Sunday, October 29, 2017

So ,, let's see where this goes

First,, I have been so busy ,, I have forgotten to ride my bike,,,,  and it doesn't look too good ...

Sunday - Monsoon season
Monday  -
Tuesday - Work
Wednesday - let me try to get out there about 9:30 - 10 am ish -   walkway should not be too busy,,,
and maybe I can meet up with you guys around Moriarty / Pages 9:30 - 10 am o'clock ish,,,, 
Thursday - work - and everyone working day to get the marina winter ready,,, 
Friday - see Thursday.... ugh...

We are working on several projects.... there is a house siding that needs to be started and completed by winter.....  good work - Outdoors. New Siding - but that needs to get painted - so it needs to be above 35 degrees  for many hours to do that....    A Deck project that I can't seem to get the switchback stairs drawn up correctly - but thats a Fishkill project - and we may need to form an LLC to get the right insurance to do that work.  We have a indoor painting project in the Back pocket for when it gets really cold.  I started the work on the framing for the "Crooked Playhouse"

Yea - so the framing looks like this and I can't find any plans - so this will be a bout of an adventure of angles and bracing...   Then there is a play room to finish the toy boxes for ,,, and a loft bed that needs to be built to look like that.... he already  has the car bed,,, just need the Texaco gas station part....
so  - as you can see - I have a few things on the plate....

I have yet to secure winter employment...  but I gotta believe that HD or the Local lumber store will be looking for Seasonal help and if not - there is always unemployment,,,,, as I might be too busy to get a job !!

No onto more serious items.....  
Lets talk about the Astros player - Yuli Gurriel  - who mimic'd Hu Darvish by pulling his eyes back to simulate Darvish as he is oriental - this after this Low life hit a homer off Darvish. Now MLB does not want to suspend him because it would hurt the whole Team (forget what it did to Darvish and any other oriental person or player) and I guess the Astros don't have the balls to suspend him either .  And the Astros manager called the Dodger manager to say how sorry he was that his player did that and Ok the player himself is remorseful - most these assholes are AFTER they do shit like this cause they don;t wanna get suspended, and Big Fucking deal that they suspended his 5 games at the start of next year ! who gives a shit bout that......  but the manager  don't have the balls to keep him put of the line up - as it might hurt the team.  SO - Lesson learned here KIDS -  you can taunt and make fun of  others ethnicity IF you are an important part of a line up or a team playing in an important series or Game. This to say nothing of the Despicable fans that gave him a standing ovation when he came to bat for the 1st time in last nights game - WTF is wrong with you people !!   I think Mr Darvish might be scheduled to pitch game 7 if it gets that far  - I will be very interested to see if he does not run a fast ball into Mr Gurriel's ribs just to say howdy !  

and If you did not read anything in my posting before the POTUS is complete and Utter ASSHOLE - LIAR - JerkWAD, Dick Head ...   I'm just saying,,,,  and I am glad to see that members or GOP - have come out and said as much. The way this comes apart is from the inside out,,, so hopefully we are starting to see that happening.   I will reiterate that I am concerned if the country will survive this Presidency.  That the fabric of the country will be so torn - we may not recognize it after this Incompetent asshole gets finished.  And I have to laugh that he is still fighting the fight against the Obama administration, and that he and he Shitheel supports can;t make an argument on their own that does not mention the Clinton's or the Obama's. Truth stands on its own and does not need to be propped up with mention of others.... 

I'll end with this one by John Hiatt..


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Hey - where the hell have you been !!

Ok,, so that is a good question,,,     Let's  get you caught up on vacation happenings,,,

We had an exceptional week in Las Vegas....    about two weeks after the shootings that left 59 Dean and 500  wounded... that city is a s vibrant as ever,,,, Casinos are open, shows are being performed  and thousand of visitors are arriving daily to enjoy America's play ground..

There are 59 White Crosses in a "Make Shift"  Memorial at the Welcome to Las Vegas sign on the Strip - the Sign - If you do not know is on Las Vegas Blvd - south of Mandalay Bay.
You can barely make out the crosses, as people have left items at each one, Flowers, , wreaths,  Personal items, Beer Cans, Bottles of Tequila, CowBoy Hats, etc etc  - some of these Items  have already been taken by the Clark County Museum.. the ones they thought were dangerous, likely to be stolen (although what low life would do that) or would blow away - they are keeping everything to display at a permanent - yet undetermined Place in the future. 

On a Happier note,,, we ate like - well.... we ate...........  In No particular order ... Carbone (Italian in Aria) Big B's Barbecue out in Henderson.    The TAP - Sports bar at MGM (maybe best Onion Rings I have ever had...  ,  Dillinger's in Boulder City,    are places making Burgers bigger these days, cause the ones at the TAP and Dillinger's are huge,,, and delicious.

