - I thought that would be the end

When he quoted Benito Mussolini  - and then said he knew who made the statements - - I thought that would be the end

When he trampled on the Graves and disrespected the Dead at Arlington Cemetary - and then blamed the FAmily of the fallen soldier - - I thought that would be the end

When he pulled us out of th Paris Climate accord - - I thought that would be the end

When he said he would replace the Affordable Care act in two weeks - but did not do it in FOUR YEARS- - I thought that would be the end

When he overrode the Nations security experts and gave them the  top secrets of the Country - - I thought that would be the end

When he asked an Attorney General to "find him votes" - I thought that would be the end

When the United Nations general assembly laughed at him - - I thought that would be the end

When he bragged that someone gave him a Purple heart - - I thought that would be the end

When he would not go to a ceremony honoring the Americans that died in WWI and then agains not go to Arlington on Veterns days because it was Raining - - I thought that would be the end

When he continues to LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE - - I thought that would be the end

When his Cabinet members bergan to resign over his treatment of Americans, and his prsise for Foreign leaders - like UN,  Putin, Orban - I thought that would be the end

When over 238 Form GOP staff and cabinet members came out in suppirt of Harris / Walz and said that they of course had ideolical difference with the Democrats  - “That’s to be expected. The alternative (trump) , however, is simply untenable.”  I thought that would be the end

When he said that General Mark Miley should be put to death.

When he Mocked a handicapped reporter , Called others Horse face, and Pocohontos, and every other Slur he could think of -  I thought that would be the end

I am hoping that these and other behaviors WILL BE THE END 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Why they don't care about your vote....

 I have a feeling that they GOP does not care about the General Election ..

- They have gerrymandered districts in their favor to win local elections. 

-they have  manipulated Local elections to get Govenors and then Attorneys Generals that are 

willing to cheat and lie to swing the elections in their favor - 

- to totally disreguard the popular vote and send their own set of false electors to DC when the Electoral college vote is to be counted. .....essentially  to FIND those 11 thousand some votes that Raffensperger would not. 

- They have disenfranchised voters in swing states so that they cannot vote,... or worse they have what i will call a Ghost vote- where you think that you have voted but -  your vote actually will be set aside because of what they claim is false information . 

- They will use intimidation in states with close elections - the election Police if you will - just outside polling places to intimidate voters into not voting

- They will look to use Voter ID as a way to not allow voters to vote,  ex : saying that a photo ID on a Hunting lisc would be applicable as ID but a College ID is NOT - as they think a Hunter is mor likely to vote Republican and a College Student to vote Democratic. 

- VOTER Intimidation :  In the run-up to New Jersey’s 1981 gubernatorial election, Republicans in that state put together what they called the National Ballot Security Task Force. They recruited hundreds , arming them with guns, walkie-talkies, and armbands that said “Task Force.” Large signs were posted that said:


Republicans are also ready for any federal oversight of their nefarious practices. In the 2022 election, the Biden Administration tried to place federal election observers in 24 states: Republican secretaries of state in Florida and Missouri blocked them altogether. Expect that practice to spread to every Red state this fall. 

So, Republicans in Texas have come up with a new twist that’s designed to avoid directly confronting and angering voters. You could call it “passive aggressive vote suppression.”

Instead of purging people off the rolls entirely, they’re putting voters they consider suspicious on what they call a “suspense” list.

As of last week, according to The Dallas Morning News, “Nearly 12% of Texas’ roughly 18 million voters are on the suspense list.”

- Two possibilities exist for House of Representatives .  Both having them maintain control of the House - leading to continued challenges to the Electors  - they won't need to Hang Mike Pench this time. 

1) They actually win the House - obvious ...  

2) they lose the House- BUT - Speaker Johnson will not swear in the new Democrat Representatives (that is spose to be done Before the Election is certified)  because of he will say are irregularities in the Voting - thus maintaining control of the house. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

What the hell are we watching ???

I thiink we are watching a person devolve in REAL TIME- You might - unfortunately - get to see a Parent or Grandparent do this while you are watching....   it very sad to see that there grip on reality slips away ... and is replaced with paranoia, forgetfulness and outright confusion on day to day things....

When you look at nad hear the GOP candidate I cant help but see the same things ...

Paranoid that Kamala Harris is going to whip his ass in the election on November -   dont care about nor do I belive polls - I don't know anyone who has been polled,,, and I don;t think people tell the truth when they are asked....

