Friday, August 18, 2023

I wonder IF and when this will ever stop -

WE may be at the tipping point in History - Future generations might look back and say - yes - this was the election that cemented the Democracy or it was the election that undid EVERYTHING ....

The famous quote by Benjamin Franklin is ,, that is is ...

“A republic if you can keep it”

It's time that we KEEP IT

Although I think that I know - when .....  When the central figure on all of this fades away..  and I may have said this before, but bears repeating - that When Drump either passes away or loses the next election - which ever is first ... He will be come irrelevant.  The GOP can hope to right their ship and get back to disagreeing with the Democrats on the ISSUES - and forget about having to Defend a Fascist and what will be a convicted felon.  IF he loses and then beats that some ole drum,  that the election was rigged and there was voter fraud,,,  I think the MAGAS will lose steam - and after a while fade away..... although the ULTRA MAGAS will hang onto their Cult Leader - cause really - what else do they have ....

I follow PoliticsGirl on several apps - you can find her on You Tube - she has some great content...and this post was especially good...  this s pretty much what she said... 

We - as the United States - have had a former president indicted on felony charges FOUR times. All those incitements - were/are against one man - Donald John Trump.   And at what point are we all going to stop pretending that this is normal - that we are going to stop trying to spin this ... When will ALL the media - just lay out the FACTS - and when will they stop putting Liars on TV and allowing Media outlets to broadcast propaganda and call it NEWS- cause it's not !  When will we say - HOLY SHIT - the GOP has allowed a criminal to take over their party - their leading candidate for re- election to an office that he has no business being anywhere near ! and they throw everything at the wall to try to dissuade and distract for m the thing that THEY KNOW are true ....  IF many of those politicians had not directly benefitted - monetarily or Politically - being voted into office or reelected - we might have just avoided all this BS. 

IF all his failed businesses had been looked into ,,, if his sexual assault allegations had been taken seriously,  If him calling for the DEATH penalty for the so called "Central Park 5", If all his racist comments were taken at what they were,,, Or condemned his behavior when he mocked a disabled reporter, or heard him for what he was saying about Mexicans all being killers, drug dealers and rapists or when he bragged about being able to grab a women by the genitals and thinking that let him. 

WE all knew who he was - and we let it all continue anyway - we allowed Narcissistic Sociopath with no Moral compass with questionable business dealings, and sketchy relationships with foreign dictators - gave him access to the highest levels of government, and to all our nations security data.  And when he tried to stage a COUP with his cronies - we cannot be surprised.   

We find ourselves with our Democracy hanging on by a Thread - that this man - now accused of Espionage, conspiracy against the United States and he is still supported by people that chose Personality and POWER  over   morality , Ruling over actual governing and Profit over TRUTH ! Parts of this country are sick - Remember for a minute that this man and his allies were ready to declare Martial LAW against the Citizens of the United States,  yea the USE of US military to Hold Power to putdown any protests and push back after they maintained power . 

HE has told us that should he win again - he would centralize the Government around the Executive branch, Purging any and all that are not 100% loyal to HIM -  Drump is Telling you he wants to be the Dictator of the United States - Telling us he cares NOT  for the Country, NOT for the Democracy , BUT he Cares about ONLY HIMSELF!   But we are acting like this is normal Presidential election-  Take the time to look at the DC case against him ,, and the State of Georgi's case against him and 19 CO-conspirators  - these describe a complex criminal  conspiracy to defraud us - the people of United States of AMERICA .  All that you have heard about election interference, Ballot irregularities, fake ballots, stolen elections, Corrupted Voting machines, were ALL LIES from a person, and a political party that wanted to stay in power against the will of the Voters.   IT is obvious that Dump can never be allowed to have the Power of the presidency,, but neither can the Political party that has allowed and supported this - either directly - but spewing lies along with the former Potus or indirectly by standing silent and watching it happen,. NOW that they and we all know what he has done ! 

We have an opportunity to stop this by holding everyone involved in these crimes fully accountable and dismantling the GOP at the ballot box. 

Lindsay Graham of all people -  said that "If we Nominate Trump - we will be Destroyed and we will deserve it. "  He was correct. 

Here's the YOU TUBE -

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