Thursday, September 30, 2010

Too Easy .....................

I can't believe it,,,, September OVER ,,,,

Green Day rocks,,,,, American Idiot is simply terriffic .....

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I think that this is what we have been waiting for !

So,,, for those that DO NOT KNOW her,,, and maybe have never seen her,,,,, If you have been to the Stadium, you have heard her sing this every 7th inning stretch for many years now,.... It's Kate Smith !!

With ALL due respect to Kate - if you have been waiting for the FAY LADY to sing,,,,

Step ONE = NY in the Playoffs ! Boston Eliminated !

and from Independence Day ,.... they might not have heard her,,,but she is singing !

Monday, September 27, 2010

Vacation Video - Mostly Pelicans

More of a Loss than a WIN !

That's Ball FOUR and Game Over - OkiJima gave the walking rights to Miranda, and although I Can't really call that thing that I saw last night a Yankee WIN,,, more like a Boston loss.

A few things,,,
- Hughes did exactly what he was called on to do.

- A-rod can no longer be thought of as NEVER getting big hits,, 2009 playoffs, and last night as evidence.

- What are the ODDS of BOTH Mo & Papplebomb blowing saves in the SAME GAME - Same inning !

- Someone (Francona) tell Papplebomb to Shut the F up, IF you want to be GREAT you need to take responsibility for your Faults , not Whine like a girl ! "It was tough considering the fact that I was not only pitching against their lineup, I was also pitching against the ump," Papelbon said. - I did not notice did they change Umps for him ???

- What the hell was that just letting the Sox Steal all those bases without even throwing ! I know Posada is bad but come on can we at least TRY !

- Kudos to Martinez from the day before -for grabbing Cervelli from Falling into the Sox Dugout while trying to catch a Foul ball , those Catchers watch out for each other.

- Good work out of the pen by Robertson, Wood, Joba, and (Daniel) Boone Logan.

That's enough for Now ....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, who knew

More Vacation photos over on Flickr,,,, but I will post up a few here,,,, went to the Surf City Pier last night,,,,, and not because we saw on the news that a surfer died there on Sunday,,, he did not hit the pier,,, just went down and never came back up.... 20 years old,,, very sad....

Friday, September 17, 2010

Jeter a Cheater?

,,I think most the free world is thinking the same way I am, but for those of you out there... and yes, I am mainly talkin to Yankee / Jeter Haters.. Cheater ?

Ok,, here is what i want you to do,..a Simple observation,, watch a game tonight, Any Baseball game,. Watch the 1st 15 to 20 pitches by Both pitchers,,, and note how many times the Ball is outside or inside, and the Catcher Pulls the ball back to "deceive" the Umpire into thinkin that it was a strike. Oh no, I hope the children are not watching !!!@ Cheater?

Ever see the ball hit into the outfield,, the player races forward, and Traps he ball,, but the UMP calls the hitter out,,, and Oh MY GOD,, the fielder says nothing?? Nothing to set the call right? nothing to ensure that the world will continue to spin... Oh no, I hope the children are not watching !!!@ Cheater?

The throw gets to the base as the runner that is stealing,,, the 2nd baseman or Shortstop catches the ball, move his hand /glove and ball toward the runner,, and tags - THE DIRT - but the ump calls the Runner OUT ! and Oh MY GOD,, the fielder says nothing?? Nothing to set the call right? nothing to ensure that the sun will appear tomorrow... Oh no, I hope the children are not watching !!!@ Cheater?

Give me a F-ing break ! Remember a few years ago when Alex Rodriguez as - I think - kicking puppies and kittens as he ran the bases - oh no wait he tried to knock the ball out of the Arroyos hand as he ran toward 1st,,, and that was the end of Life as we know it ! How could he? That F-face Kurt Shiller -pompus A-hole that he is. Mockery of the game, no place for this in sports , JERK ! What was he spose to do stand there and drool like Shiller and let himself bne tagged out ?

Oh no, I hope the children are not watching !!!@ Cheater? Please - I think not.. and oh look .,,, The Weather channel is saying that the sun will rise tomorrow ! Who knew.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A late condolence

Harry Gould passed away on Sept 11th of Prostrate Cancer at age 86,,,,, now you are saying WHO ..Elliot Gould ? nope Harry Gould ,,you have seen him in many movies, TV shows... you just never knew his name...

HE was Rhoda's father on that Series,,, he was in Shows like Hazel, and Get Smart, and Gunsmoke,, and right up to present NIP / TUCK...

I will always remember him as "Kid Twist" or just "TWIST" in the STING.... a perfect part for this character actor,,,,

Monday, September 6, 2010


Ok,, so maybe its not politically correct (poking fun at a handicap) to think that this is one of my fav House moments,,,, it's from way back in Season 2,,, the Episode is called "SAFE" .

House and Wilson go back and forth pranking each other,,, House erases a phone message from a realestate person about an apartment for Wilson, he puts Wilson's hand in warm water when he is sleeping causing him to urinate (on House's couch) - and this scene ... Very funny (at least to me) Wilson's exacts some revenge,,,, It's House's reaction that makes the Scene,,,,,