Friday, February 25, 2022

I do not know where to even Start

I would say this - that if you take it that former POTUS Dump has been and is now an agent that works for and supports Russia  & Putin - all his actions make perfect sense !


 There is a HUGE difference between a difference of opinion and the outward support for an Autocratic Dictator.  However this is exactly what the former POTUS did... and of course his Cult Followers in the Media followed suit.  This is - in my mond - tantamount to TREASON ! 

Imagine for a minute Clinton coming out and saying that the attack by Bin Laden was smart,.... that Hoover or Coolidge called the Attack from Japan  smart - What would have been said,,, and OK - those were attacks on the US directly and this is not , but you get my point....  That you had media members calling the Leader of one country that is under Attack by a vastly superior force - that his Plea to Russia / Putin is Pathetic - his plea to spare his country and his people - Pathetic. What the Actual FUCK ! go listen to Laura Ingram if you don;t believe me.  Go Listen to Fucker Carlson.. if you want to hear an insurrectionist. 

This group - these people right here are talking support for Russia and Putin over the Interests of the United States, NATO and the President of the United States ....  Tell me that I am wrong.  Go read the statements by the Assholes in the last couple of days......  

Our US intelligence has been spot on with regard to what Putin was doing, Troop movements, Attack strategy,  etc. WE have the Best in the World in this area.... and the former POTUS siding with Putin about his involvement in the 2016 election was at the time and is today a reason for Dumps arrest and imprisonment. 

Now - Putin is responsible for his own actions.... BUT - destabilizing the region,,,, Ukraine specifically. Us siding with Russia, Attacking NATO - see article right here.....thought we forgot about that !??!

There are few things that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia desires more than the weakening of NATO, the military alliance among the United States, Europe and Canada that has deterred Soviet and Russian aggression for 70 years. Last year, President Trump suggested a move tantamount to destroying NATO: the withdrawal of the United States. Senior administration officials told The New York Times that several times over the course of 2018, Mr. Trump privately said he wanted to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Current and former officials who support the alliance said they feared Mr. Trump could return to his threat as allied military spending continued to lag behind the goals the president had set.

And then -  Remember what the 1st impeachment was about - YEA that  !  Dump threatening  The prez of Ukraine that he -Dump-  would withhold military aid - that the Congress already approved for Ukraine if Zenenski did not open a probe into  Biden's son,,, Biden at the time - of course was Dumps Opponent in the presidential race ... the Phone call - and the transcript of that call ....  Only the fact that the GOP held a majority in the Senate kept him from being expelled from office.

NOW - I would say this - that if you take it that Dump has been and is now an agent that works for and supports Russia  & Putin - all his actions make perfect sense !


Sunday, February 20, 2022

Quick Hits

 - FOX crazies were all over that report alleging that Hillary and the Dems spied on Dump at Campaign,, well until the guy who wrote the report clarified it to say that what reported on happened years before Hillary ran for President.  Whoops - and BTW - no apology  , No clarification of the Story - they just stopped talking about it.

- So the Anti Vaxxers are all pumped up about a report that said you may need another shot to boost you Protection against COVID -19 ,,,,   but hold the Fucking phone - Y'all have been shouting that this is nothing more than the FLU ,,, "It's just the FLu " "People get the flu every year "  yadda Yadda yadda - Ummmm I have  been getting FLU Vaccines for like 30  years ... so I got let's say the Original Vaxx and then 29 BOOSTERS  !!   and all we are talking about is  FOUR !!!  Can you please get you r story Straight.....

- When is enough too much.   Lies,,, proven Lies across 4 to 5 years. Siding with a KGB agent about Russian intelligence  interference in the 2016 election against what your FBI/CIA and US Intelligence told you, Playing kiss ass with a Evil Dictator in North  Korea 9cancelling troop exercises in South Korea because you said that Dictator was going to reduce his Threat of ICBM threats to the South and to our country only to find out you got Played - Just like your Military told you. Denying a Deadly virus , mocking treatments leading to near a million deaths in this country, even though YOU and YOUR Family are vaccinated and YOU took every treatment in sigh when you were infected.  Directing an Insurrection again the United States - Planning a COUP - to overturn an election. LIE LIE LIE about it. Attacking every politician that spoke out against you and the BIG LIE. 

