Monday, September 27, 2021

Quickly - Monday morning upate

 So -  as I thought p the only way that the Weekend Boston - NY series would be a big deal is IF one team or the other swept the 3 games,,, Which the Yankees Did....

So the Yanks went from 2 game out of the 1st wild card spot to a one game lead in the Top wild card spot... Now if you are a yankee fan , that was the best you could hope for... to win the 3 against Boston... and go to Toronto with a 2 game lead over them....  Now let's look at the last 6 games for these 3 teams.....

NY - is at  Toronto for 3 and home .vs the Rays for three.

Boston - has the Orioles for three and then the Nats for 3 - all on the road.

Toronto - hosts NY for three , then hosts the Orioles.

You can see that NY has the Harder games here.... because of the Balanced schedule - that means that the Jays and Sox have already played the "harder" games - not that they have an easier overall schedule then the Yankees...

Keep in mind a few things as you watch - or hear about the results of these games... NY can't get the Wild Card game at home with a Tie of Boston - AKA they finish with the same record - because even after losing the Three games to NY - Boston still has a the better head to head record over the Yankees... so the Yanks would have  to be a game ahead of Boston to get the WC game at home.  The Rays have all but clinched Home filed throughout the Playoffs so they will have nothing to play for in the last 3 against the Yankees - now in years past  Teams might have played all Triple A Players because the Rosters expanded to 40 players form the usual 25 ,,, not this year - the norm was 26 and went to Only 28 on Sept 1st . NOT 40 - so the Rays will have to play some of their regulars against NY.  

- IF the Yanks win out (doubtful) - they will be the 1st Wild Card Team and Host the WC game. 

There are too many scenarios  to play-out at this time, BUT -  - Boston has the Easiest go with games .vs the O's and the Nats.  I can certainly see Boston winning all 6 games they have left... Toronto can hurt the Yankees with a Sweep - but definitely need to win 2 of the 3 to be in contention.  I can't wait to see what each Team does IF & When they clinch a playoff spot - will the Team hold out it's Best pitcher(s) so they can start or be available for the Wild Card Game even if that means that they would need to play that game on the ROAD......???  Would say the Yankees - (once they clinch a WC spot - if they do)  NOT pitch Gerrit Cole in the last game or next to last game , so he would be available for the WC game ???? Or would they pitch him to try and get the WC game at home ,,, IF it meant he was not gonna Pitch in that WC game - Interesting right???

I have discounted the Mariners and the Oakland A's - I just don't see them as a Threat to the AL east teams right now.... 

SO - my predictions are this :

Tuesday October 5th the AL Wild Card game will be in Boston - Red Sox .vs Yankees...  and yea - that Winner gets to play the Tampa Bay Rays in a 5 game ALDS series ....

The other ALDS will be the Astros . vs White Sox.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


 I have some expert advice for you if you are going to Remove your Popcorn Ceiling. You can go watch videos on You Tube on the process there are many. 

Please read  ALL the advice before you do or buy  ANYTHING !!

Materials that you will need to gather  - if you don't have these - on hand do not buy them just yet .

- Enough  Plastic sheeting to cover walls, and floors cause this is gonna be a mess.

- A Pump Sprayer - one gallon size is fine as you will need to keep the water you are using warm. and it will be easier to hold a 1/2 gallon of water then 2 gallons.

- A metal  scraper  or drywall knife.  Nearly any size. 4 inch wide to 8 inch wide... you will need to round the corners of this so it does not dig into the Ceiling.  Taping this to a Wet Vac tool might work for you if the hose is long enough to each from the Floor to the Ceiling easily .

- A ladder to reach the Ceiling easily.

- A large Garbage bag or Trash can that will fit the Plastic Sheeting,,, and maybe some of the tools that you do not want to clean. 

