I would say this - that if you take it that former POTUS Dump has been and is now an agent that works for and supports Russia & Putin - all his actions make perfect sense !
There is a HUGE difference between a difference of opinion and the outward support for an Autocratic Dictator. However this is exactly what the former POTUS did... and of course his Cult Followers in the Media followed suit. This is - in my mond - tantamount to TREASON !
Imagine for a minute Clinton coming out and saying that the attack by Bin Laden was smart,.... that Hoover or Coolidge called the Attack from Japan smart - What would have been said,,, and OK - those were attacks on the US directly and this is not , but you get my point.... That you had media members calling the Leader of one country that is under Attack by a vastly superior force - that his Plea to Russia / Putin is Pathetic - his plea to spare his country and his people - Pathetic. What the Actual FUCK ! go listen to Laura Ingram if you don;t believe me. Go Listen to Fucker Carlson.. if you want to hear an insurrectionist.
This group - these people right here are talking support for Russia and Putin over the Interests of the United States, NATO and the President of the United States .... Tell me that I am wrong. Go read the statements by the Assholes in the last couple of days......
Our US intelligence has been spot on with regard to what Putin was doing, Troop movements, Attack strategy, etc. WE have the Best in the World in this area.... and the former POTUS siding with Putin about his involvement in the 2016 election was at the time and is today a reason for Dumps arrest and imprisonment.
Now - Putin is responsible for his own actions.... BUT - destabilizing the region,,,, Ukraine specifically. Us siding with Russia, Attacking NATO - see article right here.....thought we forgot about that !??!
There are few things that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia desires more than the weakening of NATO, the military alliance among the United States, Europe and Canada that has deterred Soviet and Russian aggression for 70 years. Last year, President Trump suggested a move tantamount to destroying NATO: the withdrawal of the United States. Senior administration officials told The New York Times that several times over the course of 2018, Mr. Trump privately said he wanted to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Current and former officials who support the alliance said they feared Mr. Trump could return to his threat as allied military spending continued to lag behind the goals the president had set.
And then - Remember what the 1st impeachment was about - YEA that ! Dump threatening The prez of Ukraine that he -Dump- would withhold military aid - that the Congress already approved for Ukraine if Zenenski did not open a probe into Biden's son,,, Biden at the time - of course was Dumps Opponent in the presidential race ... the Phone call - and the transcript of that call .... Only the fact that the GOP held a majority in the Senate kept him from being expelled from office.
NOW - I would say this - that if you take it that Dump has been and is now an agent that works for and supports Russia & Putin - all his actions make perfect sense !