Tuesday, March 28, 2023

but please............

 BUT PLEASE ...  tell me more about protecting children :

By not teaching  REAL American history

By not letting performers in drag Read books to them

By Banning  some books altogether.

By removing CRT - which was never  taught in Grade Schools in the fucking first place 

By Not giving them free School lunches (and breakfast in some cases)

By overturning Roe v Wade,  and a bunch of older white guys deciding whats best for a Women.

By investigating Tic Tok - and Congress reps - who obviously don;t know shit asking stupid questions. 

By looking at Hunter Biden's laptop ! 

Those that will say again today - that they cannot support ANY gun control efforts  - are telling you exactly what they think .. that the money that they receive as political donations from the NRA and Gun Lobby - is FAR MORE FUCKING IMPORTANT THAN YOUR CHILDREN ! 

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Since when is this OK?

 SO one of he latest posts to Turmp "Turth" -what a joke - Media site.. and yes I know how to speell...

Is Trump calling Alvin Bragg an  "Animal" - “He is (an) animal who just doesn’t care about right or wrong no matter how many people are hurt,” Trump wrote on his social media site.  Since when is this ok ?  When did we sink to this level of depravation that one person calls another an Animal... and everyone goes - meh - no biggie ....I mean seriously. If you are a trump supporter - then I guess you think that this is ok... Calling someone an Animal.... 

Then to top that off - he displays photo of he (Trump) holding a baseball bat and threatening Bragg..  Since when is this ok ?   again - I guess if you are a supporter - you are ok with this,,,, you condone it ....   there you go,,,, 

SO if you are not condemning this - then you are the fucking problem.   You will have children that act like this,, and you will wonder,,,, hummm why did little Johnny hit Bobby over the head with a stick -- where did he get that Idea ..


Then we have a member  of several committees  - including head of the Judiciary committee in the US House of Representatives that sends a letter to Bragg - a DA in NY - that is investigating charges agains Trump in NY state, that is NY state LAW ! Jim Jordan - one the head trumplifucks- says that Bragg has to come review all his evidence with the Congress- with Jordans Committee ... WTF !! Talk about government overreach- so this asshole is directly interfering with the investigation by a States District attorney into crimes in his state... I did see that Bragg told Jordan to Politely) FUCK OFF ... what you are saying violates the Constitution - asshole.

Since when is this ok ? 

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Smoke on the horizon

 What you are seeing and I certainly hope that I am wrong,, as i mostly am - what you are seeing is the smoke that that is starting to indicate the burning down of our democracy / republic , if you will.

The elimination of  the rights of others that those in power say don't look like  "us" or think like "us" . The banning of books - BOOKS ! did you think that this could happen in America ... is this what your Fathers and forefathers fought for ??  The rhetoric and passing of laws that will give power of the polls / voting to those that NOW control those State Houses and Senates - that they would take the vote of the people and eliminate it - IF the outcome was not to their liking.  The restrictions to what can be taught to our children- that somehow knowledge is BAD ,,, and eliminating that which those in power don't like will be the solution. Attacking teachers on literally every front.  Looking to mandate what they can and cannot teach - requiring them to submit lesson plans to those - that in many cases are ignorant of the FACTS - that they will decide what we can and cannot know... And the Embattlement of our politics - the hypocrisy of the FAR right MAGA assholes.  That they will defend at every turn  their deity and warlord  to the death.  That Trumpism has become so overwhelming for them that even those that maybe had a shred of decency and common sense  - that it has gone out the window to defend this Person that is the worst of us...  a Homophobic, xenophobic , racist, bigot, womanizer, failed Politician, failed businessman,, that has lived his life on the edge of lawlessness and criminality.

That even those who I believe that this is wrong - do it keep their power and position - they do this with binders on to the truth- and support anything that fits their narrative.  They believe that you are too stupid , ignorant,  and lazy to look at these issues for yourself. and they you will just go along with and defend whatever THEY say...  And they would rather damage the democracy then stand up for what they knwo to be right... I am awaiting that person - that John Dean (if you remember Watergate) that person to stand up and say - yes - I was there , I heard it , I hav direct proof of the Crimes of one Donald Trump - and saying  enough is  fucking enough - that we - the GOP - needs to be rid of him ! 

Let's talk about voter fraud  - this has been said so loud and so long that you now believe it.. You don't believe the 65 + court cases that were brought by Dump across the United states - all that were either lost on their behalf or thrown out directly for having no basis in FACTS ! That there was no fraud - there is no software that changes votes.. that there are no "lost" ballots - that there are no not millions and millions of votes that were disenfranchised so that Biden could win,,, TRUMP LOST - get over it.   But no - now every election that the GOP candidate does not like the outcome of - they simply pull out the playbook - and say Stolen election - and the GOP runs around like their hair is on fire creating a talking point to defend themselves,,, 

Imagine for a moment - IF YOU CAN- what we could have accomplished over the past years if the US did not have to deal with the likes of Trump.  We have so many issues in this country and world that we need to move away from insanity and bullshit - and get to  trying to solve REAL Goddamn problems. 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

How can it be so

 While reading all the news stories about the impending arrest of the former POTUS , and his continued calls for Protest - How is this not a call for violence... How is this not inciting a riot - if that is what happens on Tuesday.  