The Key to my version of this process if BEFORE you do ANYTHING -   Go into the Room that are going to be working in   . Look up at the Ceiling.  and Say these words:

"F&%^ This ! Popcorn ceiling ain't so Bad"

 IF you bought the materials and do not have another  use for them - Get out that Trash Bag , put them inside and Discard them before you change your mind !!  Now - look on  Barnes and Noble and Amazon for any books about "Loving your Popcorn Ceiling" . 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Consider this :

1) I am listening to these people that are supposedly - Christians - .... OK - so your central belief is that God sent his son to earth to save us ...  ?? True ? That he Sacrificed his only son, to wash away the  sins of the world ?  That his son - Jesus - Knew - as he became an adult that this was the plan - that he would die  on the Cross to save the world,  that he would do this for his fellow human beings,,,  

OK - and you as a Christian , a follower of Jesus, a Person of this faith  - Will not wear a mask and get a vaccine to help save others ???  Christians ??? I think not. 

2) As we remembered the 20th anniversary of the  attacks on American , September 11th 2001 at the World Trade Center , Pentagon, and Flight 93 ....  And that the goal of the Terrorists was three fold.  Attack the World Trade Center as an assault on our Economy,  another plane into the Pentagon as a assault on our Military might, and a 3rd plane into the Capital Building as an assault on our system of Government our Democracy.  Explain what those people on Flight 93 did.....  Knowing , as they were talking and communicating with people on the Ground about what the other 3 planes had done.  Thinking that their plane was headed to the Capital.  That they were not going to sit by and watch this happen that they were going to fight these Terrorists , to stop the Attack on our Democracy by Foreign terrorists. That they rushed the cockpit of the plane,  they we no doubt injured themselves in that defense of the Country, that they would do this knowing what the outcome would/could be. That the plane would go down, it would mean their lives , it would be defending the Democracy.  Now Fast Forward nearly 20 years, and see that the latest attack on our Democracy, the Attempted COUP of the Country, the Attack on the Capital came from Terrorists within this country,  spurred on by the POTUS that lost an election. That these terrorists - no less dangerous than those that carried out the 9/11 attacks - did so at the direction of the people of that political party, that then spread lies about the Election, wanted to stay in power and would use ANY means  necessary to do so. This continues today . The people - the Domestic Terrorists-  that continue to believe and spread the BIG LIE are maybe even more dangerous today,, that they remain a Threat to  this country and our Democracy. And I do not believe that we have seen the last of what they are capable of.  There is a Rally - I think in Washington - by these Zealots to support those that have been charged in the Capital attack - I can only hope that this does not get out of hand,, and that we are ready with Law enforcement, National Guard, whatever it takes  to control these people.  

3) We are rewatching the Civil war by Ken Burns...  An excellent recounting of the War and this times.  Now this was clearly in the mid 1860's ... so we have had many years to reflect on the times.  I can't help but wonder what we think of these times even 20 ,, 25 years from now...   What will be the General thinking ? That the Anti Vaxx anti mask folks had it right ??  or What the F were they thinking,,, ??  The Pandemic would have / Could have ended far sooner with far fewer deaths if everyone just wore the damn mask , got the Damn shot.  How will the times be thought of - ? Will there even be a Democracy to think back on.. ??  Will we  look back and say , we should have seen the Signs of the Eroding of Democracy - the partisanship that killed the Government and ended our way of life. 


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

A Major disappointment

 The biggest disappointment of in  life these days is in  opening an Instagram  post by a friend or  Relative and  looking forward to that moment as it is opening , to seeing my Grandchildren , but then then seeing a FUCKER CARLSON video.  

Can it get worse than that  !! I think not

What we hear

 We are hearing about questioning Science ... Questioning data,, Questioning the Doctors and Nurses , the Scientists.  

IMHO Questioning is not the issue - it's in the Not  Believing.    Not believing the science, making up and believing your own facts or finding facts (from crazies Sometimes) that support your idea of the Truth.  Do you really believe that Vaccines are the Issue ?  Look - there are always a side affect,,, Eat Steak, eat candy, Ice Cream, there are side affects. Vaccines are the reason that - you and I have not had a concern about Polio, Small Pox, Measles ,  etc, etc,,     Small Pox has been eradicated since the 1940's - Why - Vaccines....   do you really believe that animal Dewormer is the Answer,, ?  and and we back to hydroxychloroquine ?  and shining UV lights down our throats  - Just because it fits your agenda. ?

