Thursday, July 21, 2022

Make this Shit Make Sense

 This is what I guess I call trigger legislation - which is why it was proposed back in February anticipation that IF/ When the SCOTUS over turned Roe... that this legislation would kick into place,,,, now that has not quite happened ,,,  as I think they need a popular vote in North Carolina   to confirm it,,,,,

However,, that said - this is the Legislation that they are  proposing - and by THEY - I  mean the Rabid pro life assholes,,,  1st opening Pandora's box by legislating that tLife begins at conception,,, but we can discuss that point later,,, this is what they are proposing...

"Sec. 39. Life begins at fertilization.  It is a matter of indisputable scientific fact that a distinct and separate human life begins at the moment of fertilization. As such, that new human life is recognized by the State as an  individual person, entitled to the protection of the laws of this State from the moment of  fertilization until the moment of natural death. Any person who willfully seeks to destroy the life  of another person, by any means, at any stage of life, or succeeds in doing so, shall be held  accountable for attempted murder or for first degree murder, respectively. Any person has the right to defend his or her own life or the life of another person, even by the use of deadly force if necessary, from willful destruction by another person.

Am I fucking reading this right ???  That they are saying that the use of "Deadly Force"  is acceptable if a woman seeks an abortion. SO- It's ok to kill the Mother who is seeking the procedure.  (and BTW the Fetus)  . How in the  Actual FUCK is that PRO -LIFE ?!?!?!?!?

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