Friday, August 18, 2023

I wonder IF and when this will ever stop -

WE may be at the tipping point in History - Future generations might look back and say - yes - this was the election that cemented the Democracy or it was the election that undid EVERYTHING ....

The famous quote by Benjamin Franklin is ,, that is is ...

“A republic if you can keep it”

It's time that we KEEP IT

Although I think that I know - when .....  When the central figure on all of this fades away..  and I may have said this before, but bears repeating - that When Drump either passes away or loses the next election - which ever is first ... He will be come irrelevant.  The GOP can hope to right their ship and get back to disagreeing with the Democrats on the ISSUES - and forget about having to Defend a Fascist and what will be a convicted felon.  IF he loses and then beats that some ole drum,  that the election was rigged and there was voter fraud,,,  I think the MAGAS will lose steam - and after a while fade away..... although the ULTRA MAGAS will hang onto their Cult Leader - cause really - what else do they have ....

I follow PoliticsGirl on several apps - you can find her on You Tube - she has some great content...and this post was especially good...  this s pretty much what she said... 

We - as the United States - have had a former president indicted on felony charges FOUR times. All those incitements - were/are against one man - Donald John Trump.   And at what point are we all going to stop pretending that this is normal - that we are going to stop trying to spin this ... When will ALL the media - just lay out the FACTS - and when will they stop putting Liars on TV and allowing Media outlets to broadcast propaganda and call it NEWS- cause it's not !  When will we say - HOLY SHIT - the GOP has allowed a criminal to take over their party - their leading candidate for re- election to an office that he has no business being anywhere near ! and they throw everything at the wall to try to dissuade and distract for m the thing that THEY KNOW are true ....  IF many of those politicians had not directly benefitted - monetarily or Politically - being voted into office or reelected - we might have just avoided all this BS. 

IF all his failed businesses had been looked into ,,, if his sexual assault allegations had been taken seriously,  If him calling for the DEATH penalty for the so called "Central Park 5", If all his racist comments were taken at what they were,,, Or condemned his behavior when he mocked a disabled reporter, or heard him for what he was saying about Mexicans all being killers, drug dealers and rapists or when he bragged about being able to grab a women by the genitals and thinking that let him. 

WE all knew who he was - and we let it all continue anyway - we allowed Narcissistic Sociopath with no Moral compass with questionable business dealings, and sketchy relationships with foreign dictators - gave him access to the highest levels of government, and to all our nations security data.  And when he tried to stage a COUP with his cronies - we cannot be surprised.   

We find ourselves with our Democracy hanging on by a Thread - that this man - now accused of Espionage, conspiracy against the United States and he is still supported by people that chose Personality and POWER  over   morality , Ruling over actual governing and Profit over TRUTH ! Parts of this country are sick - Remember for a minute that this man and his allies were ready to declare Martial LAW against the Citizens of the United States,  yea the USE of US military to Hold Power to putdown any protests and push back after they maintained power . 

HE has told us that should he win again - he would centralize the Government around the Executive branch, Purging any and all that are not 100% loyal to HIM -  Drump is Telling you he wants to be the Dictator of the United States - Telling us he cares NOT  for the Country, NOT for the Democracy , BUT he Cares about ONLY HIMSELF!   But we are acting like this is normal Presidential election-  Take the time to look at the DC case against him ,, and the State of Georgi's case against him and 19 CO-conspirators  - these describe a complex criminal  conspiracy to defraud us - the people of United States of AMERICA .  All that you have heard about election interference, Ballot irregularities, fake ballots, stolen elections, Corrupted Voting machines, were ALL LIES from a person, and a political party that wanted to stay in power against the will of the Voters.   IT is obvious that Dump can never be allowed to have the Power of the presidency,, but neither can the Political party that has allowed and supported this - either directly - but spewing lies along with the former Potus or indirectly by standing silent and watching it happen,. NOW that they and we all know what he has done ! 

We have an opportunity to stop this by holding everyone involved in these crimes fully accountable and dismantling the GOP at the ballot box. 

Lindsay Graham of all people -  said that "If we Nominate Trump - we will be Destroyed and we will deserve it. "  He was correct. 