Have you noticed that the States that are pushing back against the Vaccine mandate - have mandates themselves in regard to other vaccines?? Yea - so Here is Michigan where the Governor is all up in arms about Mandates for Vaccines.... Michigan requires these vaccines..... so now you tell me that they have not politicalized this,..,,,,

Do you think that any of us Like to wear face Masks ?? Give me a break . 

I have said it before - we now have a Pandemic of the unvaccinated,... yea you can point to some person that got covid and was seriously ill ,,, but thats not the Science .... that is Bull Shit.  The far majority of those deathly ill and Dying are the unvaccinated. Unfortunately - the more people that refuse to get the Vaccine - the fewer and fewer of those people there will be.  I'm sick of the whole discussion.... I could go on and on here,,, but I don;t think it would change anyones mind...  I'd like to rewind history and see what this would have looked like IF we had a leader that addressed the Virus when it started, encouraged Masks, and vaccines - how many fewer would have died how much sooner would we have gotten back to our lives..... ??  

On a Lighter note - here is Jeter's full HOF speech. 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

A few things that make you say - WTF !!!

 The Texas law bans abortions after embryonic cardiac activity can be detected, which can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy, and has no exceptions for cases of rape or incest.  - When asked the Asshole Greg Abbott said things like this:

"It doesn't require that at all," Abbott said, "because, obviously, it provides at least six weeks for a person to be able to get an abortion."

Abbott continued: "Rape is a crime, and Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them and prosecuting them and getting them off the streets." SO - he is going to eliminate the Crime of Rape in the state of Texas ?!?!  - really ? There were - incredibly  - over 14,000 rapes in Texas in 2019 ...   So now that this Bill has been signed ,, he gonna eliminate them !?!?  WTF - were they not trying to do that before - and is that all that needs to be done  ? - Pass some asshole law and then they will work to eliminate that crime - WHAT AN ASSHOLE 

Contrary to Abbott's comments about "getting them off the streets," sexual violence is "usually" committed by "someone the victim knows, such as a friend, current or former intimate partner, coworker, neighbor, or family member," according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Seems everyday now I read a story about someone ingesting Ivermectin and getting Extremely sick !  - So - they are not taking any vaccine -  but we are gonna ingest Horse Dewormer - and yes there are some things in humans that this stuff may help....   Some of the side-effects   associated with ivermectin include skin rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, facial or limb swelling, neurologic adverse events (dizziness, seizures, confusion), sudden drop in blood pressure, severe skin rash potentially requiring hospitalization and liver injury (hepatitis) - yea - get me the Aluminum foil hat , the UV light and a bottle of disinfectant to Drink !!  ASSHOLES !!   So the  people calling others  "sheep" for taking a vaccine , are actually taking a drug meany more for ,..... wait for it ,,,,,, SHEEP !!!

Less than 6 months ago I knew zero people that actually had Covid - 19.  I heard about a few ,,, from my last job that contacted  it - one guy very seriously ....  nearly intubated,,, thought he was gonna die,,,,,  ok - but now - 6-8 in my immediate family Have / Had it   - all are better - thankfully , but symptoms still linger and i worry about the long term affects especially on the  young Grandchildren. 

That dumb ass Marjorie Taylor Greene is among congress folks threatening Companies that supply the House committee with the Phone records of Congressmen and women surrounding the January 6th attempted COUP of the United States. I am guessing she does not know that there is a Federal law that was passed by Republican congress and signed into law by a republican POTUS - the Terrorism act -  that REQUIRES these companies to turn over any  "information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism".  yes - That -  so info they asked for is actually THAT ! ASSHOLE 

For those that are flying the American flag .... especially on the back of a Vehicle , truck, etc,,,,  Our flag must be flown higher than ANY other flag, it must be displayed : with the union down, Not letting it touch anything beneath it: ground, floor, water, merchandise. carry it horizontally, but always aloft. fasten or display it in a way that will permit not permit it to be  damaged or soiled. and MUST be illuminated IF you fly it at night !!  ASSHOLES ....

