Saturday, April 23, 2022

Let's deal with some new Music....

Skip the ads as soon as you can ! 

Mavis and Levon - Album drop on May 20th,,,,,,

Bonnie Raitt - an American Legend.... "Just like That" debuted yesterday.....

Made up Mind,

Mick Jagger..... from a Netflix series....

Lumineers - Brightside- (produced by Simone Felice) 

John Mellencamp - Strictly One Eyed Jack

Eddie Vedder - Earthlings, and Brother the Cloud

Beth Hart - Tribute to Led Zeppelin - KASHMIR

All right = that is enough for today - I know I missed a few,,, but these should keep you in good music for a while...

That's the line in the Sand

 We need to draw the Line in the Sand....

E-fucking nough is EEE Fucking nuff...  

Maybe too late - and It is already too late,,, but We need to get the NATO allies to say Nuff is Enough. Enough of Bombing non combatant targets, killing civilians,,, how many children do wwe need to see dead on the 6 o'clock news ????  Seriously .....

Any more escalation,, any more troop movements ,, any more surrounding of Cities, Bombing of civilian shelters, or anything but Retreat ,,,, any  more Fucking Anything and the NATO alliance will respond - not with Sanctions, or Yacht Seizing,,, but with almost everything we have - Air Defense , Ship to shore  barrages, back to the Shock and AWE !!!!  We will hit and Destroy any more Russian convoys.., we will cut off your troops from any further rearming,, refueling,, re supplying of any kind,,, you won't need to resupply them,  cause we are gonna eliminate the troops that the resupply are meant for.   WE will blockade Russia - No goods in or Out - OIL included.   Strangle the Economy... drive them to their Knees,,, 

How the Hell are we just standing by watching all this happen???  DO you think Putin is stopping at Ukraine ??  No way ,,, I believe he is already eyeing up whatever his next target is.. Latvia,, Estonia,??? And all other countries that made up the old Soviet Union....   We are rewatching Germany of WWII  invade France,  then Belgium,,, and getting ready to move against Great Britain,  Putin Knows that his boy can't possibly get back the the White House (God Forbid)  until at least January of 2025...  he can't wait that long for Dump to pull the US out of the NATO alliance,,, he Can't....  He almost had it done,  the dismantling of NATO,  but DUMP LOST !!! and this is part of what lead to the invasion of Ukraine,,,

I am not a War monger type of person,,, BUT  Enough is ENOUGH -

Hey (Putin) , Uncle Sam, put your name at the top of his list
And the Statue of Liberty started shakin' her fist
And the eagle will fly man, it's gonna be hell
When you hear mother freedom start ringin' her bell
And it feels like the whole wide world is raining down on you
Brought to you courtesy of the red white and blue
Justice will be served and the battle will rage
This big dog will fight when you rattle his cage
And you'll be sorry that you messed with
The U.S. of A.
'Cause we'll put a boot in your ass
It's the American way

Sunday, April 17, 2022

No Idea

 The war that continues in Ukraine is simply unwatchable,,, the devastation, and the loss of life is  too much - women, children ,,, and all - this war that is being waged against civilians.  The Ukrainian people are unbelievably strong - their country was invaded by what we all thought was a far superior Super Power nation - bu the Ukrainian seem to be a match for them,,, although at what price is all yet to be seen,,,  I Putin really looking to annex the Eastern part of the country pt give him a clear path to the Black sea???  Ot is this a first of many step to rebuild the Soviet Union,,,  Does he want to  draw NATO nations into the war ?  I that the plan, ??? Is he looking for confrontation with the United States ???   Certainly part of his plan - and this is no secret - is that wants to break up NATO - but as we are witnessing  this war has only worked to make the NATO alliance stronger.  And at least the NATO alliance so far has not let Putin dictate what the Nato countries can and cannot do to help Ukraine,,, and now there is strong talk about Finland and Sweden joining NATO - to give them protection against any possible future invasion of their countries.  Thank God we don't have Dump as the POTUS -clearly he was willing to do what Putin wants and break up NATO - at least pulling the US out of that alliance.   Hillary was 100% right about him being a Putin puppet.

