I do not think that states should be stopping Trump from being on the Ballot - now - all of these cases are Primary Ballots - Not for the general election.... but it may carry over to that.
#1 - IT's going to the Supreme court and they are very very likely to overturn these rulings,,, even thought they are all up in States rights when it comes to Abortion.
#2 - don;t you think that the next thing you are going to hear is that a RED STATE - will attempt and maybe succeed in removing Biden from it's ballot - a total waste of time and effort.. Let Biden beat Trump straight up - It ain't gonna matter -as the Maggats are going to scream "rigged election" for the next how long ever .... as the have been .....
Let's move on to Nikki Haley - what a Dumb ass. What was she thinking - a soft toss question about the Civil War - and Jesus - she did a swing and miss..... Ms. Haley was the damn Governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017 - South Carolina - .... Let's see in the Civil war what state seceded from the union 1st ?? hummm - South Carolina - and in those articles of Secession - what did they state...
It asserts that the government of the United States and of states within that government had failed to uphold their obligations to South Carolina. The specific issue stated was the refusal of some states to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act and clauses in the U.S. Constitution protecting slavery and the federal government's perceived role in attempting to abolish slavery. SLAVERY SLAVERY SLAVERY = jsut fucking say it - You can lead with "States right s" - but the RIGHT that they wanted to preserve was............... wait for it.....
SLAVERY !! Geez come on....
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