Good God,,, So - one of the stupidest Representatives (you know who she is - the Gazpatcho police lady) has introduced an amendment to the Military spending bill that would take the United States OUT OF NATO ! Really ,,, yes - this is what the Dumb asses in Congress have to deal with these days...
Liz Cheney said it best - "WE need to stop electing stupid people"
In addition there is a part of this military spending bill that has removes the payment for military members to travel to obtain health care - yup - you can read that as any female that needs reproductive health care - / an abortion cannot have her travel to obtain that health care paid for. And as a result of that will not get the required time off from duty to recover for any Procedure like that ,.... Yes - you can risk you life - your life and limb for this country - but we are not interested in you getting the Health care you need ... Why not change the Amendment to say "hey - Women- please join our Military where we can legally treat you as a 2nd class citizen" And that ASS HOLE tommy tuberville is still holding up the advancement of hundreds of Military officers because he is not getting this passed... he has no problem weakening our military readiness across the world - so he can have a hissy fit, = this is what you get when you elect someone that was good in one role in life - A Football Coach - but has no fucking clue about anything else !
And let's talk a minute about a flag that I have seen - just saw one yesterday... The Don't tread on Me flag"
What a load of Shit - The "ME" on the flag stands for "YOU" - YOU could not give a shit that the rights of others are being trampled all over- Rights that DID NOT - and Would not have ever affected you and your life. Rights of Women, Rights of the LGBTQ community - those are people - people that just wanna live their life - that will not affect you in the least - but you think it OK to remove their rights.. Give me a fucking break.
Hearing his week in Congress about the Weaponization of the DOJ and FBI- when the GOP is embarrassing itself in the Defense if the Urine soaked Cheeto man. This is just a distraction to what is actually going on .... the Additional incitement's that are coming - more from the Documents case , and additions from Georgia and DC in the whole stolen elections deal. I fully expect the ones in the Insurrection case to include way more people that the Mango Mussolini - so that we will have a very clear picture of how wide spread and how many people were involved in the plot to Over throw our government.
AND Let me say this - where is the GOP leadership ?? Where are the ones that 10 - , 20, 50 years from now - it will be said that they stood up and called out that Mar-aLogo piece of shit for what he is...?? Where are they ??? I hear no one -
and lastly - if you think this is plot by the liberals, by the democrats - you need to look at who has testified against DUMP - ITs Republicans- its Dumps relatives and associates .... I did not hear one Democrat name till last night,,,, the Governors and attorneys General of the States in which he and his henchmen tried to pressure them to change the electors ARE ALL GOD DAMN REPUBLICANS !!!
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