Simple - I am finishing a wood project in the WOODSHED. I am needing a piece of wwod that is say 4 feet long and 1/2 think.... humm - what do I have here - so I don't need to go to HD to get one,,,
Ah HA - I see it in the over head of the shed - Uop where they run a horizontal support across the Roof Rafter to hold them in place - I and using that space for a lumber rack,,,
Ok,, Get the 2 step step stool, Lock it in place or so I think ,,,, go Up ,, step one step two,,, reach for the end of that board we spied out a minute ago and Whoosh ! The Stool collapses and flies across the floor. I am falling directly backwards heading toward the Floor of the Shed...
There is my newly acquired chop saw on its Stand about 8 - 10 inches to my right...... there is my double shelf Craftsman metal tool box about 6 inches to my left .. directly behind me 3 feet away is my wooden work bench - a variety of tools usually litter the floor - screw guns, Jig saws, hammer , crow bar, power sander, etc etc,,,,
I hit the edge of the chop saw stand with my right arm, and the graze the tool box with my left arm....
BOOM - I mean fuckin BOOM - I hit the floor - back first then ass then head - Did I say f'ing BOOM - yea well - BOOM,, I miss the Chop saw and stand- I missed the Metal tool box corners, I miss the Work Bench.... and there is noting on the floor under me except a few construction screws,,,, WOW
Hitting any one of those things on the way down, the Chop saw - the Metal box, the Work bench would have meant some kinda serious injury - certainly a concussion,,, probably worse especially if I hit the Tool box or the saw,,,, and yes - although i have my phone with me - Its up in the Bench and my my would not have come to check on me until it got near Dinner time - which was like 3 hours away - so woof was this one close.. All over Hurrying,,, and not ensuring that the Step stool wa sin the locked position... Won't make that mistake again !!
hummm,, what is a fitting theme for today's music.
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