This trip - as others - featured a few excursions to the Strip .....   we saw the Rolling Stones Exposition,, Hand written lyrics, guitars, clothing, etc,, great memorabilia from the world's greatest rock and roll band-- there was a small display of harmonics that were Mick's ,,,, and a note  of the Lesson he got from Howlin Wolf (aka Chester Arthur Burnett) on playing the harp... remember the Stones were greatly influenced by all those old Blues guys,,  anyway - Mick asked him about how to play the Harp  and Wolf told him,,, " there are parts where you blow into the fuckin thing,, part you suck on the Fucking thing  and that's how you play the fuckin harp - now get the fuck outta here" - Micks comment was "Lesson Over" !

We saw the Beatles "LOVE" - the Cirque Du Soleil  show at the Mirage, it was completely re done since last time ,, and I think better than the 1st time we saw it - anyway both were excellent.  

One of the Reasons we went when we did was to catch the Million Dollar Piano Show - Elton John at the Colosseum at Caesars Palace...  We got Rear orchestra tickets for Sunday night  and Elton did not disappoint,,, 2 hours of what was a nice mix of his music. at Over 70 - he can still sing and really can play the Piano.... the Highlight for me was Mona Lisa's and Mad Hatters from the Honky Château album from 1972.....  and  the  version of Bennie and the Jets.. he concluded the evening with Can you Feel the  Love tonight  from the Lion King soundtrack...   PLUS we were lucky enough that our son scored us some VIP Orchestra Seats (Gratis)  for the show again on Wednesday night...  Elton had his sons with him in the Audience and the were on stage for a song also,,,,   the Set list was very close to the 1st night .. The Bitch is back, Bennie and the Jets, Rocket man, Levon, Your Song, Mona Lisa and Mad Hattters, Better of Dead, Apache Sunset, Tiny Dance, Good Bye Yellow brick road, Tiny Dancer, Don't let the sun go down on me, Philadelphia Freedom, I'm Still Standing, Crocodile Rock, Saturday Nights all right for fighting, and Can you Feel the Love....   

This trip we decided to drive over the the South Rim of the Grand Canyon....  and I can tell you as someone that has seen Several of our National parks,  from White Mountains, to Acadia, to the Everglades that there is nothing that tI have ever seen that compares to the Grand Canyon,,,  let me explain this way,,,  I know you have seen photos of the Canyon,,,   those pictures in no way capture the experiance of seeing it in person,,, it is just too vast.  so - if you have never seen it in person, I can't explain it to you . and if you have seen it in person - you know exactly what I mean.  We took the Shuttle bus that runs along 20 or so miles of the South Rim of the Canyon,,, and were on and off at a dozen or more stops some offering nice views of the Colorado river far below , all breath Taking...   I'll spare you the tale of the ass hole tourists that climb over and around the rails and fences for a "better look" - I understand that 12 -15 of them fall over every year ,,,,,  and there are another 250 visitors  that need rescue every year... so the park service is busy with all that.....  anyway  - was well worth the trip to see it all... 

So - all and all an excellent trip - we got to spend time with our son and his "wife" - and the Doggies,,,,, they are terrific hosts,,, looking forward to the next trip out West - San diego and the Pacific Ocean will be the Excursion for that trip 

Pictures from the outside porch at Omnia,, and some of the PUPS..

Saturday, October 7, 2017

WTF is going on


Not really even sure how to start this off,,,,,

Waking up at ~midnight and I usually have the TV on CNN all night anyway with no sound,,,, I am 1/2 awake looking at  .....  I am not sure,,,  there are people running from something at a concert,, ?  a Bomb maybe,,,   I put up the sound and read the BREAKING NEWS headline of a mass Shooting on Las Vegas ........   holy shit ,, my Son and Daughter in law (hopefully soon) Live in Las vegas,,,   I pick up my phone to text my son - make sure all is allright....  and the thought of what if he does not answer crosses my mind,,,, I text him anyway,,,    HEY - YOU OK ??

I get back an immediate response that  - YES - he is ok,,, he is at the MGM club Hakkasan - they are in Lockdown mode - shelter in place -  due to the still active Shooter situation.  Club door locked and secured inside by the Club security - and outside by Vegas Metro Police.    He just returned from escorting the 2 EMTs that they have at the Club down to the Dean Martin Blvd side of MGM, that has a circle drive. They have set up a triage area there and in the lobby of the MGM.. the Circle drive is the key , so the dozens of Ambulances can enter one end and exit the other , no turning around,,,  He says ,, it looks like a war zone down there,,,  But he and his "wife" are ok,,, at least physically.

