Thursday, January 23, 2025

And we are just getting started

 4 years ago the MAGAT's were twisted up by Biden signing executive orders ..

“The first week in office, what has Joe Biden done? He’s signed an executive order ending the Keystone pipeline, destroying 11,000 jobs,” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas,

“The scale of Joe Biden’s executive orders and their impact on Americans is stark,” Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark.,

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., blasted Biden for issuing “more executive fiats than anyone in such a short period of time, ever. More than Obama, more than Trump, more than anyone. Second, these aren’t just normal executive fiats, this is literally going down the wish list of the far left and checking all of them off.”

Bobert said " Will someone please hide the pens from Joe at the White House?"

and ...After years of complaints that former President Barack Obama and Joe Biden used executive orders as an end run around Congress, Republicans are silent when Trump does the same thing. Why am I not surprised...

And Oh - it is great to see that the MAGAts that were Constitutional Lawyers, Criminal Law experts, Civil Law Savants, Infectious Disease masters, Tax and Tariff mavins, Environmental Authorities , Energy Wizards , Foreign affair scholars, ARE NOW the Guru's Of Ancient Roman culture in defense of Melonia's Nazi Salute...

Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde is a Rock star.. while attending a church service at Washington National Cathedral - Defendant Felon Trump heard this as she spoke directly to him during her Sermon

Here’s what she said:

“Let me make one final plea, Mr. President. Millions have put their trust in you, and as you told the nation yesterday, you have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and independent families — some who fear for their lives. The people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals — they may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes and are good neighbors. They are faithful members of our churches and mosques, synagogues, gurdwara, and temples. I ask you to have mercy, Mr. President, on those in our communities whose children fear their parents will be taken away, and that you help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here. Our God teaches us that we are to be merciful to the stranger, for we were all once strangers in this land. May God grant us the strength and courage to honor the dignity of every human being, to speak the truth to one another in love, and walk humbly with each other and our God, for the good of all people — the good of all people in this nation and the world. Amen.”

And oh BTW - she is now receiving Death threats from the MAGA nut balls .....

Monday, January 20, 2025

and on and on

 I have started to refrain from posting things that are ANTI Orange Jesus on the Book of FACES.... however ;  that does not mean I have surrendered ..    It does not mean I am not watching,,  and thinking about the future of our country -  that I continue to see the and hear the Bullshot that people think and share as fact that is actually fiction.... that the THEY in my comments is from the inconsistencies in their thinking  - I'll give an example -  

Hurricanes hit Florida and do millions , nay Billions of dollars of damage - and its Weather related ,  We hear thought and  prayers,,, we see the POTUS offer and send all the aid asked for - as the same happened in the Carolina's -  Wildfires as unseen in our country in forever hot California - fires bolstered by 1/16 of and in of rain in 9 months .... driven by 90-100 Mile per hour winds that spread the fire farther and faster that and firefighting force has ever seen - and what do we get - the Reason for th Fires is what the Right calls a DEI hire..... and that the Governor of the State is to blame   - YEA - that Newsome is to blame for that but Desnatis in Florida is not to blame for the Hurricanes ,.....  And many of y'all Cheer -that LA deserves it - that they are all just ----- Just Millionaires anyway - that dead people , pets and animals I guess deserved to die - 10,000 Buildings deserved to be totally annihilated,,,   No thoughts and Prayers??? no Empathy / Sympathy....   Do you fucking hear yourself ???  And to make sure that we and the Californians  affected get the message - D.C . Lawmakers , Senators come out and say there will be strings attached to Federal AID for California....... What the Actual FUCK >!?!?


Let's move on - We need to not get distracted -   Talk of Military action  against Greenland and Panama is a smoke screen ....  What happened to lowering the price if Eggs, and Groceries overall and Gas,   Ending the WAR in Ukraine Before he takes office,,,, and within 24 hours. !! What happened to that  ??  Not that I agreed with it at all - but pardoning ALL the January 6th insurrectionists ??  The Vance said - and I quote .. " “If you committed violence on that day, obviously you shouldn’t be pardoned.”  - HUH - when did we hear that before the Election ???  is this the Mexico will pay for the Wall Bullshit all over ?? 

