All right it's too cold right now to go bike.... I did my Walk / Jog yesterday and I can feel that my legs are not up to two days in a row of that,,, plus the toe still feels broken,, oh yea,,, sorta went to skip over one of the cats (FINN) yesterday morning and smashed the shit out of the two toes adjacent to the big toe,,, on my right foot,,, one is ok,, and the other is bruised and misshapen,,, and a bit swollen...and I doubt if the 6 miles yesterday helped it.... so better to wait till it warms a bit ,, then go biking !
We are nearing 40 days till the election. i think its like 43 days,,,,, and I am betting that it will be a TOTAL Fucking CIRCUS for the next 7 weeks.... 3 debates ( let me say up front that Biden has nothing to gain from these debates (you cannot successfully debate a LIAR) and now thta RBG has passed,,, there will be a Country consuming debate on replacing her. McConnell and Graham have already said that they would have a vote on a nominee even though that is exactly the opposite of what they said in 2016 - they have no morals,, no self respect, no , they have drank the Kool-aid,,, kissed the Ring and bent the knee to the asshole in the White House... Recent Judges took between 50 and 92 days to conform... the Was RBG.. and Alito was 92.... so let's say Dick Brain sends a nominee over in a week,,,, or OCT 1.... and the average is 70 days..... that puts the confirmation in Early December ,,, after the election,,, now if - GOD FORBID - Dick Brain wins,,, then it's a mute point,,, but if he loses and the Senate majority also goes Democratic,, then you have nominee from a lame duck POTUS and vote from Senators that will not even be there come January !!! and BTW - I know the tRumpette's don't care.....
DO not worry about staying up late to get the results of the Election - My guess is that we will not know the outcome for a Month and and then if Rump losses - get ready for months of Court Battles ,,,,, I heard the interesting question the other day,, and I know NO ONE like to speculate on anything but you Rump-ettes..... IF and I understand you don't even want to entertain the IF - HE loses and loses by a large margin in both the Popular vote and the Elector vote - so that no changes in either would make any difference... but he still challenges the election, and perhaps even refuses to accept the result and leave the White house and plunges to country into Chaos - what would you think of him then ???
How long will it take to get back to the spot we were at at the end of 2019..... ??
Is it inappropriate to SCREAM and SWEAR at people's facebook posts and more pointedly at some of the replies to to FB posts ??? now I don't actually reply what I screamed / swore ,,,,,, so no one but me knows,,, however,,,, It might come to that,,,, hey - I don't have any friends now - what difference could it make ??? 😎
Something - from the Rolling Stones,,, hope I did not post this before...
and from my girl Margo Timmins and Cowboy Junkies...
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