NOW it is Known that you knowingly destroyed White house documents , by tearing them up , burning them , flushing them down the toilet - then taking classified documents to YOUR place in Florida  - in TOTAL violation of the LAW - you remember the LAW ???  Don;t you ???  

Dump and his Family under Civil and Criminal investigation because of their financial dealing in NY-  When they both greatly over stated the value of property for Loan purposes , then Greatly UNDER stated the value of those same properties when it cam tax time... causing your Accounting firm to DROP your ass fro being their client and saying that they have no faith in the last 10 years of Financial statements because you Fucking Lied to them about everything !!!

SO - when is enough - enough ?!?!? Are you really willing to destroy this country because of the CULT of ONE MAN >!>!>!>

Friday, February 18, 2022

No SOUP for You !!

Let me get this straight - a Representative in the Congress of the Unites States from the State of Georgia - who votes on Laws and legislation that govern this country - does not know the difference between the Nazis - Gestapo ,,,, and Cold  Soup - Gazpacho !!      Remember this was not a alive comment - this was a recorded message that if she knew was mis-spoke - could have just rerecorded it with the proper reference.

BUT - she did not - that means she did not know it was WRONG !!  Give me a break ! MTG is one of the stupidest people ever elected to the Congress !


This is starting to get good !

 Yea- Dump seemingly has painted his ass into a Corner,,, this is what he has said about pleading the Fifth in the past .....  Now it's about to bite him in the ass !!

Trump has had a lot to say about the Fifth Amendment in the past.

“You see the mob takes the Fifth,” he said. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

Another time, he said, “Fifth Amendment. Fifth Amendment. Fifth Amendment. Horrible.”

During a presidential debate, he said,

When you have your staff taking the Fifth Amendment, taking the Fifth, so they’re not prosecuted, when you have the man that set up the illegal server taking the Fifth, I think it’s disgraceful.

hummmmmmm  So let's see what he and his criminal family have to say when they are under oath ! That's way different from Tweets and statements that he distributed to his Sheep - gotta assume that the Prosecutor has most / all of the facts and is looking to ask questions where they perjure themselves.... or they take the fifth....  can't wait - and where his legal team might be able to delay this a little - they wont be able to hold for for two years .

and oh yes this will play right into his base - where is is always the Victim - that everyone is out to get him !!  just you wait and see !!

Wait !!! What ??

SO the people that essentially Kidnapped a 4 year old girl and held her in Secret for 2 years, often hiding her under a Stair well when the police showed up,,,, and denying the Authorities access to the house to search for her... and yes,,,  those people are the Mother Father and Grandfather of the girl.....  

#1 ) are released without bail = Defendants released on their own recognizance need only sign a written promise to appear in court as required. No bail has to be paid/

#2) Their  legal counsel says - d"on't judge until you hear all the facts."  OK - - WTF could be that explanation for hiding the child in the staircase !?!?!?  Seriously - WHAT ??? 

The next door neighbor - a retired woman that said she is home most of the time,,, has never seen the Girl outside !!  has never seen her - Period ! in Two years !! 

And was this in some big city ?  In the so called Slums,, NO - it was in Saugerties NY..

Monday, February 7, 2022


 This women is one the Biggest JERKS that have in the Congress today....  Now I have no issue that she is not educated beyond getting  her GED  (on the 4th try ) .... that she is married to a Convicted Felon- remember the Family photo with the Guns ??  he was no where to be found cause that is a violation of his parole !  But WTF is she talking about !?!?!?

She got a bit of a lesson on the Constitution after posting her latest tweet. 

“The Constitution is not evolving,” she wrote on Twitter. “To say that spits in the face of every single one of our founders.”

In reality, the framers of the Constitution not only wrote it so that it could evolve, via amendments, but began using that process almost immediately with the passage of the Bill of Rights.

WTF is she talking about ?  Yea - the Bill of Rights is only the start  !!  I believe that there are 27 Such Evolvements !  

- Ending Slavery

- Equal Voting rights 

- Prohibition

-  Women's right to vote - would have thought she would remember that one !!

