Thursday, March 23, 2023

Smoke on the horizon

 What you are seeing and I certainly hope that I am wrong,, as i mostly am - what you are seeing is the smoke that that is starting to indicate the burning down of our democracy / republic , if you will.

The elimination of  the rights of others that those in power say don't look like  "us" or think like "us" . The banning of books - BOOKS ! did you think that this could happen in America ... is this what your Fathers and forefathers fought for ??  The rhetoric and passing of laws that will give power of the polls / voting to those that NOW control those State Houses and Senates - that they would take the vote of the people and eliminate it - IF the outcome was not to their liking.  The restrictions to what can be taught to our children- that somehow knowledge is BAD ,,, and eliminating that which those in power don't like will be the solution. Attacking teachers on literally every front.  Looking to mandate what they can and cannot teach - requiring them to submit lesson plans to those - that in many cases are ignorant of the FACTS - that they will decide what we can and cannot know... And the Embattlement of our politics - the hypocrisy of the FAR right MAGA assholes.  That they will defend at every turn  their deity and warlord  to the death.  That Trumpism has become so overwhelming for them that even those that maybe had a shred of decency and common sense  - that it has gone out the window to defend this Person that is the worst of us...  a Homophobic, xenophobic , racist, bigot, womanizer, failed Politician, failed businessman,, that has lived his life on the edge of lawlessness and criminality.

That even those who I believe that this is wrong - do it keep their power and position - they do this with binders on to the truth- and support anything that fits their narrative.  They believe that you are too stupid , ignorant,  and lazy to look at these issues for yourself. and they you will just go along with and defend whatever THEY say...  And they would rather damage the democracy then stand up for what they knwo to be right... I am awaiting that person - that John Dean (if you remember Watergate) that person to stand up and say - yes - I was there , I heard it , I hav direct proof of the Crimes of one Donald Trump - and saying  enough is  fucking enough - that we - the GOP - needs to be rid of him ! 

Let's talk about voter fraud  - this has been said so loud and so long that you now believe it.. You don't believe the 65 + court cases that were brought by Dump across the United states - all that were either lost on their behalf or thrown out directly for having no basis in FACTS ! That there was no fraud - there is no software that changes votes.. that there are no "lost" ballots - that there are no not millions and millions of votes that were disenfranchised so that Biden could win,,, TRUMP LOST - get over it.   But no - now every election that the GOP candidate does not like the outcome of - they simply pull out the playbook - and say Stolen election - and the GOP runs around like their hair is on fire creating a talking point to defend themselves,,, 

Imagine for a moment - IF YOU CAN- what we could have accomplished over the past years if the US did not have to deal with the likes of Trump.  We have so many issues in this country and world that we need to move away from insanity and bullshit - and get to  trying to solve REAL Goddamn problems. 

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