Total dillusional - Let's do it Jeopard style : Here is the answer - 

Sure, you can do things that will supplement. Absolutely. And those things are pretty open, and humane, but you have to be able to have a vote, and all I want to do is give everybody a vote, and the votes are taking place right now as we speak. There are many things on a humane basis that you can do — outside of that, but you also have to give a vote, and the people are going to have to decide.

WTF was the Question ??     Would you direct your FDA [Food and Drug Administration] to revoke access to mifepristone?

(If you don;t know  - I'll save you the Google search- this drug is used to terminate a pregnancy - early on - in the first 60 days- the Supreme court is leaning toward revoking the FDA approval of the drug for women's health care )   

He has been and continues to regularly mix up names and thinks he was running against Obama against Obama - not Biden or Harris ... he claism a helicopter incident that did not happen with the people he claims were there...  it was another African American Gentlemen  - He has continued to mispronunce Kamala Harris's name - and now spells it "KamBla" ?? 

He says that people don't know her last name.    “Kamala Harris. You know it’s interesting nobody really knows her last name,” he said.

“If you ask people, do you know what her last name is, nobody has any idea what it is,” continued the former president.
“Harris. It’s like Harris. I don't know - how the hell did that happen "
and he continues to rant and rave about Crowd size - as if that is the measure of anything !!!  and bring Martin Luther King into it claiming - falsely of course the He - trump had a bigger cowrd in D.C. than King ....   

we are watching a slipping from reality - into mental chaos and confusion- 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Big scared ... and others

 So the Republicans must be BIG SCARED of Kamala Harris... 

The have  already started that she is not Qualified to be President . Where  she was born.. and What was her experience . ?   And they are trying to limit or stop her from using the funds that were already collected for the BIDEN / HARRIS ticket, even though they know full damn well that won't work cause her name is on that ticket ! 

And can we just say that it is not only is it insulting - it is embarrassing  to them that after near 4 years as her as VP - they can't seem to pronounce her name correctly.  Clearly it is intentional  ....  Fucking get over it and say her name correctly.  Like y'all say ing China Virus for COVID - makes you sound dumb. 

SO - set your VCR for September 15th - that is the scheduled date of the 1st debate of  Kamala Harris and Trump = this is former prosecutor .vs a convicted Felon- oh boy - this ought to be good... HE better be ready to get his ass kicked. 

Glad to see that the Head of the Secret Service Resigned ,.... the System failure was one thing - but her appearance in Congress - where she would not answer even the simplest questions posed by Congressman - geez it was tough to watch - if she tough she could like - deflect  all that - she tough wrong.   I mean - DAMN  - your organization nearly got a candidate for POTUS killed and you are playing footsie with Congress - ,, ??  not a good look

And what the actual F ??  

What are these people made of that THIS even has to be a discussion item ???
From Politico : ( and many many others)
House Republican leaders told lawmakers to focus on criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris’ record without reference to her race and gender, following caustic remarks from some Republicans attacking her on the basis of identity.
During a closed-door meeting Tuesday morning, chair of the House GOP campaign arm Richard Hudson (R-N.C.) and others issued the warning after a series of comments by their members that focused on Harris’ race as well as claims she is a “DEI” pick, according to two people in the room.

Monday, July 22, 2024

and we are just getting started

So now that President Biden has exited the 2024 Race for POTUS .... Wadda I think ?  - not that you should care.  Way back , I wish he would have not sought  reelection...  BUT - once he did I think the Democrats owed it to him to stick by his side and support him..   If they wanted to discuss other behind closed doors thats up to them. But Publicly - they should have circled the wagons. Even after a bad Debate, even after a the interviews that followed..   and I really hope that it was his and his families decision  for him to drop out - even though the public pressure was mounting for the last 3 + weeks.  The Democrats should have supported him- hell look at who the other party has for it's nominee - a man libel for the Sexual assault of a women, and the defamation of that same women. 90 something felony arrests and to date - 34 Felony convictions.. the biggest narcissist , racist, Prolific Liar  and Grifter , a person that aligns himself with dictators - Putin,  Un,  - and recently rolled out the red carpet at Marologo - for Viktor Orban  the PM of Hungary - who rules exactly like  Fat Nixon wants to ...-  and that party is still backing him....  

other thoughts : 

That this is an amazing moment that will echo in history for a while  -  White male - the POTUS. has stepped aside and endorsed a minority female for President.  Maybe that should not be amazing,,, but still..

And I can't  help but think that this move was well timed - that the guy they call. "Sleepy Joe Biden" just had the Republicans spend a better part of their convention bashing a guy that is no longer in even in the race ! kinda a genius move...