I refer to Ben Franklin quote:

"We are all born Ignorant - but one must work hard to remain Stupid" 

No one

 While I realize that no one reads this,... except for maybe the random person that stumbles across it when they are scrolling thru the BlogSpot... but I can tell you that it helps me get out thoughts that cannot be talked about on many circles,,, and BTW - no one wants to hear about it anyway...

We live in crazy times. I do not envy children or even their parents trying to grow up today. We are in the Midst of a Pandemic - I'd say Global Pandemic ,, but I thin that is what Pandemic means that it covers the World -  so a Pandemic that i'll say 30 - 40 % of the population, at least here in the USA do not think is real !!!  Killing near a million Americans - shutting down much of the country during 2020,,, and we are just partially getting back to Semi - normal .....  There are people that deny Science , Deny that vaccines work... that use this Internet to do their "research".    Even though that internet promotes theories of all kinds .. that millions are dying of the Vaccine (False) - they say it ,, but cannot find ONE source that is not on the dark web that confirms their data.. and BTW - it's always that they KNOW someone that has died of the Vaxx ,,, it's someones Brother, sister, Fathers 2nd uncle... they never have 1st hand Knowledge - that should tell you all you need to know,,,  that the Vaccine has micro chips in it,, so the Governments can track you,,, but 99% of those people carry a cell phone with them 24- 7 - HUH ???  That people do not want to do what are simple things to combat the Virus spread ,, but are surprised that the Administration cannot do something to stop it ! - again - HUH ??  They cite that masks don't work,  but put on their seat belts every-time they get in a car, even though people die in car accidents everyday that are wearing seat  belts .. 3x HUH ?? and they claim that they Govt should not tell you what you can and cannot do with your life, your Body,,, they then post shit about "If the Government really cared about you they would ban the foods that add to Obesity, and Diabetes" cause those things kill people too...... WTF !!

Let's move to politics - OH BOY ....

the former POTUS has said that the Jan 6th insurrectionists are not being treated fairly..  and If / when he Retakes the Whitehouse they will be. and If there need to be pardons - he will Pardon them. 

1st : How the Fuck is this not tampering with witnesses  ??  

and 2nd :  we are in the 1st week of February 2022... Providing nothing happens to Biden, the next POTUS whoever she or he is that will not happen to January 2025 - 1077 days from now - essentially 3 years away.. now I know justice moves slowly ,,, but I think most / all of these people will have had trials or accepted plea deals by then !!  and yea sure in a miscarriage of justice the Urine Soaked Cheeto man could pardon them then....  

and not to be a pile on'er....  I thought that  the GOP folks and FOX said that these people were FBI operatives, BLM supports, Antifa folks that disguised themselves as Dump supporters. So if that was true -  A) why would he pardon them ??? and B) Were these GOP senators and Reps NOT in the Capital on that day ??  Did they not run for their lives !!??  do they always run for their lives during normal visitors tours - like they said was the case...Assholes.

And speaking of Assholes - the Republicans have no Idea what they are talking about ,...

Mitch Mcconnel - who will now go down in history as a JERK ...  said that he was opposed to Biden deciding to nominate a Black female to the Supreme Court - Even though Dump and President Reagen did the same thing - saying that they would nominate someone from a particular group - and no one said any thing.   And the GOP does not want to rush into confirming a nominee ,, even thought they did exactly that to get Barrett approved essentially as votes were being cast in the last election...  ASSHOLES !!

now for Dump = you have noted that he has not 100% confirmed that he is running for POTUS in 2024...Do you have an Idea why he has not ??? I'll tell ya why -  If he does confirm he is running,,, ALL those contributions to him would then be campaign  contributions, and would have to be accounted for as such. Right now you - and I'll say it - JERKS -  that are giving him money , buying his hats, flags, bumperstickers, etc etc,, are giving money Directly to HIM !! And he can do with as he pleases. IF he does run - and right now he is using it to try to punish his enemies , support voter suppression, back candidates that LOVE HIM - fuck the Constitution, and he is spending money on his and his families legal fees. 

Ok - enough,,,, here is Amos Lee