Monday, June 27, 2022

Third world country

 We as the United States of America have fallen to 3rd world status.

The SOTUS - lead by liars and political  shills -  handed down a Ruling repealing Roe .v Wade  - Now this ruling turns back the clock about 100 years,, ok 50 years - it assured a women's right to reproductive services  including abortion- essentially her right to choose. Many states followed suit - these states had legislation ready to go - awaiting the SOCUS ruling. These states not only banned abortion, but banned it in what are horrific circumstances- namely rape and incest.  YOU MUST BE FUCKING KIDDING ME !

Will this stop abortions ?  NO - of course not.  Just listen to these same assholes telling us banning guns won't stop gun violence.  Why the hell would banning abortions stop them ?? It's won't - what it does stop is SAFE abortions, and Health care for women....  It will mean death to many women who chose a "back room " abortion- and die from the procedure. It will mean doctors can't treat women for a variety of issues, that will result in them dying, or at least their health being compromised.. What about birth control  ?? and the DayAfter Pill = will that be banned also...  Several Justices have hinted that Same Sex Marriage , LGBTQ Rights are all on the table that may be removed. And this will only be the beginning of rights that will be removed..... OH and you can bet that Justice Thomas won't be in favor or throwing out Virginia .vs Loving - That is the case that essentially  made interracial marriage legal.  

I have unfortunately heard some equating this Roe ruling to the Covid Vaccines - Not the same thing folks - It WAS your Choice to not get Vaccinated - you just did not like the  consequences of that Decision. This removes the Choice for a women.   and hold the phone ..All you fuckers that are or were in favor of this ruling - are not in favor of National health care that would give pre and post natal care to women.. you are not in favor of paid leave for parents , Paid pre/post  school assistance, School lunch programs , Free education opportunities, or any other god damn thing that might help these children. You are so concerned about them before they are born ,,, but after - Fuck them - they are on their own!

and What about men ??? No responsibility in this ??... we have the technology today to know who the father is via DNA testing.  They need to have a stake in the game... Pay for the mothers health care up to and thru delivery, pay 1/2 of the costs of raising that child - IF they are not in a family situation where they already are. Pay for education for the child, food,  medical care, housing, etc etc, etc - even if they are not involved in the child's life. 

We are sliding into 3rd world status - essentially we are at the top of the list of industrial nations. Hopw the hell can we be behind, Turkey, Korea, etc, - I'll tell you why - I bet that most of that statistic is made of low income women, women of color...  that will be totally adversely  affected by this ruling. 

And let me get this straight,  there are between 600k and 900k abortions in this country every year... the cumulative data in the past 50 years is average of 1 million per year - or 50 million more people added to this country - a million a year, that we have no health care , child care, education plan, for ... 

There will be women traveling to other states for abortion services.  and if that is outlawed , think about these more simple things....  You go to another state to shoot off  Fireworks,  and come back to your state  and are arrested for doing that..   you drive 75 mph in a state that allows that and come back to get a speeding ticket in your state... you go to a state to smoke pot, and return to your state and are prosecuted for it ..... I could go on  but you see where I am headed...  and listen - who would be telling your home state why you traveled to that other state ??? YOU telling them ?? NO ??  So you agree that your state officials have to capacity to call your doctor  and ask that question - Why did  this person "miss patient" come to your office ??  really that's ok...??  Yea - that won't get abused !! We are screwed  !!

I lay this a bit at the feet of the People that SHOULD have voted for Hillary - those Democrats and liberals that did not like her.... that were maybe Bernie Sanders supporters that stayed home instead of voting for Hillary .... and let that Urine Soaked LIAR, Fascist Insurrectionist, win that election,,,and them mold the courts to his tyranical vision....  one election mattered - and we were too short sighted to see it. may that never happen again.... the GOP have not won a popular vote presidential election in decades but are in power enough to do this to our country,..... WAKE the HELL up !

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

I have no words

 Are you serious  ???

The Texas GOP voted yesterday to ... Well - I'll paste it in for you, right from the 2022 Platform 

2020 Election: We believe that the 2020 election violated Article 1 and 2 of the US Constitution, that 1582 various secretaries of state illegally circumvented their state legislatures in conducting their elections in 1583 multiple ways, including by allowing ballots to be received after November 3, 2020.We believe that 1584 substantial election fraud in key metropolitan areas significantly affected the results in five key states in 1585 favor of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. 1586 We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph 1587 Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States. We strongly urge all 1588 Republicans to work to ensure election integrity and to show up to vote in November of 2022, bring your 1589 friends and family, volunteer for your local Republicans, and overwhelm any possible fraud.

And they voted against Women's right to choose, wanting to ban ALL abortions, 

They voted against any rights for the LGBTQ community. 

They are talking about Seceding from the Union... ( I might then be in favor of building that Wall at the Northern border of the state and keeping THEM from entering OUR country !!) 

Our country is going down the tubes and we are standin by watching it like its not happening...

 Let's move on - If you are watching or following the Jan 6th committee hearings, you are seeing - laid out in public view - the Planning and Execution of an attempted COUP in the United States. There could not be a clearer picture of what is went on , who was involved .....   You are not in  a right mind of you think that this DID NOT Happen - IT fucking happened....  Even though many of those involved - especially those that participated in the Insurrection - have been arrested, charges, Found or Plead Guilty to charges , including "Seditious insurrection"   ...

There is screaming that this is not a bi-Partisan committee - do they think we forgot that Mc Carthy STOPPED republicans from participating !!?? They think that YOU are that stupid.

Did they forget that Dumps people had the opportunity to testify and tell their story , but chose to defy the subpoenas and NOT testify.

Dump wants "Equal time"   and I would think the committee would jump at the opportunity to have him testify UNDER OATH - not in Tweets .... but he would never do that... not under oath. 

Now - get this for the FOX entertainment folks - they are not carrying ANY of the Public hearings,... None.. they actually put on one of their shows WITHOUT commercials - losing about $500k to $1 million in revenue = so that you would not change channels during the commercial breaks !!  

I wish I could live another 50 years to see how history remembers this - I hope it remembers who were the True Patriots and who (the GOP  that sat silently , Dump and his hence men ) were the Insurrectionists.