Saturday, December 30, 2023

Stop - just stop

 I do not think that states should be stopping Trump from being on the Ballot - now - all of these cases are Primary Ballots - Not for the general election.... but it may carry over to that.

#1 - IT's going to the Supreme court and they are very very likely to overturn these rulings,,, even thought they are all up in States rights when it comes to Abortion. 

#2 - don;t you think that the next thing you are going to hear is that a RED STATE - will attempt and maybe succeed in removing Biden from it's ballot - a total waste  of time and effort.. Let Biden beat Trump straight up -  It ain't gonna matter -as the Maggats are going to scream "rigged election" for the next how long ever .... as the have been ..... 

Let's move on to Nikki Haley - what a Dumb ass. What was she thinking - a soft toss question about the Civil War - and Jesus - she did a swing and miss.....   Ms. Haley was the damn  Governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017 - South Carolina - .... Let's see in the Civil war what state seceded from the union 1st ?? hummm - South Carolina -   and in those articles of Secession - what did they state... 

It asserts that the government of the United States and of states within that government had failed to uphold their obligations to South Carolina. The specific issue stated was the refusal of some states to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act and clauses in the U.S. Constitution protecting slavery and the federal government's perceived role in attempting to abolish slavery.  SLAVERY SLAVERY SLAVERY = jsut fucking say it - You can lead with "States right s" - but the RIGHT that they wanted to preserve was...............  wait for it.....

SLAVERY !!  Geez come on....


Friday, December 22, 2023

Colorado and RUDY

 Hold the Phone - When Roe .v Wade was overturned by the Supreme court - the GOP was crowing about that it was a decision that returned the issue for the states to decide - and that was the right way to go...

now - in Colorado - the court has " disqualified President Trump from seeking the presidency."  More specifically, they asserted that he was ineligible under Section Three because he engaged in insurrection on January 6, 2021, after swearing an oath as President to support the U.S. Constitution." 

Now this will end up in the US Supreme Court  (where the GOP has judges that have been bought and paid for - Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Coney Barrett ) 

However; it's still  fun to hear the GOP howlers say now  that that their lord and savior the  "Mango Mussolini" was barred from  the Ballot in Colorado by that states Supreme court - suddenly the GOP says that a STATES Right to decide is  NO good ! OH  - and all the ones that were touting that Women who  live in states where their rights were taken away could "move to another state" - well IF you are a resident of Colorado and wish to vote for your Orange Jesus - then "move to another state" .  and all y'all saying you will just write his name in  - The court has got you covered in part of that ruling..... "the Secretary may not list President Trump’s name on the 2024 presidential primary ballot, nor may she count any write-in votes cast for him" Yahtzee !

Let's move to Rudy Guiliani - found guilty of Libel against 2 election workers in Georgia - that resulted in them (these are volunteers) receiving death threats on them and their families - they having to leave their homes , and get security protection because of this....   He was found Libel and ordered to pay $148 Million dollars....  as he was leaving the fucking court room - he essentially doubled down - that everything he said was true-   and that he had the evidence to prove it - although his legal team produced NO such evidence at trial and he did not testify in that case,  SO - and correctly SO - the 2 ladies that he defamed sued him again !! HA !  And the Judge in the case ruled that the election workers could begin immediately to seize - get liens on Rudy's assets -   as the judge thought it possible that he would attempt to circumvent the process by hiding his  current assets - and like an early Christmas present - the next day - RUDY DECLARED BANKRUPtCY ! The former New York City mayor listed nearly $153 million in existing or potential debts, including almost $1 million in state and federal tax liabilities, money he owes lawyers, and many millions of dollars in potential judgments in lawsuits against him. He estimated he had assets worth $1 million to $10 million.

Are you wondering what happened to "America's Mayor" ? one word happened  - TRUMP

and let me circle back to the Colorado court....   The Right has now decided that judicial matters should not be decided by "unelected" Justices...  SAY WHAT !! ??  “We need elections that we can trust, that we can believe in,” GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said Tuesday at a campaign event in Mason City, Iowa. “That means yes, unelected judges are not going to decide willy-nilly across the state who ends up on a ballot and who doesn’t.”  GOP Rep. Mike Waltz of Florida also criticized the “unelected judges” for issuing a “garbage” ruling in a social media post Wednesday. Missouri Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe similarly said “unelected liberal judges” shouldn’t determine who can be president.  OK- so let's look at Colorado..   in Colorado, supreme court justices are initially appointed by governors but then have to face the voters by running in statewide retention elections. Colorado voters previously chose to keep all four justices who were in the 4-3 majority that ruled against Trump. WHOOPS !!!!!!

AND - Let we forget - the Justices that sit on the Supreme court of the United States are ?????


Monday, December 18, 2023

NO idea

 So the Rhetoric that some find abhorrent - others see it as what they belive - have they always believed it  ??  I am going to say that some have ,, but most - NO ..... they ahve been sold this bill of goods by what is maybe the greatest con man of all time - the FORMER POTUS..

Do you believe that immigrants are vermin ??  I doubt if you have thought that all along ...   You now think that ??    Join the CULT - the supreme leader has spoken and you now think it...   Do you realize that Hitler refered to Jews and Gypsies, and non Aryans as vermin in Mein Kampf as vermin... and now Trump uses that rhetoric to say that immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country....  

