- FOX crazies were all over that report alleging that Hillary and the Dems spied on Dump at Campaign,, well until the guy who wrote the report clarified it to say that what reported on happened years before Hillary ran for President. Whoops - and BTW - no apology , No clarification of the Story - they just stopped talking about it.
- So the Anti Vaxxers are all pumped up about a report that said you may need another shot to boost you Protection against COVID -19 ,,,, but hold the Fucking phone - Y'all have been shouting that this is nothing more than the FLU ,,, "It's just the FLu " "People get the flu every year " yadda Yadda yadda - Ummmm I have been getting FLU Vaccines for like 30 years ... so I got let's say the Original Vaxx and then 29 BOOSTERS !! and all we are talking about is FOUR !!! Can you please get you r story Straight.....
- When is enough too much. Lies,,, proven Lies across 4 to 5 years. Siding with a KGB agent about Russian intelligence interference in the 2016 election against what your FBI/CIA and US Intelligence told you, Playing kiss ass with a Evil Dictator in North Korea 9cancelling troop exercises in South Korea because you said that Dictator was going to reduce his Threat of ICBM threats to the South and to our country only to find out you got Played - Just like your Military told you. Denying a Deadly virus , mocking treatments leading to near a million deaths in this country, even though YOU and YOUR Family are vaccinated and YOU took every treatment in sigh when you were infected. Directing an Insurrection again the United States - Planning a COUP - to overturn an election. LIE LIE LIE about it. Attacking every politician that spoke out against you and the BIG LIE.
NOW it is Known that you knowingly destroyed White house documents , by tearing them up , burning them , flushing them down the toilet - then taking classified documents to YOUR place in Florida - in TOTAL violation of the LAW - you remember the LAW ??? Don;t you ???
Dump and his Family under Civil and Criminal investigation because of their financial dealing in NY- When they both greatly over stated the value of property for Loan purposes , then Greatly UNDER stated the value of those same properties when it cam tax time... causing your Accounting firm to DROP your ass fro being their client and saying that they have no faith in the last 10 years of Financial statements because you Fucking Lied to them about everything !!!
SO - when is enough - enough ?!?!? Are you really willing to destroy this country because of the CULT of ONE MAN >!>!>!>
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