Here's the YOU TUBE -

Friday, August 11, 2023

WTF is wrong with us

 so let's talk about several - I counted 4 white guys beating on a black man that tried to get them to move their boat so that the Commercial Ferry that docks where the White guys boats was could get in....  Dock was clearly for the larger boat but the entitled folks thought - that does not mean me - I can park MY boat where ever I want... and then when repeatedly asked to move by the ships Captain - one of the crew - I think he as asst capt.. got off the ferry and tried to get the boat owner to move..   A fight ensued where several white guys were beating on this black guy - when - WHOOPS - Fuck around is over and the FIND out stage happens when several black guys come to the Crew members aid !! and kick the shit out of the white guys...   Since when do we think that violence is the means to an end....??  

Since when is 4 on 1 an equal fight - I am thinking the crew member tried to slide the other boat back, to allow the Ferry to dock- I would say you only do this in a Safety situation which i think this was as the Ferry needed the larger dock and the ramp to allow passengers to get off... and what was the big deal ??? Move the stinking boat !  

I heard - and have not verified it - that these folks , taken to an hospital - were being treated by folks of color there and did not like it - call ed the police - for what I dunno... and were told to either shut up and let these people treat  them OR leave --- and so they left ,,,, now I'm not sure of this as if these folks are from but the demographics in Montgomery Alabama is approx 30% white - 60 Back / African american - so if these folks were from there,, they have seen a few black folks before,....

2nd topic - the 70 something that was killed by the FBI - serving a search warrant at his house. 

He posted several time on Social Media that he was going to kill Alvin Bragg - the DA from NY,, and Willis the one from Georgia - he made threats to The President and Vice President....  He was visited by the FBI - and told them that needed to come back with a search warrant..  and he then he learnded that Biden was to visit Utah - and he posted that he was cleaning up his rifle scope,,, and rifle and getting his Camouflage suit ready .... and posted more photos of his arsenal ... The FBI - did get a warrant and returned = they were confronted by this guys who was armed and pinted a gun at the Agents - at which pint they fired and killed him.

sad - he believed the Lies that Trump told,,,that Kevin McCarthy told, that Paul Gosar told - that MTG told,,,, and on and on - and it cost him his life. and BTW - before this made the news  - none of them ever heard of him......  and they along with the other GOPers and MAgo Mussolini supporters are outraged  

Really - when Breonna Taylor was gunned down in her home - They said - she should have complied 

George Floyd was killed - he Should have complied - 

Trevon Martin shot dead -  he Should have complied ....

BUT this guy threatening to assassinate the President , and the Vice President  and arming himself against the FBI - ohhhhh - he was exercising his 1st and 2nd amendment rights !!  

if you think this - YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE !!!

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

If this was one of us.....

 ALL men are created equal ...........  OH really ?!?!?

If this was one of us - threatening a judge,  a prosecutor, the Justice department , the special prosecutor - WE WOULD BE in JAIL !


And give me a Fucking break that this was meant for his political opponents !! Hold the Phone - I though he was not worried about his opponents !?!?!?  That he far ahead of them all in the GOP race for their candidate.... so who was this meant for ??  I'll tell you who - it's to intimidate the witnesses that will testify against him in federal court ... Mike Pence on the top of that list...  Jack Smith who he has called Politically motivated, Deranges, and mentally ill.  Oh yea - Dump would not look at him during either arraignment  - cause he is a bully - that then hides behind his Posts to take aim at the Special prosecutor.  

Then Jack Smith files a motion of protection with the Court to prohibit the Defense , once they get the Evidence that Smith intends to use to prove his case- its called discovery - Smith want to unsure that Dump can't then make all that - including Grand Jury testimony - Public,,, and discuss it on line - and try the case in the MEDIA and Internet - rather than in the court room-  the Dump legal team as edited out those passages of the Order of protection - sayhs they will be allowed to do just that- we will see how the judge rules on it....

They - the Defense will also be asking for the judge to recuse herself - and for a change of venue - I do't see either of those happening -  and oh BTW - where does he want to move to  ??? WEST VIRGINIA---

hummm  Curious .... Why West VA !???  Ill tell you why - A) he lost the District of Colombia - Biden got 92% ...  in the 2 states that directly border DC - Virginia 54% Biden  and Maryland 65 % to Biden --- HE lost them too,,,,But West Virginia -,,,,,  go ahead and guess who won that state. ??? DUMP at 68% ... and oh- West VA is over 90% WHITE ..... so yea,, tell me you want the Jury to be all White without telling me you want the Jury to be all white !!  VA is 65% white and Maryland is just 52 % white..... again - o yea,, tell me you want the Jury to be all White without telling me you want the Jury to be all white !! 