IF your Feebly mind can't figure out how to google "How to fly the FLAG" GO here.


Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sunday -

 Are yo kidding me ??  the reason that you do't get the top spot in the Wild Card  can't be because you lose to the Orioles !!   The O's have 42 wins this season - yup that's it just 42 - they are 43 games out of 1st place - BUT they have beaten the Yankees 6 TIMES !  15 % of their wins have come against NY ! The yankees were no hit yesterday for 6 and 1/3 innings,,, They ended up with only 3 hits all game..  Jesus ...

I asked this question of others,,,   so check it out,,,,  IF you knew that you had clinched a Wild Card Spot would you hold out your best pitcher so that he could start in the Wildcard game - even if that meant you might have to play that game on the road ??  It could be that the Yankees and the Red Sox will need to make that decision in a few weeks....  Yanks have 27 game left...

4 against Baltimore 

7 - Toronto

3 -  Mets

1- Twins

3 - Texas

3 - Cleveland

3  - Boston

3 - Tamps Bay

Story time : Not awful - but still....

Ordered anew dishwasher from Lowes - the old LG finally Stopped working.

Could not get a Bosch - the lead time was 6 months or so several places told us... ok - we ordered a Kitchenaid....   Lowes said  3 Weeks.

Ok - 3 weeks - I call - use their automated system - say ORDER STATUS  - ok I get put on hold for the Customer service desk... 25 minutes later - after hearing they are connecting me with someone who can help me - I hang up. this is 11:20AM .... I call back - and ask for appliance Sales ... Get right thru - the Lady takes my phone  number ..  and NO my dishwasher is not in...     I ask - What number on my Receipt is the Order number or the PO ? as that is what you need to track orders on their web site... She says  "No" you can't track in STORE purchases on the WEB site - even though there a TAB on the WEB site to do just that !! See Below. IT's 11:23AM  - She also says that they get deliveries on Monday and I am guessing that it won't be in till Thursday - as Monday is Labor day.  

Allright - fine,  at 11:32 I get a Voice mail -  The DISHWASHER is IN !!
Come to the Customer service desk to pick it up ....

We arrive - go to the CS Desk - she confirms - yes it;'s here.... please go to the Appliance desk and ask them to bring it out..... Off we go - the Appliance desk lady - yes - same lady that could not find the DW about an hour before this ... tells me - "No they can;t go get it" " they are too busy" and that's not how it works" BACK to the CS desk we go -... Now she says - "ugh- I'll go get it Myself" and off she goes  - returns 2 minutes later - NO DW ! But and other guy arrives 2 minutes after that with the DW !!!  

VIOLA !!!!   Now not totally awful - but I doubt if any of this is how Lowes thinks that this should work !

A Bit of Genesis :

Trick of the Tail !

Dance on A Volcano

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The beat Goes on...............

 Are you watching what is happening ??  It is - in part - because of the vast amount of information that we have available at our finger tips via the internet. You can Google and read and subsequently buy into every and any conspiracy theory that you wish.  You can listen to and follow the advice of People who are insane. People - doctors in some cases - that promote Horse Dewormer, Hydro chloroquine,  the Hoax theory , the China virus , the Big Pharma , Covid Deaths inflated by the Government, or shining an Ultraviolet light down your throat and drinking Disinfectant.  All this insanity to support THEIR version of the Facts. 

