Monday, March 21, 2022

Many things,,, and bad language...

Do what you can you to  support the people of Ukraine in their fight to remain free...

I do not know who needs to  hear  this,,,,  


- If you think he does ,,,  tell me how  ....  The Pipeline that is still delivering Sand Oil from Canada to the Refineries in the Gulf of Mexico - that will then be delivered to foreign countries  - Ho does that raise the price of our gas ????  Maybe it has something to do with Mobil,  Hess, Etc Posting record profits??!??  hummm Maybe - 

 - You might need a 4th Covid shot !!  B.F.D. - I have gotten a yearly flu shot for the past 25 years,,, so the fact that I need another Covid shot is ZERO surprising  to me.  I expect that it will be a yearly thing going forward.  and Despite what that ASSHOLE  M.T.G. says that CDC has recommended multiple doses of some vaccines  and I'll bet that most of you reading this received 4 shots of some vaccines as a child !!! So shut the F up !!

- For those Congress reps - of BOTH parties -   that are calling for Biden to do more to help Ukraine - and then voting against a bill that do exactly that - SHUT THE FUCK UP !!

- Are they still driving the Truck Convoy around the Beltway in Washington  ??  Who actually Gives a Fuck ??  and this is to protest mandates that were reduced or eliminated BEFORE the convoy started !!

and yes - this a good use of diesel Fuel - drivin in Circles - doh  ... now look we need Truckers - more truckers now more than ever.. !! However,,, not to do this,,, 

- Can we visit this law ???  4 US code & 8 Respect for the Flag code - CODE

Can you pick out the one that is NOT a violation of this ??

And if you are flying a Confederate Battle flag,,, DO not even talk to me ! This is a banner that represents a group of people that wanted to disband the United states of America- they left the US and formed their own country - well,, they tried to do that... SO don't give me that AMERICA FIRST and ONLY shit - . and they fought for STATES RIGHTS--- and what was the "RIGHT" that they wanted to protect  ??  OH YEA - the right of one person to FUCKING OWN another person !!  SO do not wonder whyAfrican Americans, and their descendants are offended that flag,,,, Think about what if there was a symbol that represented an organization that enslaved YOUR Great Great grandparents - hummm  - I think I would be offended ..