Monday, July 30, 2018

Where have you been

Yea - where have you been,,,

I have had so much going on it is hard to find time to do this....  however..

I am a bit worn out by bitchin about the POTUS,,,
- He IS a Liar .
- He has to know that Russia Meddled in our election process.
- He kew about that meeting at T Towers with the Russians,
- He might as well have Kissed Putin's ass
- He is a Liar.
- He acts like a man compromised by Someone or Something when it comes to Putin and the Russians,,,,  why else is he such a pussy when it comes to them. ?? 
- Where are his tax returns ?? I maintain that those would give us much info.
- He is a Liar.

We must stay strong. What happens now with him is NOT normal... it is not presidential and it snot right. Keep listening for the Non denial  and the switch.......  where he and his apologists will not exactly deny what is being said ,, but then pivot to oh " what about" this and what about that- and or mention, Clinton, Obama, democrats,  or HEY the Economy is doing great - as if that Justifies their support of a Tyrant. - so what if the POTUS is compromised by Russia and tells bold face lies about near everything ...., as if what ever "they " did makes his behavior excusable..I truly believe that those that are touting him today will be embarrassed by the end game in the future. 

I was glad to see that nearly all (FOX news included) came out in support of CNN and the CNN reporter that was "banned" by the Whitehouse from attending a press Briefing last week. I guess that defending the 1st amendment of a Free Press is no where near as profitable as defending the 2nd amendment.  and let me say that the POTUS telling his supporters and the rest of us to Not believe what they hear on the "fake" news - only believe what HE tells them amounts to what a Tyrant would say and BTW have said, see Mussolini, Stalin, etc

Let's move on....
Saw the Tedeschi Trucks band at SPAC a few weeks back during that super humid week ,,,, it was on July 3rd,,,, Marcus King Band  & Drive by Truckers were the opening acts ,,, DbT were really good,,  played an hour set that rocked the place,,, I'd see them again.... and Of Course - Tedeschi Trucks band was Awesome !!  As usual,,  they opened with "tell the Truth" a Derek and the Dominos cover, and highlighted the set with a Wings cover - of Let me Roll it, and  "The Letter"  along with their own - Bound for Glory, Midnight in Harlem, I pity the fool, and the Encore of Statesboro Blues. WOW ...

Saw Lynyrd Skynyrd at Bethel Woods on a beautiful evening a week ago, Saturday,,, the Marshall Tucker Band opened for them,, and although one of my favorite bands,,, they need to stop. Doug Gray who provided them with great vocals for years and is the last surviving member of the band cannot sing a note anymore , and although some of the songs sound the same - this is NOT the MTB... 38 Special was outstanding,, it took a while ot get the Audience into the set ,, but they played for over an hour , and literally played all of their recognizable songs. This is Donnie VanZant the brother or Ronnie (died in that Plane crash) and Johnny (current singer for Skynyrd since 1980') Donnie is still the lead singer and Guitar player for 38 Special - they played a cover of Feelin Stronger everyday, and then a their songs, What if I'd been the one, Fantasy Girl, Wild Eyed Southern Boys, Caught up in you, Hold on Loosely,,,

Skynyrd was terrific as always,,,,  played all their usual stuff along with a few we had not heard live in the previous 3 shows we have attended,,,  Travelin Man - with Vocals and video of Ronnie VanZant cut into he live feed  which  I thought was outstanding,  Whiskey Rock and Roller and they opened with Workin For MCA,  Played Tuesday's Gone, and Curtis Lowe, Simple Man, and Red White and Blue ,,,, you usually get one or the other of those songs not all...  any way great show at the best place to see a concert in New York !!  I'll post up Ronni singing it later in the Blog

Basibol - Yankee fans get ready for  one game wild card playoff game against either Seattle or Oakland..... Yankees are losing too many games to bad teams, Mets, Rays, Royals, they will never catch Boston in the AL East,,, the Bosox have a near 6 game lead. and I doubt the Yanks are going to lose the 5 game lead they have in the Wild Card Standings,... so I bet the yanks host the Wild card game against Seattle - so probably will be able to setup their Rotation to have Severino go against King Felix to see who will play in the Division series against Either Cleveland or Houston, while Boston get the other team - based on the Final records for those teams..  Today - would be Boston Cleveland , Yankees/Mariners .vs Houston..... We have a few more games,,, on Aug 1, 14, 27 and Sept something.....

Work is going well,,, we are doing Dock work  - woof its been hotter than hell out there,,, so trying to Limit that an hour or Two a day,,,,, did Wallpaper removal and paint job in a kitchen, Laundry room, hall way , stains and upstairs hall,,,  Removing Wall paper is hateful work !!  and I don't like painting,,,  so hopefully we get some wood work (Deck or Addition)  for the next project or  Vinyl siding ,, those I really enjoy,,

Travelin Man

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Resignations , PG-13 - and who knows what else

Painting - DAY #1 - 1/2 the ceiling complete in one room,,,,, I hope to get the walls and trim done in that same side of the room before we move the Furniture back.....  I find myself a bachelor for dinner tonight - wonder what Semi  Delicious meal I will have ?!?!??  Onto Painting Day #2.....

SO - I don't blame justice Kennedy  or maybe I DO ....   Knowing who this ASSHOLE of a POTUS would nominate for a Supreme court justice , knowing it would be someone with exactly the opposite views that he has ,,  - how could he resign ??  And now We have a nominee - who is exactly that - Pro-Life to the point he wrote a long article praising Justice Renquist (I think) who wrote the opposition view on the Roe .vs Wade ruling . A Ruling that now  is sure to be overturned . He will vote the other way on LGBT issues, on same sex marriage, etc etc,,,,  so last night - even if if you did not know it your life and this country just changes  forever - or at least for decades - certainly for the remainder of my lifetime....

There is new movie out - a sort documentary about Fred Rogers ,, MR ROGERS !  It's called Won't you be my neighbor - and its rated PG 13 - Parents Strongly cautioned ..  Wait What  ??  PG 13 - what part of Mr Rogers was PG 13 ??

I see a new Disney offering - Christopher Robin..... I am a bog Pooh fan - well actually Tigger...... but we will see about this one...

4 kids and the coach still in that cave, hope they all get out Safely - no further loss of life is needed.

There was a Lunch Lounge yesterday that was to be all LIVE music ..... and unbelievably - either NO one Requested or they did not PLAY any Rolling Stones, WHO , Grateful Dead, J Geils band, Queen, Zepplin, Pink Floyd,