Ok - so now the Gun Control debate stirs up again,,,  - I hear ,, this is not the time to talk gun control - it's too soon after the Killings to do it...  and you hear the 2nd amendment folks pop their heads up about being afforded the right to bear arms by the Constitution - really ??  this guy had what 2 dozen Weapons total - all we are told  -- acquired legally ... and he had this Bump Stock accessory - that my son was telling us they found on the Rifles the killer used - The boys friend was one of the team that breached the hotel room, and send him pix of the Rifles and the guy dead on the floor.  So how many guns does one need  ??  2 or 3 dozen,,, and an accessory that turns a semi automatic into pretty much a Full out Automatic....   Did I miss something - was that in the 2nd amendment   ??  right to bear dozens and dozens of guns and a Bump stock ??  If it was then Jefferson is more of a Genius than I already think he was.....   and I love the analogy - IF I guy drive his car into a crown and killed people - would you ban cars ???   ummm No - but we would make sure he had the car registered,, and inspected every so often,, and the had a license to operate that vehicle safely that he had to renew every few years... 

What will come of this, ???  I can see a security check that has you "check" all luggage into the Hotel at the front desk and they will scan it - like the airports - and you pick  up pn the other side or it gets delivered to your room...  so that no one can carry in that many guns again,,, and If you have one - they can see that it is legal and you have a permit,,, if its a pistol - all good stuff I think...

OH - and can we stop using the Killers name every 15 seconds on TV ??   Identify him - Once - so we know who he (or she) is,,, then call them the Killer  ,,, or the Murder ,,, or the FUCKING ASSHOLE ,,, anything buy give them more notoriety that maybe they was looking for in the 1st place,,

Here is what we know for sure - that after Sandy Hook, Orlando , Blackburn VA at VA Tech, Killeen Texas, the list goes on.... and now LAs Vegas - this will not be the last,,, we will add names to the killed list  and the Death toll will continue to rise - Where and When is the only question ,, where is the next Maniac with a gun kill a group of innocent people.. What will be the reason ??  WTF could the Reason possibly be ??   Are the groups or individuals out there that learn for these things , so as to better plan the next assault,,, but hey - we have a 2nd amendment that gives them the right....

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. 

Most folks forget about the well regulated militia part and how that ties to the security of a free state......   You read it like you want - just be ready to honor the next set of Victims that are killed and get the next  "WHAT EVER TOWN"  Strong - that we are/

He laid out the rifles, he loaded the shotgun,
He stacked up the cartridges along the wall.
He knew he would need them for his conversation.
If it went as it he planned, then he might use them all.
He said Listen you people I've got a question
You won't pay attention but I'll ask anyhow.
I found a way that will get me an answer.
Been waiting to ask you 'till now.
Right now!

Sniper - Harry Chapin

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sunday Rant....

1st - I have been working so Much and Building a deck for a Customer that I have not been riding my bike,,,, ugh - Maybe next week,, stand By for a Monday Bike time !!

now onto Sunday's Rant...

A Bigot was elected president and we are suprisded when he sides with Neo- Nazi's and the KKK. Taunting the “fake news” and doubling down on his contention that anti-fascist demonstrators were as complicit as the fascists ,, and Saying they (the KKK and Nazi's  are some "Very Fine People" . Only getting to calling them disgusting after 4 days of silence and realizing that it was political suicide.

A Misogynist was elected president and we are surprised when he insults women. Pulling funding from Planned Parenthood, and calling a  breastfeeding women "disgusting," telling a newspaper  columnist she had the "face of a dog," and speculated that a TV news host had "blood coming out her wherever."  Calling others FAT PIGS and Dogs. 

A Liar and Bullshitter was Elected President and we are surprised when he disregards the the facts,,, back as far as the Crowd at his election, to how much  his presidency has accomplished, to lately having the votes to pass Health care reform (when the GOP did not) and calling out a senator that was hospitalized (he was home) on why that would not pass.  Check out    they have him at ~32% in the TRUE and Half True comments, and ~50% in the FALSE and Pants on fire Categories.  Criticized then President Obama for playing so much golf - and NOW  he has Played 2X that amount of the same time. 

A Hater was elected president  and we are surprised that he wants to force a Travel Ban on Muslim countries, calls Mexicans "drug Dealers" and "Rapists" ... and continues to insist the Mexico will "pay for the Wall" when the Mexican president said  'Of course' Mexico won't pay for wall..  He insulted blacks,,,  pointing to one at a Rally and saying..  "look at my African-American over there.",,  and  paints the Black community as jobless, uneducated and poor - Blaming democrats ....  takes on BLack Athletes over their Kneeling at the National Anthem to draw attention to an issues and calling one a Son of a Bitch.....

a Jerk was elected President  -  He insulted John McCain for being shot down during combat in Vietnam and made fun of him as a POW .  Insulted a  Disabled reporter at a conference. Was more concerned with the number of People at his "rally" than he was with the Victims of the Hurricane there. Insults the Mayor Puerto Rico this week,,,  when she asked for aid for PR - saying they  "want everything to be done for them" . He backed  one Candidate -  Luther Strange  - in the recent Georgia Special election.... When the other candidate won, - Roy Moore - he did update his Twitter account to congratulate Moore (he is still a republican after all) BUT then tRump Deleted the 3 Tweets where he supported Luther Strange ,,,,, Strange in deed. 

From Woodstock , Joan Baez