 January 22 , 2024, in Philadelphia...  "Before I even arrive at the Oval Office, shortly after we win the presidency," Trump said. "I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled."   hummmmm.  and now ??  "I'm going to try," Trump said. and his people have said this in the last week....Donald Trump's Ukraine peace envoy Keith Kellogg says an end to the war in Ukraine could happen within 100 days of him taking office.  hummm. Before I take office - and now 100 days -   IS this the Health plan to overturn the affordable care act in TWO WEEKS, two weeks,,,  ??? that he still has not plan ...

Lowering grocery prices ,...  He lied to you again - The promise : “Prices will come down,“You just watch: They’ll come down, and they’ll come down fast, not only with insurance, with everything.We will end inflation and make America affordable again, and we’re going to get the prices down, we have to get them down,”  then the mango Mussolini  said at a rally in September. “It’s too much. Groceries, cars, everything. We’re going to get the prices down.”

And now - oh yea - Trump now says doing that will be a "very hard" task.  “I’d like to bring them down. It’s hard to bring things down once they’re up. You know, it’s very hard. But I think that they will,”  When the hell did you hear that on the campaign trail ??

and Mass Deportation -  Trump promised "On day one, I will launch the largest deportation program of criminals in the history of America." 

and now even Homan has saidDDThe American Immigration Council estimated that it could cost $88 billion annually to deport one million people a year. The removal of millions of construction, hospitality and agriculture workers could reduce the U.S. gross domestic product by $1.7 trillion. hummmm. - While I think that they will start deportation and then Crow about it - the overall plan will be a disaster for the nation - 

Cost $86 Billion, Says Tom Homan |eportation to Cost $86 Billion, Says Tom Homan |

Are you realizing now that you have been sold a bill of goods = that the guy who shits into  a Gold Plated Toilet - it's true - (when its not into his Depends) that guy that you think is like you .... the Grifter in Chief - the guy who has nominated billionaire after Billionaire -  for key cabinet positions ,,, his cronies , regardless of qualification and experience to other Government positions is about to fuck over this country like never before....  Mark this down -

And let's compare in 6 months and 1 year..... IMHO - we are going to see the DEBT increase , little or no movement in the Interest rate for mortgages,  extension of TAX breaks for Billionaire/ Multimillionaires and maybe even new ones, Increased taxes on the middle class , the Drill Baby Drill will do nothing - we are already producing more energy than at any time in history.  We will see the Rise of Violence against people of color, and the increased restrictions on Voting rights, and Women's health issues,,,  The corrupt / bought and paid for Supreme court wil damage the 5th Amendment , the 14 th amendment, and


This is what YOU voted for....


First off  - Congratulations ! this is what YOU voted for..... 

Republican legislators in five Red states want to prosecute women for murder if they get abortions or use certain types of birth control. Jessica Valenti reports, at her excellent Abortion Every Day newsletter, that Republicans in South Carolina, Texas, Oklahoma, Indiana, and North Dakota are pushing legislation that would define abortion as murder and, in four of the five states, make women who get abortions eligible for the death penalty. Jessica has been warning us about this for some time and, while these particular bills are unlikely to pass in the next few months, by repeatedly proposing them these Republicans are “normalizing” the legislation and getting it closer to passage with each try. Men who want absolute control over women’s bodies have teamed up with Catholic and Evangelical rightwingers (who generally have the same goal) to bring this into law. My personal bet is that the Trump administration will try to enforce the Comstock Act before the states get this far, and that alone can pretty much end all abortion in the United States. 

Here  is what you need to know about the Comstock  ACT of 1873 - no that's not a typo - Eighteen Seventy Three !!  The penalty for violating the Act is  is  not ambiguous. Persons mailing information about abortion, or drugs or devices to produce an abortion:

"Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both, for the first such offense, and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both, for each such offense thereafter.”