The Nazi's and their dictator friends old and new had a play book - call anyone that disagreed with them the ENEMY - that THEY were trying to destroy their country.   That the MEDIA was the enemy of the people .....  that they the Dictator was the only one that could be trusted to provide the correct information.    That they - and they alone could fix the issues in the country. That anyone that disagreed with them was the enemy - even if that person was loyal in the past that fact that they are not now loyal - means they need to be destroyed.  

Note the flags, the hats,  the shirts, the banners ,......  look familiar....

Convince the fringe groups and individuals that their Awful/Terrible/hateful thoughts and deeds are OK because you say the same things, you think the same things, you bully and make fun of the same people. YOU LIE YOU LIE YOU LIE YOU LIE YOU LIE YOU LIE YOU LIE YOU LIE YOU LIE YOU LIE 

I have said it before and I'll say it again - we have this one chance - this last chance - vote for anyone else for PRESIDENT - or you will never have to VOTE again the USA will cease to exist as a Democratic Republic.   Once its done you can put the Genie back in the bottle.... 

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Can't Explain...

 How - how exactly is what happening right now OK ?

Innocent until proven guilty - I 100% agree with ..............  and he has not been found guilty on any charges - yet....  But just think of this in past history... What political candidate for any party could be indicted on 91 Felonies across several jurisdictions - and still be a Candidate for President ???  Clinton ??? Obama ???  I don;t think so ..

As recently as yesterday in a speech in New Hampshire - that candidate said that undocumented immigrants were "poisoning the blood of our country," repeating language that has previously drawn criticism as xenophobic and echoing of Nazi rhetoric. yea - that. My Grandparents were immigrants to the US - ok - not undocumented - but still immigrants. 

The followers to his cult send him - a Billionaire - money for his legal defense. The bought Cards with a Cartoon likenes of him in Revolutionary Garb, and riding a Velociraptor. He is Selling pieces of the suit he wore for his mug shot  when he was arrested in Georgia.  yea - but it's not a cult.

His disciples  claim that the economy was the best under his presidency.  Bill Clinton had what 99% of economists would say was the overall Best Economy - however; Kennedy had the best GDP growth,  Job growth - Clinton, Job market fro employment - Obama, income - Clinton ,  Stock Market - Clinton, Consumer spending Clinton and Reagan virtually tied, GDP  - CLinton - ok- you get the idea,,, in no way was that former POTUS ever the best in economy....

He supports the Military - by calling John McCain (a Senator he had political differences with ) a LOSER because he was a prison of war. McCain who refused to be released from a POW camp unless ALL the POW's   were let go...  yea - a loser...   WAs nearly 1/2 late to a Wreathe laying Ceremony at Arlington Cemetary. Refused to go to a Cemetery near Normandy where American soldiers were buried because 1st - the Helicopter could not fly....  then when that was found to be false -  then the  Secret Service would not take him -   and he said - that 4 witnessess heard - and he does not travel with democrats so these were GOP folks - that why would he go there - as they werre "losers and Suckers" and it was raining & windy  and he did not want to mess up his hair- now thats what I call respect for the military. 

He has already told u s he want to be dictator for a day - and that he would use the DOJ, the FBI, CIA to get retribution on his enemies .  A Dictator .....   This guy that praised the likes of a former KGB agent that is now the leader in Russia -- Putin - that said that he and Kim Jung Un were having love affair - and that praised the Leader of turkey-  Erdogan - ok he said he was the leader of another country - but still...

He is what most Psychiatrists  call a Malignant Narcissist.   abusive person who finds pleasure in lying, manipulating, and using other people in order to get the things that they want.

Ok - so this why he cannot be allowed anywhere near the Presidency ever again..

  • Preoccupied with fantasies about beauty, brilliance, success, and power
  • Unable to handle criticism
  • Tendency to lash out if they feel slighted - 
  • Takes advantage of others to get what they want
  • Overly concerned about their appearance
  • Have an expectation of being treated as superior
  • Lack of empathy for others
  • Inflated sense of self and inability to self-regulate
  • Have no remorse for hurting others and no interest in apologizing unless it benefits them
  • Have an attitude of deserving the best of everything
  • Tendency to monopolize conversations and/or mistreat those who they perceive as inferior
  • Hidden insecurity and a weak sense of self
  • Tendency to blame others for their own bad behavior
  • Seeing the world in black-and-white terms, including seeing others as either friend or foe
  • Seeking to win at all costs, leaving a great amount of pain, frustration, and even heartache in their wake
  • Not caring about the pain they cause others—or maybe even enjoying it and experiencing it as empowering
  • Doing what it takes to protect themselves from loss, inconvenience, or failing to get what they want in any situation
Anyone has to admit he has every tendency ...

Let me end with this - I get that you do not agree with President Biden - that the policies that the Democrats have and have enacted  are not your favorite - but I believe that is NOT a reason to vote for Trump - everyone citizen has the right and I believe the responsibility  to VOTE -  however - vote for some other candidate - not trump not Biden - pick another one - an Independent - just don't do something that you will regret not so many years from - when we don;t get to vote again - when the USA ceases to exist - when Trump and the Criminal enterprise he has around him run this country into the state of non - existence....