Friday, July 28, 2023

2nd Time - no way

 I declare that some of these ideas are not 1000% me - I have read , and thought about it ,,, and here is what I think would happen. I credit  CITY Watch....  Yes - its a long read - but you should know the signs and the Rhetoric that is being tossed around...   so that you will know what is happening beforehand... and may be just maybe stop it from happening.... 

IF - and as I have stated - god forbid - that it happens....  The 2nd Trump term would be the end of Democracy as we know it - and much of this they, the MAGAS have told us what they will do ...

Domestically - Trump would use the MAGA group to pull essentially everything he can under his power - 

Mr. Trump intends to bring independent agencies—like the Federal Communications Commission, which makes and enforces rules for television and internet companies, and the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces various antitrust and other consumer protection rules against businesses—under direct presidential control.

How would this play out? The FCC has power over the internet, as well as all broadcast media in America; it’s how the Trump administration killed net neutrality and gave the giant internet service providers (ISPs) the legal right to track everything you do and say on the web right down to the last keystroke of your posts and your every email.

Thus, President Trump could mandate that any media critical of him—including online media like Daily KosRaw Story, or Common Dreams—must be heavily “regulated,” just like in Russia and Hungary. And he could do this in the first weeks of his presidency, to tamp down the ability to organize protests around his other fascist policies.

Taking over the Federal Trade Commission would allow him to do all kinds of favors for his CEO and billionaire backers, bringing industry behind his fascism, just as happened in the early years of Nazi Germany.     This from CITY Watch....

and it continues,,,,, In addition, Trump has already proclaimed his intention to turn the FBI, IRS, and DOJ into weapons against his political enemies. Just like Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orbán.

Lest you think Trump doesn’t have plans to take on the “fake news” media and “liberals” he regularly lambasts, consider what he reposted on his Nazi-infested social media site just three days ago:

If you fuck around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before.

Plus take the example that after he said this shit - NOT ONE - elected Republican called out this Fascist rhetoric for what it is tells you all you need to know - that the GOP is so scared f Trump that they dare not oppose his ... They will not and do not stand up to him now - there is no way they do it after his is the POTUS - they are too frightened of losing his base voters and there-by their jobs !!

With few exceptions, they are systematically destroying American democracy with the clear objective of replacing it with strongman authoritarianism, a new and American version of what Benito Mussolini called fascism.

Right now they’re moving gradually:

— Infiltrating police departments and the enlisted ranks of the military
— Taking over school boards and local boards of elections
— Compiling lists of authoritarians who could serve in the next Republican administration and which agencies they intend to purge
— Firing principals and teachers who defend multiracial, multicultural democracy while banning books that contain such “dangerous” ideas
— Demonizing "queer" people and outlawing drag shows
— Working with right-wing media and Fox “News” to completely rewrite the history of January 6th
— Gerrymandering states and purging voter rolls so regardless of who tries to vote, Republicans control the levers of power
— Changing election laws so they can both make it harder for city-dwellers to vote and so GOP officials can ignore and even change the outcomes of elections they don’t like 
— Building media structures that will support the authoritarian takeover when it happens
— Organizing armed paramilitary militias, with back-channel connections to local police
— Creating legal organizations to sanitize and rationalize ending messy democracy
— Radicalizing average Americans through social media and an ever-growing network of subsidized hard-right radio shows and podcasts 
— Spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories about Democrats and Jews using the dog whistle of “George Soros”
— Firebombing Texas Democratic Party’s Austin headquarters and threatening them that if they don’t stop trying to get Democrats elected worse will come

We’ve seen this movie before.

It was “the other 9/11.” Everything seemed normal until Gen. Augusto Pinochet declared he was taking over the government of Chile on September 11, 1973.

YUP - Pinochet - Drove up to their "White House" declared himself the President. Law enforcement and the Military were coerced by him already- so they not only did not object - they helped him. and vey shortly after that they put a gun to his head and ended his presidency - Pinochet effectively ended Democracy in Chile. 

Trump had previously proclaimed his desire to change the nation’s libel and slander laws so he could sue or imprison his political opponents and those in the media who opposed him; if he had succeeded on January 6th, that would have happened by now, and people like me (and maybe you) would be in jail.

Echoing one of Pinochet’s first 1973 laws, a Republican state legislator in Florida proposed legislation requiring bloggers and writers to register with the state if they intend to criticize any elected official; the next Republican president will almost certainly put similar laws into place and quickly.

Trump had previously promised his violent partisans that he’d pardon them and pick up their legal fees; if he or another MAGA Republican takes the White House in 2024, within months hundreds of Kyle Rittenhouses will be “defending themselves” against Black people, “Antifa,” and “commie liberals” without consequence.

The Democratic Party will be labeled aggressors and subversives by right-wing media and the administration; its ranks will melt away as quickly as the union-aligned parties did in Italy and Germany in the 1930s or the Allende democrats did in Chile in 1973.

