Sunday, April 17, 2022

No Idea

 The war that continues in Ukraine is simply unwatchable,,, the devastation, and the loss of life is  too much - women, children ,,, and all - this war that is being waged against civilians.  The Ukrainian people are unbelievably strong - their country was invaded by what we all thought was a far superior Super Power nation - bu the Ukrainian seem to be a match for them,,, although at what price is all yet to be seen,,,  I Putin really looking to annex the Eastern part of the country pt give him a clear path to the Black sea???  Ot is this a first of many step to rebuild the Soviet Union,,,  Does he want to  draw NATO nations into the war ?  I that the plan, ??? Is he looking for confrontation with the United States ???   Certainly part of his plan - and this is no secret - is that wants to break up NATO - but as we are witnessing  this war has only worked to make the NATO alliance stronger.  And at least the NATO alliance so far has not let Putin dictate what the Nato countries can and cannot do to help Ukraine,,, and now there is strong talk about Finland and Sweden joining NATO - to give them protection against any possible future invasion of their countries.  Thank God we don't have Dump as the POTUS -clearly he was willing to do what Putin wants and break up NATO - at least pulling the US out of that alliance.   Hillary was 100% right about him being a Putin puppet.

So I see that one of the FOX fake entertainers said that "we" needed to move on from the January 6th insurrection and not dwell on the past,,, then announces that they will be coming back after the commercial to talk about Hillary's E-mails - that oh, by the fucking way - was FOURTEEN years ago !!!  And if you did not know ,,,,  she gave 11 hours of testimony before the Benghazi Committee in Congress  and did NOT take the 5th amendment once !! Did not dodge any subpoena  or fail to appear ....  just t so you know who are Fucking Liars and who are not !

Ok - Yankees lose to the Orioles on a walk off walk with the bases loaded in the 11th inning, 11th is when they start the inning with the "ghost" runner on 2nd base,,,,  NY proceeded to walk two more guys in the inning before Chapman came in an walked the Winning run in.....  they can sy that the ump did not give them some strike calls in that inning ,,,, but you have to score more than ONE Run against Oriole pitching,,,  

And while we are talking about walks - did you see the Angels - Joe Madden Manager - intentionally walked Corey Seager of the Rangers with the bases loaded - choosing to give them one run .vs Seager getting an extra base hit or Home run,,, thats kind the Barry Bonds treatment ,,,, the next guy hit a Sac Fly to score another run before the inning ended ,,,  Hey the Angels won the game 9 -  6 so maybe that walk strategy actually worked 

I'm back at Norrie - with right now only Sunday and Monday off,,, Hope we are ready by May 1st - we need a little co-operation from the weather - the Rain and Wind lately is not helping !!

here are some semi true Headlines : from Andy Borowitz

I don;t get Apple + TV - but here is Mick with the Theme song 

Keith Richards and the x- pensive Winos

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