Will Fat Nixon be in a big hurry to debate Kamala Harris ??? - 

and of course - who will she chose as her running mate for Vice President ??? guess there are a few Candidates...  Govs. Andy Beshear of Kentucky and Gov. Roy Cooper of North Carolina , Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro , Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona...  certainly looking for a person that would greatly aid the ticket in beating Dump in that State. 

Will we see the same racist comment about Harris ? Her parents ? her Birth ? (she was born on Oakland , CA) - Will there be any other legal challenges ??  Where the GOP will want to push the issue to the Supreme Court where they have bought and paid for 6 of those Justices ?? 

Stay Tuned - things are just getting starting to get interesting .....

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Not now - NOPE

 SO - Now the Republicans want everyone to tone down the rhetoric in the Political debate ??

"when the looting starts the shooting starts" -  "These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won't let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. 

"LIBERATE MICHIGAN!; LIBERATE MINNESOTA!; LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!"

Trump at one point asked in a private meeting with close aides whether the U.S. could shoot migrants below the waist to slow them down.

After bombs are sent to his political rivals - he blames the victims , "A very big part of the Anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News. It has gotten so bad and hateful that it is beyond description. Mainstream Media must clean up its act, FAST!"

Encouraged Police to be violent "When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, 'Please don't be too nice,'

at a Rally where a man is being beaten .."Any guy that can do a body slam, he is my type!"

More issues at Rallies followed .."If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise," the future president said on Feb. 1, 2016.

At a Las Vegas rally later that month, he said security guards were too gentle with a protester. "He's walking out with big high-fives, smiling, laughing," Trump said. "I'd like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you."

A similar situation unfolded at a rally that month in Warren, Michigan.

"Get him out," he said of a protester. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court. Don't worry about it."

The shoot someone on Fifthe ave comment "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally in Iowa.

It started young... "Even in elementary school, I was a very assertive, aggressive kid," Trump wrote. "In the second grade I actually gave a teacher a black eye -

In a recent interview  Moscow Mike Johnson said  “When the message goes out constantly that the election of Donald Trump would be a threat to democracy and that the republic would end, I mean it heats up the environment,” the Louisiana Republican said on NBC. “We cannot do that. It’s simply not true. Everyone needs to turn the rhetoric down.” ,,,,,,,,,,,, hummmm Guess Mike forgot about HISTORY...   

 December 2023 - Trump said,,, “He’s been weaponizing government against his political opponents like a Third World political tyrant,” Trump said to a crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. “Biden and his radical left allies like to pose as standing up as allies of democracy,” Trump continued, arguing: “Joe Biden is not the defender of American democracy, Joe Biden is the destroyer of American democracy.”

BUT yea - NOW we need to turn down the rhetoric .... 

Monday, July 15, 2024

THIS is NOT America

 Let me say it . The assassination attempt against  Trump was WRONG- this is not who we are as Americans. WE like to think that we use the Ballot Box to settle things not Guns.  However;  in the past Politicians have been the victims and have had their  taken lives. The obvious ones that we know are - Lincoln, Kennedy, RFK, Martin Luther King, James Garfield, William McKinley,  and  some failed ones - against  George Wallace, Ronald Reagan,  Gerald Ford, FDR as President Elect. Harry Truman, Teddy Roosevelt. 

We like to think that these things only happen in 3rd world countries; however they clearly have happened here.   and look - there is no one that wants Trump out of this race more than me - but NOT LIKE THIS- I wanna see him get his ass kicked to the curb in the election ... Political violence is NEVER ACCEPTABLE.

But - look we are not living in a fantasy world. The Rhetoric by Trump himself has moved the needle toward violence.  He and the GOP have mocked those that were recent victims of crimes - even though this does not make what happened Saturday excusable -  in 2020 he mocked the Kidnapping attempt against Governor Gretchen Whitmer and his audience laughed and applauded.  in 2021- he prompted the attack on the Capital - with a FIGHT LIKE HELL speech- Gallows were erected on the Lawn and "Hang Mike Pence" was shouted by his supporters - then Senators and Representatives - some of whom ran for their lives when  the crowd attacked the Capital - called it a tourist visit  (by some in tactical gear , with bear spray and zip tie handcuffs). in September of 2023 - Trump mocked the hammer attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband - and his crowds laughed, cheered and applauded. In 2017 - he defended White Nationalists that caused violence in Charlottesville , calling them "very fine people" . 

In addition - the GOP has suggested that we "get over it" and offered Thoughts and Prayers after Schools shooting - in Newtown - CT, Uvalde - TX, and Parkland FL . blaming entrances , doors, and suggesting we arm Teachers to prevent these things,,...  