First abortion will be criminalized nationwide, then birth control, then women in business and politics will find themselves under constant attack in the media and the workplace. White male dominance will reattain the status it had in 1972 when women couldn’t legally get an abortion, buy a house, sign contracts, or even get a credit card without the signature of a father or husband.

Newsrooms across the country will be purged of liberals and running editorials in support of the “new patriotism” proclaimed by the GOP; the hedge funds headed up by right-wing billionaires—who today own over half of all the nation’s newspapers—will be snapping up the rest of the nation’s media like Orbán’s oligarch buddies did in Hungary and Putin’s friends did in Russia.

Every time these sorts of overthrows happen, the nation’s people are shocked and surprised. They had no idea how far things had gone. It even happened that way with the American Revolution and the Civil War.

I fear that it will be said of these days leading up to the Election - that "we never thought it could happen here"   and that we are surprised how quickly that it occurred. 

Friday, July 21, 2023

This is the END -

I see 2 possible endings : 

#1 - Dump is reelected - god forbid -  and he is able to squash all the Federal charges against him...  He installs new head to the FBI / Department of Justice  to replace Merrick Garland, and that person - does not follow thru with any of the pending court cases and felony charges against the urine soaked Cheeto man.  In the same vein, the Mango Mussolini pardons all the January 6th insurrectionists.  At that point the judicial and legislative system Is thrown into chaos. IF the GOP controls either part of the Congress - they enact -or at least put forth and pass laws if they can to alter what is left of our Republic.  And frankly in my opinion the United states that exited before 2020 (certainly before 2016) ceases to exist.  Not sure of we are thrown 100% into a dictatorially state, but it will be some what close to that where the states have some power but mostly the ruling of the Executive branch - that is bolstered by the legislature will dictate policy throughout the land.   I believe that somewhere in the process of the decline of the Nation,,, the ending of what would even pass for a Democracy - that those in the GOP -- not the MAGAs cause they will never abandon their Cult leader - but the ones that could have done something to stop it and did nothing - only then will they realize what they have accomplished  by their silence and their inaction.   I am not sure what happens to the State charges which will be in at minimum Georgia, possibly Michigan, and maybe Wisconsin - as his power to affect those cases is far less - as he can't dismiss State Charges, like he could Federal Charges. 

#2) Don the CON is defeated - Although he will NEVER admit it - just like in in 2020.... I think there will be more violence associated with the defeat - what were "Dog Whistles" to his supporters will be out right threats, and instructions of what needs to be done.  IMHO - it will be at the State level this time, as we will have learned something from the January 6th insurrection/ COUP attempt.  The Capital in Washington will be well guarded. Even of Biden - has to use Military troops to ensure that it is safe.  The attacks will be against State Legislatures. State Governors , and State Attorneys General offices, as the one that led to Dumps defeat will come under actual attack as they certify the results of their states.  I foresee National guard troops  being called out to several States - ones that we know - Georgia, Florida, Arizona, Pennsylvania,  Michigan, Wisconsin. Hopefully the actions against those areas will not be too awful. But once certified ...  the new or incumbent POTUS will have a difficult road in the next years healing the nation. WE will still have 20% + of the nation that believe the Mango Mussolini - although his voice will begin to wane as time goes on...  He will be able to raise money for a bid in 2028.... but he will no doubt siphon that money off to pay his legal woes - which will be at least 4 at that time.  The case in NY of the payoff of Stormy Daniels, the Federal charges, the Document Case in Florida, the now pending (might be indicted today) in D.C. For his leadership in the January 6th COUP attempt. the Georgia election tampering case, the False Electors cases in Michigan, and Wisconsin.    Eventually Dump will fade away,... The GOP leaders will see that his MAGA base is no longer the threat that it once was - and as long as they don;t actually call out their Cult Leader for crimes - they can get reelected - which is why they are scared of the MAGAs right now.  It will take years - maybe a decade and another Presidential election to heal much of the damage that fucking Piece of shit has done to the country and the Democracy. - but the pendulum will swing back - if we defeat dump in 2024 - the country has a chance....  IF he WINS in 2024 - NO way the Republic survives... 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

I do not know where to start

 Good God,,,   So - one of the stupidest Representatives (you know who she is - the Gazpatcho police lady)  has introduced an amendment to the Military spending bill that would take the United States OUT OF NATO !   Really ,,, yes - this is what the Dumb asses in Congress have to deal with these days... 

Liz Cheney said it best - "WE need to stop electing stupid people" 

In addition there is a part of this military spending bill that has removes the payment for military members to travel to obtain health care - yup - you can read that as any female that needs reproductive health care - / an abortion cannot have her travel to obtain that health care paid for. And as a result of that will not get the required time off from duty to recover for any Procedure like that ,....   Yes - you can risk you life - your life and limb for this country - but we are not interested in you getting the Health care you need ...  Why not change the Amendment to say  "hey - Women- please join our Military where we can legally treat you as a 2nd class citizen"   And that ASS HOLE tommy tuberville is still holding up the advancement of hundreds of Military officers because he is not getting this passed... he has no problem weakening our military readiness across the world - so he can have a hissy fit, = this is what you get when you elect someone that was good in one role in life - A Football Coach - but has no fucking clue about anything else ! 