People listening to the Disinformation Dozen - yea - just go Google that if you don;t know who they are. Many of these people have been conspiracy theorists for year.  They have promoted crazy methods for health, and opposed ANY ,, ANY government involvement in any aspect of our lives.  They in several cases are financially invested in the Insanity they promote, to the point that in reality more sick people means more dollars in their Pockets. You can see also - Rand Paul's wife's investments - that she made almost immediately after her husband was briefed on the seriousness of COVID - 19, and that Paul gave us the "Geez I think the Dog ate my homework" excuse for A) her investments, and B) him not knowing about it (but Profiting by it) .

Almost regardless of your age, you grew up in a country where it's People did not get and are no longer afflicted by : Polio, Tetanus, FLU , Hepatitis A  & B, Rubella, HIB, Measles, Whooping Cough, Pneumucoccal Disease , Mumps, Chicken Pocks, and Diphtheria. WHY don't we get these diseases anymore?? VACCINES !!!  VACCINES  !!  yes,, there is a risk in taking the Vaccines (as there is with anything you ingest )  but the Risk of contracting these Diseases  is FAR greater than the risk of the Vaccine.    As it is TODAY ....... 

to say that I simply do not get it.. would be a vast understatement.....  You would rather risk your  life and the people around you than get the vaccine.. you want thing to get back to "normal" but refuse to do the simplest of things to expedite that.  That is get a vaccine,  wear a Mask.  Where I live  almost every business has a sign that says if you are not fully vaccinated you must where a mask.... But I am betting that you are also a LIAR . You are not vaccinated and you are not gonna wear a mask !  So you have a personal "good reason" not to be vaccinated ,, but you don's have that conviction to tell others the truth but wearing a mask... YEA - right. 

You are worried about Pfizer Stock, and the Money they are making off the Virus.... yup - their stock has risen over 20% in the last 5 years. So you ain't supporting that shit !  So you probably don't use Sunoco gas - increase of 15% in Stock price,,, Amazon - whoa those bastards Stock has risen over 300% in 5 years, Cosco - Up 188% ,.. you - not shopping there no more !  Just to remind you = Pfizer was one company that DID NOT take any Warp Speed money from the Government to develop their vaccine. 

And yes- companies and employers can require that you are Vaccinated to work there or go there or shop there. YOU say you are a free American and it's YOUR Choice to Vaccinate or NOT - yup I agree .

But that follow that it's THEIR right to say what requirements they have... You cannot light up a Marlboro red in a restaurant - yes that's a Government requirement - but a requirement just the same.  And I get that if you are committed to NON VACC - you might need to make a choice about where you go and where you work and that may have a huge impact on your life - YOUR FREE AMERICAN LIFE !! 

Let's do a few from Keb Mo today...


Wrong - Again !

 Yikes  - so things in the AL east have changed in a matter of several days ,....  my post of August 5 is wrong...  Actually the Rays are still in 1st place,... it;s just that the Sox have lost many more games than anyone would have thought...

The Tampa Bay Rays are in 1st place they have a record of 65 and 44 or a .596 willing percentage.. 

the Yanks are in 3rd place  - 6 games behind them at 58 and 49 or .542 win percentage.. 

 the Rays have 53 games left to play... Let's say they play those game a little worse pace than the 4th place  Blue jays.. let's use .525 win percentage...  53 x .525 = 27.8 - we will round up to 28 wins and 25 losses...

That means  the Yankees would have to play 7 games better than that.

The Yanks have 55 games left... so while the Rays must only win 28 of it games the Yanks would have to win 35 and lose only 20 !! Thats a .640 winning percentage ......  

and let me remind you that the BEST TEAM right now in the Majors is the San Francisco Giants at 68 and 40 - that's .630 .....  SO - STOP IT !! the Yankees are NOT winning the American League East  ! 

SO = bout the only thing that was correct here was that the Rays are winning the AL east - The yanks after their 13 game win streak have now lost 4 in a row... only good news is that Boston has lost right along with NY. 


You have to question what kinda day it's gonna be when my daily  Cryptoquote word puzzle - and usually has  quotes from the likes of Churchill, Helen Keller, FDR, Plato, Lincoln, Hemmingway,, etc ,,, 
has a Quote from Ace Frehley !!!