SO please spare us the Righteous indignation - that "Violence is never the Answer"  and similar statements that the GOP has come out with. 


I don't need to say that I am not an expert on these things, Im not even a Sub Novice on the Secret service work.. however - I think they have a couple of questions to answer.

- How did a Gunman get so close to the EX- POTUS and get the upper position on them - as they left that roof top unguarded ??

-  While there are tons of video on the day - you can clearly see that the Sharp shooter - FBI or Secret Service on the other roof - was looking thru his scope in the direction of the Shooter - he lifts his head - you hear shots - then he looks back thru the scope and returns fire -  I assume killing the Shooter - why did he wait ? Why did he lift his head ?

- While I believe that the Secret Service has  great training and preparation for the possibility of these incidents. How the Hell did an 80 year old man get up and manage to get his  head and upper torso above the agents for what I counted as three Photo-ops... They had no idea at that point if there were multiple  shooters and from different angles -  they had to assume that the first shots might be a diversion that you were then going to run him into the main threat - gladly not the case - but they didn't know that then.   Contrast this with the attempt on Ronald Reagan -  where they jumped in his pushed him to the floor of the Limo he as headed towards and sped away.  You never saw and part of Reagan after that 1st shot was fired. 

- and I will assume that there was an ambulance standing by at the Rally- why was he not put into that  ?  Maybe protocol was to get to the Armored Limo then move to the medical transport or were the Medics move to the "beast II" car  ???  

And while not the Secret Service or law enforcement issue -  nearly no one behind Trump moved. Heck - there are more people that try to exit from the  back of an airplane  - 2 seconds after the doors open - even though there are 150 people in front of them- they still stand and try to get forward but not here ?? stunned I suppose ...  plus - watch the video - who is the guy in the Brown Derby right to the Left of the podium- he does not flinch. 

This guy 

And - I have already read threats from the Right - about Civil war ..  about you - whoever you is - attack us , we attack you. and suggestions that the shooter was Antifa, was a Democrat , or Liberal ,,, all untrue - from what we know as I write this - he was a white  20 something male  , he was a supporter of the GOP = made a small donation to a liberal candidate or group a few years ago,. what he was not was a Migrant illegal or not , he was not in Drag, Did not come from an LGBTQ event, not wearing a Biden shirt. Clearly we need a better understanding of what this person thought , who he communicated with in the hours, days , weeks leading up to this.... 



Friday, July 12, 2024

What is going on ??

 So - Yankees have  lost the last 7 series in a row - 

After a great start that they led the AL east by up to 3 1/2 games over Baltimore - and were at one point double digits over Boston - they are now  in 2nd place - 2 games back of  Baltimore - so a 5 1/2 game swing, and are in danger of Boston closing the gap  to one or two games before the All-Star break.  Sox play Kansas City

IS this Boones fault ?  - ALL Boones fault ?  - I do think he manages better in good times,,, and has little clue about what to do when they hit these lows ,,, and They seem to have LOW - Lows ...  a tailspin that they can't recover from.   When its not the starters,  it s the pen, or the closer , when they get good work from the pitching,, they can't score...-  and in Games where Judge does not get hits - they don't seem to score or win. . and while I like that Soto works the count and gets walks, Soto leads all of MLB with 79 bb's   and Judge at 65 - IMHO - they need to be more aggresive  with pitches in the strike zone - knowing that the team is getting little from the guys behind them in the Lineup... 

They need hitting help at the bottom of the order, Torres and Lemahiu are dreadful - they are  the new Aaron Hicks..   And runners in scoring position - forget it...   i think last night they were 1 for 9 ....  AND even though the players change year to year the result does not ....

Cashman and the front office have some hard choices to make - the only year that they are guaranteed to have Juan Soto is this year..... and no matter the team or the trade possibility - those teams are gonna want the Yankees best prospects - Jasson Dominguez and or Spencer Jones - both outfielders - that if you trade them away and DON't  sign Soto to a long term contract - you just lost out on whatever potential that Dominguez and Jones have...