And let's talk a minute about a flag that I have seen - just saw one yesterday... The Don't tread on Me flag"

What a load of Shit -  The "ME"  on the flag stands for "YOU" - YOU could not give a shit that the rights of others are being trampled all over- Rights that DID NOT - and Would not have ever affected you and your life.   Rights of Women, Rights of the LGBTQ community - those are people - people that just wanna live their life - that will not affect you in the least - but you think it OK to remove their rights..  Give me a fucking break.

Hearing his week in Congress about the Weaponization of the DOJ and FBI- when the GOP is embarrassing itself in the Defense if the Urine soaked Cheeto man. This is just a distraction to what is actually going on .... the Additional incitement's that are coming  - more from the Documents case , and additions from Georgia and DC in the whole stolen elections deal.  I fully expect the ones in the Insurrection case to include way more people that the Mango Mussolini - so that we will have a very clear picture of how wide spread and how many people were involved in the plot to Over throw our government. 

AND Let me say this - where is the GOP leadership ??  Where are the ones that 10 - , 20, 50 years from now - it will be said that they stood up and called out that Mar-aLogo piece of shit for what he is...?? Where are they ???  I hear no one -  

and lastly - if you think this is plot by the liberals, by the democrats - you need to look at who has testified against DUMP - ITs Republicans- its Dumps relatives and associates ....  I did not hear one Democrat name till last night,,,, the Governors and attorneys General of the States in which he and his henchmen tried to pressure them to change the electors ARE ALL GOD DAMN REPUBLICANS !!!  


Thursday, July 6, 2023

Do you Remember

 Do you remember that feeling you had on 9/11 at 903 am when you heard that the second plane, United Airlines Flight 175, had struck the South Tower of the World Trade Center and you knew - we all knew that the United States of America was under attack..?? 

You should have that same feeling NOW.

The former President - as is being played out in Several Court rooms across the land  - Was then,, and is Today a Criminal.  He is attacking  our democracy like we have never seen before.   He has called into question our election process, this is without proof and after over 60 judges dismissed the cases. He and his inner circle pressured election officials,  Attorney Generals of states and State Governors to Find him votes, to declare that they had a different set of electors, that hey needed to help him overturn the Peoples choice for President- this is unprecedented in our Nations history. Yet we have those that do not believe it true - even though many many of the former POTUS inner circle - ALL Republicans  have testified before grand jurys in D.C. and in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, etc that this was TRUE.  Special Council Jack Smith is amassing evidence that he will eventually charge the Former POTUS and his associates with these crimes. 

But you - if you are a non-beliver - are stuck in a CULT.  You believe every word your cult leader says,,, you fly flags with his name on them,, wear hats - that have MAGA on them, You and others defend him at every turn - you say that there is NOTHING that he could do to sway you from your Support .. Even those who have taken an OATH to defend the Constitution have forgotten that oath - and insted they are beholding to a Person and a Party above the Constitution. 

 Liz Chaney said it better then I ever could - “ In our country, we don’t swear an oath to an individual or a political party. We take our oath to defend the United States Constitution, and that oath must mean something. Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.” 

Think about that... When in the past did you act like this ??? When in the past did you defend, with every breath,  a criminal defendant  ??  It will be known that Donald Trump is a Traitor to our Democracy.  A person that wants to be like the Dictators that he has embraced, - Putin - Kim Jung Un,  and the rest.  He will do, and say anything because he believes that YOU are ignorant enough  to believe it.

He is Proclaimed billionaire that begs his followers for Money at every turn.  He thinks that everyone needs to be loyal to him till the end... that the GREAT People that he put into major roles in his administration - MUST be Loyal - and he has turned on each and everyone that dare to say anything against him....  He incites violence - on January 6th - and beyond.. Recently posting the address of Barack Obama on his web site - and that ended up with a Jan 6 fugitive going to that address fully armed with Guns and ammunition.  He - in the last few days - has called for Putting the Current president  "TO REST" - that is not even the dog whistle wording he usually uses for his cult to follow - that seems to me is direct call for assassination of the Sitting President... When did you become a person that agrees with that ??   

Look - I could go on and on here about evidence that Trump is a Traitor - an accused felon that knows that his only hope is getting elected President again - where he could hide behind the cover of the White house , dissolve the Criminal investigations agains him and his Followers, and then Pardon all those that criminally supported him.  However; YOU would not believe a word of it,,  YOU would still be drawn in to his lies and deceit. YOU would remain in the CULT.   Just think to yourself - when did this start for you , and WHY ?? And When he is gone - that will happen one day -  

Will you have an honorable past to look back on for yourself  ?? 

or will your Dishonor remain ??

Flight 175  just struck the South tower, America is under attack !

Where do you Stand ??