It’s language with regard to abortion is not at all ambiguous:

“Every obscene, lewd, lascivious, indecent, filthy or vile article, matter, thing, device, or substance … designed, adapted, or intended for producing abortion, or for any indecent or immoral use; and

“Every article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine, or thing which is advertised or described in a manner calculated to lead another to use or apply it for producing abortion, or for any indecent or immoral purpose; and

“Every written or printed card, letter, circular, book, pamphlet, advertisement, or notice of any kind giving information, directly or indirectly, where, or how, or from whom, or by what means any of such mentioned matters, articles, or things may be obtained or made, or where or by whom any act or operation of any kind for the procuring or producing of abortion will be done or performed, or how or by what means abortion may be produced, whether sealed or unsealed; and

“Every paper, writing, advertisement, or representation that any article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine, or thing may, or can, be used or applied for producing abortion, or for any indecent or immoral purpose; and

“Every description calculated to induce or incite a person to so use or apply any such article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine, or thing—

“Is declared to be nonmailable matter and shall not be conveyed in the mails or delivered from any post office or by any letter carrier.” 

What's your plan?

 — What’s your survival plan for the next 4 years? For Monday, January 20th? How are we all going to make sense of and survive the next 4 years of of the Trump Fascist Oligarchy? Tracking social media and sites like Kos and DU I’m seeing a whole spectrum of responses to Trump becoming president again, ranging from “I’m energized to fight!” to “I’m checking out and going back to doing art and listening to music; call me again in 4 years.” While it’s vital to protect our mental health, this is also going to be a time of extraordinary polarization and crisis for our nation, perhaps the worst since the Civil War or the two world wars.  Pehaps donating money to activist groups (ACLUCREWIndivisiblePublic CitizenPFAW, etc.) and progressive politicians than ever before,  believing  they’re going to be pivotal to saving our republic from the looming fascist takeover that Trump and so many of his billionaire colleagues have all but promised.

- Dropping out of mainstream Media -  and fact checking what I  read and hear. 

- Not listening to or watching  One second of the Orange Jesus.

- Communicating and Posting FACTS about what is happening - Resisting the Fascist ideas that are about to overwhelm our nation.

Pointing out the LIE after LIE after LIE that the Felon will tell us  and his cult will then try to sell us as truth.

What's your plan ??

Sunday, January 19, 2025


 If you are a  TIKTOK user or not - this should bother you....

The Congress and the Supreme (in name only - they are more corrupt than Congress) Court voted to Ban Tiktok - claiming that this Private  company - Private company meaning not publicly traded - Because it Gathered data from its users.  This Internet service is owned by Chinese internet company  ByteDance.  

Ok - so why did a Congressman just came out and say that it was banned because it was a "Propaganda tool".   A tool that could not be controlled by a political party - and that users and content creators were free to express opinions and FACTS about our so called Political leaders.   

If you know you know  -  Companies like - Instagram , Facebook aka  Meta , Doordash, and AirBnB as examples ALL collect more data on their users than Tiktok does - so what the difference ???   

Dozens and Dozens of Congress members since  the  legislation banning  TIKTOK was introduced, and voted YEA on that bill......  have traded in META Stock -and many more have shares in that company.  META - a  company that stands to profit from the BAN of its competitor. !!!  How is this ok ??   - Voting on legislation that will have a positive effect on your personal finances.

Tiktok contributed more that $24 Billion - that's Billion - to the US Gross Domestic Product and more than 224,000 jobs in the US Economy....  

who will be FIRST ??

 Dictators require archenemies.

It may seem counter-intuitive, given that most people think of dictators as bad guys themselves, but the simple reality is that without proclaiming enemies — larger than life enemies — dictators have a hard time hanging onto power and accomplishing the things they want to do.

- Hitler had Jews. 

- Mussolini had the Italian Socialist Party. 

- For Duterte it was drug dealers. 

- Stalin vilified the “Kulaks” (wealthy peasants) as a threat to the Soviet Union. 

- Mao blamed the bourgeoisie. 

- Pol Pot said intellectuals were the enemy &  ordered everybody who could read killed. 

- Idi Amin blamed Indians and Asians for the problems of Uganda. 