They open in Baltimore tonight and are 2 and 5 to the Orioles this season - it's not a great mind set to have ,  but they can't get swept ...  We shall see ,... Does Boone Survive the weekend ??  Three weeks till the trad deadline of July 30 - who is still in pinstripes after that >?? and who if anyone of consequence do they add ?? 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The GOP platform


  1. SEAL THE BORDER, AND STOP THE MIGRANT INVASION - so much for all that  "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! "
  2. CARRY OUT THE LARGEST DEPORTATION OPERATION IN AMERICAN HISTORY - sound like the Nazi detention camps or the US camps of Japanese during WW2 ?  what could go wrong ? Armed guards going around the country rounding up people - putting them in camps and shipping them - where ?? 
  3. END INFLATION, AND MAKE AMERICA AFFORDABLE AGAIN - ya and do you have way how  ? or Just say that we will end inflation ?
  4. MAKE AMERICA THE DOMINANT ENERGY PRODUCER IN THE WORLD, BY FAR! ummm WE ALREADY ARE !!!  BY FAR - For the first time in more than 60 years, US energy production is now higher than US energy consumption,
  5. STOP OUTSOURCING, AND TURN THE UNITED STATES INTO A MANUFACTURING SUPERPOWER - so all y'all won't be voting against the jobs act, the infacstructure act , the chips act ETC ???
  6. LARGE TAX CUTS FOR WORKERS, AND NO TAX ON TIPS!   not like last time when you cut taxes on the Billionaires and we got stuck paying the higher taxes ??  and please explain where you are getting the added tax revenue to cover all these cuts ??
  7. DEFEND OUR CONSTITUTION, OUR BILL OF RIGHTS, AND OUR FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS, INCLUDING FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM OF RELIGION, AND THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS - OH like a PErsons right to choose and vote ??  Those Freedoms ,, and freedom of religion ?? that one too ??
  8. PREVENT WORLD WAR THREE, RESTORE PEACE IN EUROPE AND IN THE MIDDLE EAST, AND BUILD A GREAT IRON DOME MISSILE DEFENSE SHIELD OVER OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY -- ALL MADE IN AMERICA -  ohhh just spout random BS,, and hope the Cultists buy into it...  BY siding with a dictator - Putin and Orban , and MBS?? 
  9. END THE WEAPONIZATION OF GOVERNMENT AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE - oh and yea - "I will be your retribution" -  or you just gonna eliminate everyoen that does not agree with you??
  10. STOP THE MIGRANT CRIME EPIDEMIC, DEMOLISH THE FOREIGN DRUG CARTELS, CRUSH GANG VIOLENCE, AND LOCK UP VIOLENT OFFENDERS - Violent offenders ?? Like ones that invade the Capitol and assault and kill Police officers in doing so ??? 
  11. REBUILD OUR CITIES, INCLUDING WASHINGTON DC, MAKING THEM SAFE, CLEAN, AND BEAUTIFUL AGAIN. and flowers and puppies for everyone ??? maybe candy - can I get candy too ?? 
  12. STRENGTHEN AND MODERNIZE OUR MILITARY, MAKING IT, WITHOUT QUESTION, THE STRONGEST AND MOST POWERFUL IN THE WORLD - WE all ready are -  And most of you republicans voted AGAINST the PACT act !! and are we gonna stop calling Veterns Suckers and losers?
  14. FIGHT FOR AND PROTECT SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE WITH NO CUTS, INCLUDING NO CHANGES TO THE RETIREMENT AGE - that aint what the Speaker has been saying ,,,, he want to cut them to balance the budget - his words not mine - even though we know one has nothing to do with the other
  15. CANCEL THE ELECTRIC VEHICLE MANDATE AND CUT COSTLY AND BURDENSOME REGULATIONS - yea - your Bought and paid for judges did most of that for you when they struck down the Chevron act of 40 years ago..
  16. CUT FEDERAL FUNDING FOR ANY SCHOOL PUSHING CRITICAL RACE THEORY, RADICAL GENDER IDEOLOGY, AND OTHER INAPPROPRIATE RACIAL, SEXUAL, OR POLITICAL CONTENT ON OUR CHILDREN - but hey bibles and commandments are cool- thats not pushing an agenda ! maybe they can hold up the poster with the commandments when a person with an assault rifle comes to the next school.... 
  17. KEEP MEN OUT OF WOMEN'S SPORTS - good god  - stick to stuff that you don't know how to do ... 
  18. DEPORT PRO-HAMAS RADICALS AND MAKE OUR COLLEGE CAMPUSES SAFE AND PATRIOTIC AGAIN - yea please we love the constitution excpet that FREE Speech thing when we dont agree with what someone else says ...
  19. SECURE OUR ELECTIONS, INCLUDING SAME DAY VOTING, VOTER IDENTIFICATION, PAPER BALLOTS, AND PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP -  ok - register everyone at age 18 and give then a voter registration ID .  maybe take a lesson from England and France on elections... 
  20. UNITE OUR COUNTRY BY BRINGING IT TO NEW AND RECORD LEVELS OF SUCCESS - oh yea - that - but we will tell you how we are gonna do that in 2 weeks - right after the new healthcare plan, and the new budget and in two weeks - everything will be told !! 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