I continue to be shocked as tot the GOP Senators, Representatives, ect   that are continuing to Mimic his talking points in the media,,, They and FOX Felons all tell the same tale - like f-ing robots !!

I restate Liz Cheney ""..... I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain,"

Saturday, August 5, 2023

When did this all happen,,,,

 I continue to hear that it was Joe Biden that indicted Trump....or that Jack Smith did it ,, or Merrick Garland,,,,  Are these Folks - the Republicans that are spouting this ,,, or the Fox Entertainment anchors that are railing against all of this - are they stupid..  my answer would be no - but you know what - they believe that YOU are Stupid -  that you believe all of what they tell you. That you can't think for yourself,,  that you will be walking around with the the "yea - its all the Liberals ,,, them Democrats that did this ....  

Ok - so hold the Phone -  So - we are to believe that 3 Grand Juries   - in 3 different jurisdictions - hearing evidence of these  crimes are all our to get Trump...  thats what we are believing  ??  

Who was it that testified before a Federal Grand Jury in the Documents Case and in the Jan 6th case- essentially ALL REPUBLICANS !!  ALL of the Whitehouse staff,,, the People associated with the TRUMP administration,,, his Lawyers in the Whitehouse, his Cabinet Members in some cases,,, HIS Vice President for god sakes. Not Democrats ! Not Liberals !  - His own people - thats who provided the evidence in this case,... You all shouting about Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden need to take a look at the Inditement,,, the Co- Conspirators - and ask yourself - WTF was going on   ??   and how close we came to actually having a COUP in this country.... having someone remove real electors and replace them with fake ones,,, and take back an election that he lost.... destroying the US democracy.   

When did this happen  ??  Did these folks have Reagan Flags and Banners ?  George Bush Flags ??? Bush bumper stickers.  Flags of George W. riding a velociraptor , strapped with Machine gun bullets and brandishing a Machine gun flying from the back of their cars and trucks,???  When the hell did this transformation take place  ?  Were there people that believed Bush Senior was still the president - even after Clinton won that election - that talked openly that the person that was in the Whitehouse was an actor - not really the POTUS ??? When the hell did half the nation become this   ??   

Jim Jones led a group of  near 1000 people into the Jungle of Guyana ,  set himself up as the Leader of the  Peoples Temple. That he was the Lord and savior . That Ended in a Mass suicide that took the lives of over 900 of them.... 

David Koresh- Led a group of followers to a remote location in Waco,  Texas,   Became their Cult leader . Koresh exercised great control over the lives of his followers. 'He told them what to eat, where to work, where to sleep, and what to think. He entered into a Fatal struggle and standoff with the Federal Government.  And on April 19th 1993 - The 51-day Waco Seige standoff ended when the the Branch Davidian compound was engulfed by fires set by the Davidians, after the FBI used tear gas in an attempt to force the occupants to leave.

Charles Manson - Self professed cult leader of the Manson Family- On April 8 1969 had his followers brutally murder  5 people including Actress Sharon Tate, and one night later they killed  Leno and Rosemary LaBianca . 

The affects of following a CULT leader are well documented in History. The followers of Hitler - murdered Millions of Jews, and Gypsies. While taking over the Government , suppressing the Press,  Consolidating all power within His jurisdiction so that he could persecute those who would speak against him, and used his power over those close to him to start a war that he hoped to take over the world and make it a Nation of what he thought was the Master Race.....  I could draw you parallels  to what you see and hear today from too damn many Conservatives - who look to limit your Freedoms while setting themselves up as the all knowing and all seeing. 

Lastly we need to hold those - TRUMP -  accountable for his crimes against this nation. Period - end of sentence.  To uphold this nation of Laws - where no one is above the law. and so that in the future those that seek to repeat this behavior ,,, and work to set themselves up as the CULT leader  in a Dictatorial government - to steal a future elections,,, to destroy the US constitution, and Democratic Republic  will know that they will fail, and then be arrested, tried, convicted  and Jailed for that behavior.