- Robert Mugabe said white farmers were destroying Zimbabwe. 

- Slobodan MiloÅ¡ević pointed to the Kosovo Albanians. 

- Pinochet blamed the trade unions for Chile’s struggles.

Trump has flirted with condemning several different groups over the years, primarily using brown-skinned immigrants as his bogeymen, although the GOP has also vilified queer people, Black people, academics, journalists, teachers, and liberals to motivate the hatred of their base.

Superman would have just been a boring guy who stopped bank robberies if it weren’t for Lex Luthor. Batman would only be a rich guy with a fancy car and a weird outfit if it weren’t for the Joker. Without Moby Dick, Captain Ahab was merely another whaler. Sherlock Holmes would have been a weird but boring private eye were it not for Professor Moriarty, “the Napoleon of Crime.”

You get the idea. The hero can only be as good as the bad guy is bad. Every superhero requires a super-antihero. A larger-than-life bad guy to portray as  Genuine evil.

SO - stand by to see who is the first in line for the new FOTUS (Felon of the United States) .....

Thom Hartmann

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

I can't - I just Can't

What dark time is coming, what dark time is here
The prophet emerges in garments of fear
He calls to his people to come to the feast
They gather unto him to wait for release

Remember the warnings, forget what you're told
The heart of the temple is hollow and cold
The face of the prophet is tired and creased
He raises his cup and falls to his knees

- we have entered the abyss - we have been warned by those who know - those who have seen. - witnessed this before.  We have examples around the world  - we know  by the blatant open visits Viktor Orban has had with our soon to be Dictator.  Bought an paid for by teh Richest man in the world...   

- The play book is about to unfold,,,,   Project 2025 - that The Orange jesus proclaimed that he knew nothing about - is getting ready to be implemented full force.  Authors of that playbook have been nominated to Cabinet posts and positioning in the Government where they can do the most harm,,  Nominated because of their Expertise of the Agency  and / or subject matter - OH HELL NO = 

Nominated because they bent the Knee and kissed th Ring of the Mango Mussolini.

They stand ready to implement what ever policy President Musk and his errand boy Donnie - say to implement - 

We will see the Jan 6th insurrectionists - over 1500 of them - pardoned. People that assaulted the Police officers - that have pled Guilty to the Crimes they are charged with.  No bigger miscarriage of justice than these Pardons - what happened to the PArty of Law and Order ??

Get ready for the round up of immigrants - Detention camps - similar to what we did to Japanese folks after Pearl Harbor.  But you like that cause you hate these folks like Dumpo hates them.  Along with a slew of new immigration laws - and the open disregard for the Rights of these folks to process of law - now if they are criminal - let them be dealt with by the Courts - the ones that you think should left the Cheeto man go free....

The extension of and passage of new Tax law - for the Rich and Morbidly rich,  the ones that bought Dumpo - the ones that he said he would help and WE the People will pay for it all.

let's remember the Promises - 

Lower gas prices 

Lower Grocery prices 

Inflation goes to Zero

Closing of the Border and MASS Deportations

Oil Drilling - as if was are not already producing more oil than EVER..

Ending the WAR in Ukraine. 

Rolling back environmental regulations- specilly of you invest in The Orange Jesus's family trust to the tune of billiuons of dollars,,

Tariffs on incoming goods  - from Canada , Mexico, and China etal.....

I frankly do not see how we as the Republic survive 4 years of the Madness that is about to engulf us - the LIES that will be told , the Resting on knowledge of people that have NONE - as them being the Experts - The fawning over the Putin's / Orban's and Un's of the World as great leaders , The impact that this administration will have on our lives (not for the Better) - The FAFO stage that those who voted for him are about to see - that HE LIED to YOU -- He told you what you wanted to hear - he made up stuff to get your vote - and NOW - he does not need you anymore except for one thing - to BE SILENT - To continue to praise the Messiah, To buy into the $hit he is selling because you can't admit you F'd up and supported a Madman ....  

Friday, January 3, 2025

medicare UHC and CMC decision....

 Ok - here is why this is crazy....