 On this Date - July 4 1863 -  161 years ago -  the Army of Northern Virginia began a slow retreat - in a soaking rain storm -   from a Battle that they lost  at a small cross-roads town in Pennsylvania.  The Main part of this battle was fought by over a combined 165,000 troops , across July 1 , 2, and 3 - with the Final Days assault on Union positions costing Lee's army heavy casualties from which they would never recover. Even though the  war continued for nearly 2 more years and cost thousands of more lives, the Confederate Army never again would venture as far North as a few of its troops did on July 3rd. The High water mark - as some say - was a place that would come to be called "The Angle" at a group of  trees and stone walls  on Cemetery Hill.    Brigadier General Lewis A. Armistead breached the Union position with a few men , but they were quickly overwhelmed and Armistead himself mortally wounded - he would die on July 5th of infections from the bullet wounds.  That assault on Cemetery Hill  by 12,500 confederates - you know as "Picketts charge" - even though there were many troops and commanders  under Lee's  - General Longstreet's troops that made the charge. After the war Pickett fled to Canada to avoid discussing his part in the assault. The Charge was a miscalculation by Lee as he thought that the Northern army was weakened to the point that the Confederate troops could overcome them even if they - the Confederates  - had about a mile of  open ground to cover to get to Cemetery Hill and the North held the high ground and had superior Cannons, rifles and reinforcements, . Picketts charge was a bloodbath - the North lost approx 1500 men, but the South lost 6,000 of the 12,500 that stepped out from the woods to begin the charge. 

The battle that  started on July 1 . when elements of the two armies collided at Gettysburg as Lee urgently concentrated his forces there (even though Lee had given the command that they were to NOT engage the Union troops till he had his entire army poised outside Gettysburg) . His objective being to engage the Union army and destroy it. Low ridges to the northwest of town were defended initially by a Union cavalry division under Brig. Gen. John Buford, and soon reinforced with two corps of Union infantry. However, two large Confederate corps assaulted them from the northwest and north, collapsing the hastily developed Union lines, sending the defenders retreating through the streets of town to the hills just to the south.

On the second day of battle, most of both armies had assembled. The Union line was laid out in a defensive formation resembling a fishhook from Culp's hill south to Little Round top . In the late afternoon of July 2, Lee launched a heavy assault on the Union left flank, and fierce fighting raged at Little Round Top, the Wheatfield, Devil's Den, and the Peach Orchard. On the Union right, Confederate demonstrations escalated into full-scale assaults on Culp's Hill and Cemetery Hill. All across the battlefield, despite significant losses, the Union defenders under General George Meade  held their lines.

On the third day of battle, fighting resumed on Culp's Hill, and cavalry battles raged to the east and south, but the main event was that dramatic infantry assault by the  Confederates against the center of the Union line on Cemetery Ridge, known as Pickett's Charge. The charge was repulsed by Union rifle and artillery fire, at great loss to the Confederate army.

On July 4  - Lee   led his army on that  torturous retreat back to Virginia.  51,000 soldiers from both armies were casualties in the three-day battle, the most costly in US history.

The fighting across those 3 days left the Town of Gettysburg with over 50,000 casualties. This was a town of about 2400 people that after the battle had every building - homes, barns, taverns,  Everything -  was turned into hospitals to care for the wounded. Free Blacks from the south were used to bury and then in some cases rebury the dead. The Union dead were buried in a wheel pattern in a spot of land that was to be a New Union cemetery.  They were buried with their divisions in that area. and today the Center of that is the Soldiers Monument - in the approx location that Lincoln gave the Gettsyburg address in November of that same year. 

a picture of part of the  Battlefield today - you can see a few monuments in the background.  There are over 1300 Monuments at Gettysburg, If you have never been it's amazing to see - to look from Cemetery hill down to the wooded area where Pickett's charge started , to Culp's Hill, Devils Den, down to Little Round top.... 

The Monument that stands at the Angle 


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Welcome to the Monarchy  that the United states of America ... is quickly becoming 

I hope that Sotomayor's minority decision is as some say a bit hysterical and over the top .... BUT I  think we all know what were in for IF that FAT Nixon is reelected...

 “The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world, When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. 

Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune. 

Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority’s message today. Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done.”

“Never in the history of our Republic has a President had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate the criminal law, Moving forward, however, all former Presidents will be cloaked in such immunity. 