Almost regardless of what you think about the actual inditement - you have a DA in the Sate of NY that has to convince a Judge and Grand Jury that he has evidence of a crime involving the former POTUS.  You have Trump calling for protests in the wake of his arrest and inditement.  We saw what incendiary words did on January 6th....  you can bet the same will be the case here - IF and When this happens.. 

I tend to believe a few  things:

A)  The DA better have the goods to back up the inditement. IF he is to indite  Trump , bu then cannot make the case stick - it might just be the issue that gets the former POTUS re-elected... As those on the fence - if there are still those on the fence that this was a political attack - and that there is no evidence of a crime. 

B) The out from Trump is purely bravado - underneath he knows that his inditement is  huge. And obviously If they can make the case of a crime - that will be the end of him personally and politically. 

C) We had better be ready for the fallout - They had better have the National guard at the ready to deal with the FAR right militia groups that are bound to go to New York and do this maniacs bidding. No getting surprised at the response. BE READY ....

- DO you knwo that they are preparing for an innominate Jury for the case ??  That is to say NOT Named  / Anonymous.  These types of juries are used in those high profile cases to protect the Jurors and their families - John Gotti and other mob bosses,,,and El Chapo are where they have been used,,, that should tell you what you need to know about Donald Trump and the people that follow him....

I do have to ask - even though I know the answer - how and when did this happen to us.... When did we become this nation of haters.... We used to be able to have political discussions without the threat of hate and violence against those that thought different than we did. Did the Election of a black man push the far righters more to the right ,....  Lies and deceit certainly have played role.  The media - FOX at the top of the list - pushing an agenda that they knew was false in order to keep viewers and therefore revenue pouring into their pockets . The GOP as a party not stepping up to confront a madman, because they thought the same thing,,, that they wanted to keep their jobs and their monies. One day the Maga movement will go away - when Trump goes away... what will you have left then ?? What banners will you carry ,, what rally will you attend. What will you believe  then ??

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

They LIED and they knew it.

  1st I have serious question to those who - watch /follow Worship  - FOX Entertainment. 

The latest to come out are behind the scenes communication that show that the FOX people behind and in front of the Camera KNEW they were peddling lies to the public about the Presidential election being stolen , and fraudulent elections, but they did it anyway because it got them or kept their viewers, AKA - MONEY !  After they were the 1st network to call  Arizona for Biden - their viewers were essentially furious with them - and as seen by data - moved to Newsmax and OAN,,,, FOX knew they could not sustain if they lost those viewers - So they LIED - 

Let me ask how you feel about that ??? Dominion has sued FOX for Billions in defamation, and this evidence may lead to them winning that law suit - so do you see this now  or are you still going down the rabbit hole of conspiracy that this somehow not true  - and you are still drinking the Kool-aide  ??

Now - Fucker Carlson has aired cherry picked footage of the January 6th insurrection at the Capital , and tried to play to his viewing base that this was just a Tourist visit,,, and the backlash is amazing - right down to many in the GOP denouncing it as Bullshit. and even Mitch Mcconnell coming out against that,..

I do wonder will any of that FUCKERS audience see or hear the truth... or are they only viewing fox entertainment ??   and Believing FOX entertainment... 

Ruperrt Murdoch himself said that the Election fraud story they were peddling was false,,, and behind the scenes they called the Former POTUS names and even Fucker Carloson said he hated Dump....but ,, no one let go ,, no one fired no accountability. whats new?!?

WE cannot go on this way - the Senate committee presented its report to the DOJ near 4 months ago,,and yet it has sat on Merrick Garlands desk for that long with no action,,,, they recommended actions up to and including , inditements of many of the former potus staff and Dump himself - but nothing,, no action , the state of Georgia has concluded  Grand jury that recommends the same on Election Fraud.. but no action,... 

Only in this America can a man that refused to accept the results of a free and fair election,, then incite an insurrection to use violence to gain/maintain power , and attempt to get those in his party in several states to commit crimes to keep him in power - only in today's America can that man be allowed to run again for the office of President ! 

And as long as I'm here,,,,  States that the GOP lost - have taken steps to limit voting rights , to take the power away ftom a States Attorney General to over see elections, and to give power to the State legislatures to just throw out votes, and send a set of Electors to the Senate from a candidate that they favor,,,,  we are at a tipping point in this Democracy and I fear its now tipped away from the Republic that the Founding fathers documented in the constitution....