Lets turn to other matters,,, and remember Bas-e-bol is like a week away- so we will have plenty to write about then,,,, and the schedules put the Yanks and the Bosox right in the 1st weeks of the schedule,,,, nice..
Lets label this one "The un-Human condition" or Who the F do these people think they are??
So,, observe people,, look at the way they act and behave.
I am waiting at the Target' Checkout line,,, Target' - that's that new French store. any way there is a person in front of my buying some crayons,, and paper,, and markers,, scissors,,, a real craft fair.... OH and let me say that the NON express lines are packed ,,, 8 people deep - no lie,... so I am at one express line - with my TV WALL mount., behind the craft lady,,, the other express line has two people,,, with various items,,, not over the 12 max ,, but not one either... Here comes FANCY SCHMANY lady,,, she is looking around,,,walks up to the other Xpress line,,, kinds counts the items,,, looks at the sign,,, comes over and looks at what we have,, craft lady and I ,..... back to the other register,,,, Now seriously looking like in a big hurry,,, looks at the other person in the other line,,, looks at me,,, LIKE I am gonna tell her to go 1st... she starts with the Hurmph's ,,, more muttering to herself,,, Now exactly who is she ?? ,,, while I think most of us want to be treated fairly,,, we don't want to kick the other guy to get ahead,,, we just want things to be fair,,, If I am not next,, then let the person who is go next. (i have had verbal fights before over this) and If I am next ,, then let me go next... But some of us think they are too good for that,,, too good to wait in line,, they drive up to the font of the store thinking that there will be a spot for them to park. A table waiting for them in the diner, a doctor at their beckon call,... If they hurmph enough they will get their way,,, so she waited,,, behind me 1st,, then when I intentionally stalled the process by chatting the cashier over the Credit card or the Debit , and which should I use,... she moved to the other line,,, ...and as I left the store,, I bet you $1000 that it was her husband parked half in the lot half on the side walk - right in front of the store,,, BASTARD.... now I don't know where we get these people ,, ut we never seems to run out of 'em. If it's their Money ,,, their upbringing,,, their family,,, I don't know,,, but i hope that there is a special place in hell for these pricks that think they are better than the rest of us,
Have you seen my Grandson ??