So I see that one of the FOX fake entertainers said that "we" needed to move on from the January 6th insurrection and not dwell on the past,,, then announces that they will be coming back after the commercial to talk about Hillary's E-mails - that oh, by the fucking way - was FOURTEEN years ago !!!  And if you did not know ,,,,  she gave 11 hours of testimony before the Benghazi Committee in Congress  and did NOT take the 5th amendment once !! Did not dodge any subpoena  or fail to appear ....  just t so you know who are Fucking Liars and who are not !

Ok - Yankees lose to the Orioles on a walk off walk with the bases loaded in the 11th inning, 11th is when they start the inning with the "ghost" runner on 2nd base,,,,  NY proceeded to walk two more guys in the inning before Chapman came in an walked the Winning run in.....  they can sy that the ump did not give them some strike calls in that inning ,,,, but you have to score more than ONE Run against Oriole pitching,,,  

And while we are talking about walks - did you see the Angels - Joe Madden Manager - intentionally walked Corey Seager of the Rangers with the bases loaded - choosing to give them one run .vs Seager getting an extra base hit or Home run,,, thats kind the Barry Bonds treatment ,,,, the next guy hit a Sac Fly to score another run before the inning ended ,,,  Hey the Angels won the game 9 -  6 so maybe that walk strategy actually worked 

I'm back at Norrie - with right now only Sunday and Monday off,,, Hope we are ready by May 1st - we need a little co-operation from the weather - the Rain and Wind lately is not helping !!

here are some semi true Headlines : from Andy Borowitz

I don;t get Apple + TV - but here is Mick with the Theme song 

Keith Richards and the x- pensive Winos

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

1st Week of April - update

 Ok - so I am headed back to my old job,,,, Part time  / Seasonal and all.  8am - 4pm to start,,, and 

after May1st when the Marina opens  - who knows...... and for how long  ? I don;t really know.

We bought - or are in the process of purchasing  - a home in South Carolina...   Whoa - that is big.

and yes - it seems the tasks are overwhelming ...  So much to do.... 

now onto the War in Ukraine -I am not sure what more we can do - but we must do more. This is a war on the citizens of the country ,,not army to army but Russian army against everyday citizens. How do we , and the word hold the Russians/Putin/soldiers accountable for murder and War crimes.  And of there are those in our country , and our media that think Putin os justified in doing this....  You have to ask yourself how can someone see this and think it's OK...  

The Republicans continue to show us that they are just hypocrites, do nothings ... they really have no agenda of their own other than to oppose everything that the Democrats propose. That is not governing,,, I know very little and I can do that.... the old Just say NO ... was not meant to be a political parties platform.   GOP senators voted for Supreme Court justices that Dump nominated - these candidates were deemed - Qualified with reservations by this states bar association.... but they voted in favor of them.. they now have a judge that is listed as WELL Qualified (that's the highest rating) but they are going to vote no... They - the GOP - thinks Biden should do more to help Ukraine but 193 Congressman voted NO on a bill to financially help Ukraine.  They voted no on a bill that would limit the price of Insulin to $35 - remember that these are the same people that want to limit  a women's right to an abortion - again - they are worried about babies BEFORE they are born but after they are born - Fuck 'em they are on their own...  They go around shouting about Cancel Culture - but when Disney came out against the so called "don;t say Gay bill" they say - Don;t go to Disney - let's take away their Special privileges in regard to taxes that Disney collects and then can use on their own property improvements  - Maybe if none of these people go to Disney -it will then really be the happiest place on earth. 

Ted Cruz is a poor excuse for a human,.... If you insult his wife and throw shade on his father (as being involved in the Kennedy assassination)  he will then kiss your ass , love you as POTUS and go around being a total Asshole while supporting the Guy who insulted his family and continues to LIE LIE LIE about damn near everything... just saying,,,,