Friday, April 22, 2016

Just when you thougt it was safe to vote in a primary, or CAN anyone on F'ing Facebook FACT-Check before they post Un Truths

all right lets get right to it,

- Trump is horrible - I firmly believe that is he is elected President, it will mean a major shift in this country. I think he will alienate our allies, and piss off our Friends to the point no one will support us in anything. this stupid fucking wall that Mexico is gong to build is simply ludicrous, and the story in today CNN about a tunnel under the US / Mexico Border shows how GD stupid it is,,

1st off  - this country with all our problems and all our issues,,, is GREAT - we don't need Donald Trump to make it great - like he even could. and I am to the point that I can't understand how people even support this Jerk.  When the 2nd amendment gun swallowers  hear any thing about taking away or limiting their guns they are all - yea come take it, and Over my dead body ,,, its the Law that we can have guns,  some f ing how they forget that when the candidate for Prez says that women who get abortions should be punished,  ummm  what happened to Roe v, Wade,, did that get over turned ,, is that not the law???  good for the goose not good for the gander - I think they just have there head so far up their assess they cant see out anymore,,  and He tweets a photo of his opponent wife and says "he started it" !!  Ya presidential.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

How can i keep from,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, singing??

Nah,,, that ain't it,, I could never sing,,, Maybe I would have been better off if I could have ,,, maybe not.

IF only  ,,,,,,,,,,, Then ,,

What exactly can I do ? hummm,,,   that might take some thinking ,,  Not smart enough to get a degree in ANYTHING,, barely  got out of HighSchool . Not athletic enough to be a Jock,, played a little baseball,, but hey - not that good at that , although I could hit..  some...   Was runner for while,,, and Quite frankly ,, wish I wasn't  - if I knew that as a drove past or revisited places where I ran races , I owuld be tormented by my recent battle with weight gain,,  I'd give back every race, every marathon medal , to not have those thoughts. I don't have a "career",,,, I got a job managing cause it paid more,,, back in the day maybe I was a good manager,,,  but truth be told - Just so-so today.  I  do bit of DIY around the house,,,  and more often then not end up making a mistake there that costs me time and labor and Materials in some cases  - because of lack of forethought  and average talent.   Odd to be at this spot in life and not be really good at one thing.  As they say "Jack of Many trades - Master of none". Husband ,, Father,,, doubt if I am much more than a Journeyman at those things either,, but , as they say ,,, its a Cruel world out there and TODAY - we are going out there - again ,

The presidential race just more interesting with Sanders and Cruz winning Wisconsin,  Clinton and Trump focus on the NY primary in about 2 weeks. I still don't see how Bernie overtakes Hillary - as I think she will have enough delegates to get the NOD in the 1st ballot at the convention, and I think to opposite is true from the republicans,,, I don;t see how the Trump gets enough delegates to win on the 1st ballot, there-by throwing that convention open to the likes of who knows who,,,   and I am not the 1st tho think that if Trump does not get the nomination, he WILL run as an Independant.  and that might mean the end of the Republican party for this election,,, and who knows maybe splinters that Party forever.

Baseball season started ,, we have tickets to 12 games as part of a joint Season ticket group,,, we will see how that works out.  I tried to take more games at the beginning of the year, so that when the Yanks are out of it in the 2nd half - I won't feel bad about not going tot he games I paid for,,, Yamks lost the home opener, Betances gave up the winning runs in the 7th,, 8th ? and I had to hear John Sterling do one of his famous "if only ,,,, then " statements,,,,   if only Betances did not give up that 2 run single,, then it would be a tie game,,, yup - IF only ..... then,,,

So back to the 1st paragraph,,,, maybe thats my mantra -- "IF only ,,,,,,,,,,,,Then ..."

Friday, April 1, 2016

Where are they now ??

so the latest in the Political arena is that the TRUMP has made a statement that is really interesting from several angles.

1) that he would answer a hypothetical question - what if ,,  almost no one will get drawn into that trap

2) to make a statement so outlandish that you have to know is gonna create a shitstorm,  To punish a women for having an abortion,,, what has to be emotional enough -regardless of the circumstance,  but to suggest - what ?? Jail time ??  Seriously,,,, and the Dr, / health care person that performed the procedure ??  and in case you forgot your biology - there was another person involved in the pregnancy,,, like  oh yea the father ! No "punishment " for him ?? Just the women,

3) If the statement TRUMP made was ok,, why then did it need not one,, but 2 retractions with in  like 2 hours

and what is more interesting is the reaction from the pro - Trump people.  WHERE ARE THEY NOW ??

When he said we are gonna build a wall to Keep Mexicans OUT ,, and then he said BAN all  Syrians  - oh yea except for his rich friends , they are ok to come over,,, for get the law if you have money ,,, and the attack on Meagen Kelly,,  ALL that was defendable,, And he Tweets a picture of Ted Cruz's wife, and defends that  as "Hey - HE STARTED IT" (I loved Anderson Cooper telling him that was the reaction of a Five year old,, NOT a person running for President )   , but I don;t see any FB posts, or Tweets about this  ???  What the matter your boy not so defendable now,,,   You might need to look at your Girlfriend  / Wife / Daughter,,, and try to defend this asshole ,,, and can't do it,,..

And I can't wait till he gets on the same stage as Ms Clinton (Madam President ) she will tear him a new one,,, actually - I think he will do it to himself,,, I guarantee her stratigists  are planning on attacking him on something that will get his blood to boil ,, just to see what he says ,,, and when he calls her the B word or the C word ,,, that will end the Race for president.

But even before that - Maybe we get this "open" convention that they are discussing,, and we see some fireworks there,,,,

Topic #2 - LAST WEEK TONIGHT - and John Oliver

Rapidly becoming my favorite TV show, he is absolutely great,,,  Very funny. and VERY topical,, he takes on many of todays issues. He backs up his statements with FACTS, and Actually has something to contribute to the conversation , as they say,,,  When HBO 1st ran promos for the show,, I thought no way,,,  but now I am a huge fan,,, IF you dont watch you should,,,, check out the Stories on Televengilists, and his story on the TRUMP

AND what is great ,, is that YOU TUBE has them !!!

And if you think Televangelists