If the occupant of that office misuses official power for personal gain, the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not provide a backstop.”

“With fear for our democracy, I dissent,” 

Monday, July 1, 2024

I have no clue...

I have been mistaken for a long time... In having a text discussion with a friend - that we normally do not talk politics - but he said something that I have failed to Realize...

Asking if I watched the debate - which I turned in about 1/2 way thru and was met with the
the Same Bullshit lies that Fat Nixon always tells... I switched it off.. I'm not learning anything new here
SAME OLDE LIES he always tells...  BUT -- BUT  he said that "BOTH sides could spin it (I am taking it to be the Truth) could spin IT either way" ...... and I don't care of Biden had a bad  night - which he did - I don't vote for criminals, inserrectionists, Rapists or people that want to destroy our democracy. 

However; I  never knew this,,  Frankly I did not - that intelligent people  see these LIES as "SPIN" - and I am taking SPIN here as just seeing a TRUTH in a different way... 

- The right fielder did not drop the BALL - NO - he failed to catch it.

- I was not speeding - I just enhancing my acceleration....

- Did not steal anything = I failed to pay for it...

And I am thinking that they will spin these debate out and out LIES into something else
(and I ain't doing your research for you - go check these yourself)

- He said he gave the largest tax cut in history - NOPE - his was ranked
below dozens of others

- He said every legal scholar wanted Roe Vs Wade overturned 
NOT TRUE - hell - 3 Supreme court justices disagreed

- Biden encouraged Putin to attack Russia .... Biden imposed sanctions on
Russia  because of the attack

- Said HE  "tried" to send in the National guard on Jan 6 
LIE - members of his own staff that were with him that day testified that he DID NOT
Plus the Commander of the National guard said he waited hours for authorization to act

- Said it was a made up story that he said that there were "very Fine people on both sides"
in Charlottesville (White Supremacists and KKK)  - that is widely available on Video with him  saying those exact words.

- he said Migrants are living in Luxury hotels - they are not - might be in Hotels - 
but far from Luxurious

- He said the Southern Border is the MOST DANGEROUS PLACE IN THE  WORLD.
I think the people of Ukraine and Gaza might have a different view of that ..

SPIN  AWAY !!!!!


Sunday, June 30, 2024

Fait Accompli

Fait Accompli: This week the Supreme Court - this is the Court with the Bought off Judge Thomas and insurrectionist Alito , and the other LIARS that testified Before Congress that certain judgements by the Court were "Super precedences" and there was not reason to retry those cases or Overturn those decisions...aka Roe v. Wade , etc.. First - the court legalized political bribery (i wonder why they did that ??) So that if the Person recieving the "gratuity" Got the payoff AFTER the act- that was OK - it was just bribery if they recieved it Before.....See also - Clarence Thomas's and Alito's Million dollar vacations, paid-off mortgages, and their close friendship to the Koch (said coke if ya aren't aware) Brothers. They ruled that Homeless people were criminals and could be Banned and Ticketed for living on the street - even if shelters were full and not available for them, and that DID NOT constitute Cruel and unusal punishment. YEA - that. However - IF you attacked The Capitol building as part of a MOB that committed violence to stop the Peaceful trasnfer of Power - you should not be held accountable for Obstruction. Yea - Just show up in Tactical Gear, build a Gallows, have Zip tie handcuffs with you , assault/kill police officers , Chant "Hang Mike Pence " you did not mean to obstruct the proceeding.... Then remove all Federal Agencies power over their own regulations and hand it to Multibillion dollar Corporations and Judges who have NO Expertise about the subjects and those Corporations will now bring every lawsuit imaginable as a way to not comply to those regulations. Drive those cases to the Supreme Court - where - waiting for them will be all the Judges that they BOUGHT and Paid for - What could go wrong ? And when - on Monday - the Court grants Fat Nixon immunity from all his crimes that he committed while President - it will be a Fait Accompli - Congratulations - your Children and Grandchildren will look back at these decisions and wonder how did it all happen - Right before our eyes, with the support of people who swore to protect the Constitution instead of shredding it..... and by the time you realize what has happened. TOO LATE !

Thursday, June 27, 2024


 Ok - I am not sure who the guy is that said this 1st - but I agree - nearly 100%...

How to FIX Congress...

1st - Term Limits - 2 TERMS - Just like the President - then go back to what ever life you had before...

2 - The Pay of the Congress - Senators and Representatives  are paid the median salary of their constituents - they wanna make more money - then figure out a way that the people YOU represent Make more money. this will guarantee that they understand what the folks they are representing are dealing with 

3 - now this is where we differ..... I think there is benefit to FACE - to - FACE discussion... so tax payer paid travel - on some basis - between their state and Washington DC - say 6 times per year.  other that that we do have ZOOM technogoly and Secure voting to take care of the rest of it. 

4 - NO Overseas travel - there is no reason that a Congress person from Minnesota needs to travel to Paris on government business.  You represent that State- Stay there or D.C.  Wanna go on vacation to France - you do it on your Dime.

5 - so a few of these will free up the Congresspersons time - so there is now a ONE ISSUE BILL only !

no attaching anything other than what the Bill adresses - Want funding for say - Ukraine - then that bill only has that funding - not a bunch pf pork belly stuff that bendfits a state or other BS . 

ONE BILL - ONE ISSUE - One VOTE - it passes or Fails on its own Merit. 

6 - and maybe the most important - ANYTIME - read that again - ANYTIME a member of Congress speaks to the Media , gives speech, comments on any damn thing - it is assumed that THEY ARE UNDER OATH.  and can be held libel for perjury for lying in any and all circumstances.

7 - Now we know of what stocks that Congress trades - Buys and Sells - But I think that once elected - they must divest or place in Blind trust any and all holdings.  Heck we don't trust Congress now -  this would help us in believing that they are not voting on bills based on their personal investments, - oh and same for their families - Spouses , Sons Daughters, Grands, etc,,,,   

Sunday, June 23, 2024

It's Debatable

 Or it will be this week on June 27th....  Now - I have heard from several sources - and while  I do not watch asecond of FOX entertainment,  yes their sources also that trump has said that the Debate is Rigged - WOW - now thats surprising ... RIGGED - he has never used that word before (see Sarcasm).

Why ?  You would ask - 

- It's on CNN

- It's with CNN hosts, Tapper and Bash

- There is no opening statement

- Microphones will be muted when it is not that persons trun to speak

- There is NO audience .

- the Format is for a 2 minute answer and a one minute rebuttal. 

 and oh - Biden will be drugged up for the debate. 

Both Candidates and/or their Representatives had to agree to that format . BUT - IT's RIGGED - and he has stated there is no way for him to win - although I GUARANTEE  - Guarantee - that regardless of what happens or is said - that Fat Nixon will say - that he WON ...

Pervert Hoover has criticized Biden for preparing for the debate - although he (Trump) has been meeting with his advisors and using Mock debate questions in those conversations..  Aside from what Dump is doing flying around the country - holding rallies, shitting himself - Biden has some other responsibilities. 

------  What Question(s)  would I like to hear answered  ?? cause stop asking about accepting the elections results,- we know that answer...

 Q1.   On day #1 of the new Term - Jan 20th 2025 - what will be the  top 3 Items on the agenda for each candidate.? 

Q2.  Specifically  - what are their actions to lower inflation - and reduce prices on Food , Gas , Energy overall ? . specific actions - not rambling BS. 

Q3.  What country do they see as the greatest threat to America and why ? - what would they do  to decrease that threat. 

Q4.   Do they see Medicare and Social Security as programs that need to be overhauled / Maybe Privatized  ?? 

Ok - so pop your popcorn and get ready for the Greatest Show on Earth !! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

and THAT's the TRUTH ...

A  brilliant propaganda minister, famously told a leader  , “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.” Donald Trump and the MAGA faction of the Republican Party have taken that  advice to heart, and it’s going to make this fall’s election one like we’ve never seen before.

Already they’ve been lying so often and so effectively that nearly all MAGA and maybe all  Republicans, and majorities or near-majorities of Americans, believe:

- that we’re in a recession (we’re in better shape, in most ways, than any time since the 1960s and inflation last month was zero while Ronald Reagan never got it below 4.1% in his entire eight years);
— about crime being up (it’s down dramatically since Trump);
 that “Democrats want elective abortion up to the moment of birth” (none have ever said that);
—  that the 2020 election was “stolen” from Trump by “voter fraud”;
—  that the southern border is “wide open”;
— that Social Security is on the verge of bankruptcy and must be saved by privatization or benefits cuts;
— their vicious lie that queer people are pedophiles targeting America’s schoolchildren; and
— their NRA lie that more and more deadly guns will keep our kids safe. BUT you have to go thru a Metal scanner at Fat Nixon rallies cause - wait - I thought more guns made us safer !?!?

OH- that propaganda minister was Joseph Goebbels - and he was advising - Hitler. 

Reference "The Hartman Report" -